Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chicagoans visit, teeth, food, sprouting and beach cleanup... whew!

So Dad and Jamies visit was fun.  It was actually Dad, Jamie and Zoe... that was a total surprise! :D  I don't think I've ever actually been that surprised before... it was GREAT! Logan really loved everyone, especially Jamie and Lelah really loved dad.  They both liked Zoe a lot, Logan was a nice boy during her visit this time.  That was a bit of a change since the last visit. ;)  They weren't here for long, but we did make it to Long Beach and that was a blast.  Jamie had never been to the Pacific Ocean before, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  Well, okay, so it could have been warmer, but it was really a pretty day. Not a cloud in the sky.  The ocean was kinda mucky, but it wasn't too bad. I had a really great time.  

Lelah got her second tooth sometime between the last post and now.  She's had it for at least two weeks.  It's so cute.  Just two little teeth half way grown out.  :)  So cute!  Lelah is eating really good.  So far, the only thing she didn't really love that I've given her is the noodles from last night.  She's eaten so much already... homemade taco mac she couldn't get enough of, green beans, applesauce, prunes, cheerios, rice, rice cereal, celery, cucumber, kidney beans, chili, bean soup, ham, hamburger, chicken, bread, yogurt, orange, lemon, oatmeal, oatmeal cookies, no bake cookies, and the list could go on for awhile.  She really loves to eat.  I'm trying to make sure I nurse her before she eats anything because I think she would totally fill herself up on solids if I let her.  But from what I'm reading, that's not really a good idea for the first year... their main nutrition source should still be breast milk.  

Logan has started a new attitude, and it's pretty aggravating.  He's started telling us, "I want to kick you in the face!" when he's mad at us... we know right where he's gotten that from.  It sucks because when Josh and I say that we're totally joking, but Logan really doesn't get that. :(  We really need to start watching what we say because he repeats like EVERYTHING!  I think this is him becoming a 4 year old.  :( That is so sad.  I can't believe he's going to be FOUR YEARS OLD in just three months.  Really it's only two... it's the end of March now.  Ugh.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  And he'll tell me just that.  "No mama, I a kid!"  LOL

So about a week ago I started on a new adventure.  Not sure how long this will last, but I'm really into making stuff.  First thing I started was sprouting wheat berries.  That is a ton of fun, and so interesting to watch them grow.  They grow SO FAST!  It's so cool!  Currently I'm sprouting my second batch of wheat berries and some "Zesty Sprout Mix"... the wheat berries are for bread and the sprout mix is for sandwiches.  Or maybe bagels and cream cheese because Laura told me that is really yummy.  I put the leftover wheat berries from my first batch in my pink planter by the sink, and it's so interesting to watch them grow.  I swear they grew 1/4 inch just in the 6 hours I slept last night. It's so crazy!  I really am enjoying this!!!  I also made a lot of different breads last week and this week.  I made (my favorite out of all of them) bread from the wheat berry sprouts, our own sandwich bread in moms breadmaker, and something called "Peasant Bread" that took me three days to make.  Oh, and this WONDERFUL "No knead bread" that is definitely a close second to the sprout bread.  The peasant bread started out with boiled potato water.  Weird, right?  It was yummy... very wheaty.  Mom toasted it when I was over at her house, and then put butter on it... that was really good!  Oh, and I made my own deoderant, that is working FANTASTICLY!  I'm so excited about the deoderant!  I think I'm going to make some laundry detergent and maybe even some hand soap.  It would be greener, and you know, part of our New Years Resolution was to be greener... it was "To become leaner and greener."  And hey, I'm not working on the leaner thing, but truthfully that's a pretty selfish thing... being greener is better for EVERYONE. :)  

Alright, so today we have quite a busy day.  We're going to Cannon Beach with some of Joshs partners to clean that up with SOLV like we do every year.  Stupid Starbucks isn't involved this year which really irks me, but whatever.  I just have to say... what the hell?? Their new mission statement talks about community service... but this is the first year that they aren't being involved?  They really are going to hell in a handbasket.  I think they only added the community thing to look good. I think they are so busy trying to make money for the stockholders that now they won't even do community events. :( It really bums me out.  I used to be so proud of the company that my husband works for.  Anyway, after the beach cleanup we're running home and I'm whipping some stuff together for dinner tonight with Jerry and Amy.  It should be fun. Logan really enjoys playing with Shelby and I'm really enjoying their company.  I've had a lot of fun both evenings we've spent with them.  So, I must be going now to get ready for our busy day. :)