Thursday, June 3, 2010

Almost an entire year gone.

Whoa. It's been only 19 days short of a year. A lot can go on in a year. I'm gonna try and get this up to date....

Josh lost his job July 3, 2009 due to being fired by a mean ugly ummm.... yeah. Due to the fact that the person that was his boss is an unhappy person.

Lelah turned 1 on July 9,2009. She had a pretty uneventful birthday and I feel like a piece of crap about that. The kids' combined birthday party was nice though, and Josh and I made all the pizzas by hand, and they were BEAUTIFUL! *If I do say so myself*

Zoe came to visit sometime between when Josh got fired and Lelahs birthday and we had a great time, as always, and were sad to see her leave.

Josh, Logan, Lelah and I got to spend the summer together, without having to worry about Josh having to be at his crappy job. :D Josh and I ran the morning breakfast at the Kelso Theater Pub for awhile, and that was fun. We hiked, backpacked, camped, it was GREAT!

Josh turned in a gazillion applications all over the place, and had a hundred interviews. (It felt like anyway) And finally, after like four interviews with the DM, he got a job at Labor Ready as the BM (hahahaha, funny, right?) at the Longview branch. But he didn't start for quite awhile due to our vacation to meet our niece/nephew.

We went to Delaware in September to be there for Jonis baby being born. And guess what, it waited!!! (It wanted Auntie Melissa to be able to be involved.) ;)

It's a BOY!!! Noah was born on September 5th after the longest stinking labor known to man. Seriously, I don't know how Joni lived through that. He ended up never coming so she had to have a c-section, and I got to nurse him for the first 36 hours due to them thinking Joni had an embolism. (Serious stuff, let me tell you!) What a lucky aunt I am, right??? I loved it. Noah didn't, I'm sure Joni didn't, but hey, I did. ;)

On our last day in Delaware we went to New York, that was awesome, but it would have been wayyyyy awesomer (lol) if I wouldn't have been so DANG exhausted. Ah well, someday we'll go back. :)

Logan started preschool at Winners on Ocean Beach Highway the Monday that we got back.

Josh started his job in October, left us for three weeks to train, and we missed him A TON! I took over for Josh at the pub and wow, that was a lot of work.

I stopped watching the boys. And they moved to Port Angeles. :( Really HUMONGOUS adjustment for poor Logan and Jameson. They went through BFF withdrawals, as did Jen and I.

Lelah didn't start walking until she was 15 months old. I know, right?

Joni and Noah came to visit at the end of October, beginning of November. We loved their visit and tried EVERYTHING in our power to keep her here. She even missed her flight out of town.... nothing to do with us though. I'm serious.

Joni and Noah moved home in December. Jason and Chris drove from Delaware to Washington in a really short amount of time.... ??? Can't remember what short amount of time = sorry.

I stopped working at the pub because I decided to go back to school to become a midwife. Yay!

Logan decides that he doesn't want to go to school anymore cause he's just "gonna work." As a police officer. :) Josh and I talk him into going to school to learn how to write tickets, and he says okay. :)

February I go to Seattle for my first class, "When Survivors Give Birth," taught by Penny Simkin. I know, exciting, right? Shes' amazing, just so you know! :D

Josh and Chris start the remodel on the bathroom with $$$ from our tax return.

I also take my birth doula training in February and on my first day of training ended up going to a naked spa with the instructors. Totally awesome, it changed my life. Seriously.

Going to school, being a mom and keeping the house clean proves difficult. The house is what loses. I scraped by with a C+ in English 101, got an awesome A- in Math 92 and a Pass in the typing class I took. (I apparently can type 102 words a minute) :D

Logan stops going to school in April. We can't really afford it, and it's about over anyhow, so yeah. Done with preschool.

At the end of April/beginning of May I take the prenatal doula training.

Bizo and Matt find out they are pregnant!

I take my Lamaze educator training. (I know, this totally doesn't make sense since I was a successful Bradley method student, but this is what they wanted as the pre-req for midwifery training.)

Spencer Daggett goes into a Diabetic coma on May 1st and never comes out of it. He dies at 17 years old on May 4th.

I register Logan at Wallace for him to start Kindergarten. :)

Josh and I celebrate our six year anniversary.

Bizo and Matt lose the baby. This deserves it's own blog as does a lot of these things, but since this is still so fresh, I'd like to say that this is devastating news to me. I literally cried for an entire day. My heart is aching for them, and I feel so helpless, as does the rest of the family. So so sad.

And today is June 3rd. Josh and I are leaving for our anniversary get-away tomorrow morning... the exact destination is a surprise. I know it's near Port Townsend and that it's a cabin with a private beachfront hottub. So exciting! :) My mom is taking both kids over the weekend, and it'll be so great! I'm turning 26.

Lelah is talking, walking and being the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. Her hair is curly, she leaves her pony tails in and is a joy! She loves dresses and shoes, her purple teddy bear and babies, baths and washing her hands. She loves to eat... and drink cinnamon dolce flavoring in her milk. She refuses to say Logan, instead when we prompt her, she just says her name with a lot of force. "LALA!" So funny! :D She's afraid of the trains, and gets hysterical if she's outside playing with Logan when one goes by. Kinda funny, really.

Logan is such a big boy now. :( It makes me sad how much he understands and that he's starting kindergarten in three short short months. :( We've decided he definitely can't watch Family Guy anymore, or anything else that he used to not understand, but definitely does now! He has his very own police uniform that he has worn NON STOP since the day he opened it... thank you Grandpa and Grandma Chicago. :) He's excited for school, and I have him wiping his own butt (most of the time), dressing himself and putting his own shoes on. (All things they said he should be doing by now.) He knows how to count basically to ten. He knows the alphabet song, but not his ABC's, if that makes sense. Jameson is still "my baby" and he misses him as much as he did when they first moved. :( He often asks when he's gonna come over. Made me cry for the first six months... seriously. On emotional days I still do. I didn't know it was possible to be so attached as an adult to a friend, but I miss Jen terribly.

Alright, I'm posting this. I shall try to update on a more regular basis. :D