Friday, February 10, 2012

Another year gone by

Well. I really am terrible at this. It's been a year since my last post. Life sure does change a lot in a year. Geez, my future has changed a lot just in the last week.... a year is SO LONG.

Josh is still with LaborReady and he's still going to school full time on top of his 50-60 hour work week. He's not loving it any more than he was last year, but I wouldn't say that he's hating it any more either. I guess that's a good thing. He recently got back from a three day trip to San Francisco for a thingy with work and it seemed to build his happiness a little bit. That's a good thing. :)

Lelah is doing great. She started at the Montessori school in October. (After our trip to Maui for Nathan and Josie's wedding) We love the school. I'm IN LOVE with it. It's the most amazing thing, and I just can't say enough about it. She goes from 9am until 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. It's kind of expensive and was a bit of a stress on our money situation but it's SO WORTH IT. I told Josh the other day that if I had say in where every pre-school age child we know went, I would choose this school for them. I can't think of a better way for them to start out their school career than this. Lelah's teacher is great, I love all of the teachers really, but Lelah's teacher especially is really nice. She's really strict but really nice and I'm so pleased with the school. Lelah is counting to 20, can sing her ABC's, multiple different songs- including Fifty Nifty United States & a song about the continents, most of her colors.... it's so amazing. She will go there until she goes into the 1st grade. The very first day she started she made a best friend. They are so sweet together, and I'm so pleased that she has such a kindred spirit in her life. (Wow, that sounded very Anne of Green Gables-ish, but I'm serious.) They really love eachother and it's so fun to watch little girl bestfriend-hood. It's ironic who the best friend is. Josh started working part time as a consultant/barista at Red Leaf in Kelso and it happens to be the owners daughter, Emily. The teacher even seemed to be amazed at how "attracted" they were to eachother from that very first day. It makes me happy and I hope that Lelah has found a lifelong friend. I recently realized that Desi holds such a special place in my heart because she knows SO much about my life- not because I told her but because she was there for it. Old friends are so special! Anyway. So Lelah loves everything pink, animal-related and frilly. Her favorite thing to wear to school is her "fancy boots" and her tutus. Seriously. She has these gigantic tutus that she wears every single week to school... if I had to guess how many yards of fabric was used to make them I would guess 10. She looks adorable though, let me tell you! One day before Christmas Logan and Lelah decided they were going to go "hunting" and Lelah went out in Logan's old Romeos "hunting" with her tutu on and her hair in braids. She's the cutest thing. She loves all things girly, but also playing with brother. :D

Logan is still going to school at CVG, but I think (I hope) this is the last year for that. I should be thanking my lucky stars that he has been placed in the best elementary school in the area, but I'm really not that pleased with it. I LOVE LOVE love his teacher but am still very disappointed in the school as a whole. Josh and I live such a different lifestyle and have such a different parenting style that I think we've gone so far from 'normal' that we just can't be happy with something that has such an intense "for the herd" mentality. It doesn't help that we're so thrilled with Lelah's school either. :( BUT just because we aren't happy with the school doesn't mean that's all I have to say about Mr. Logan. He's adorable as ever, pretty talkative and has a great imagination. I'm a little disappointed that we let him start watching TV because I would sure love to hear what his imagination would be like without all the comic book heroes and cartoons jading it. :( Live and learn, I guess. I've recently (this week actually) stopped letting him watch TV in the morning before school. It was a tough switch after most of this school year being filled with morning movies/cartoons/games.... but I think I'm going to stick with it because it makes the whole getting-ready process so much easier. He still really enjoys playing outside and today he even played out there in the torrential downpour. :) I know that probably makes me seem like a terrible parent in a lot of people's eyes, I truly think it's the right thing to let him do. He enjoys it, he's breathing fresh air and I can change him into dry clothes when he's done. :D The other day he came in from playing outside really excited yelling, "I found a bunch of eggs!!!" I went outside, to that area right outside the breezeway door that we don't use and there was a beautiful nest that the ducks (oh by the way, we have a duck- had two until last weekend when one of them was killed by something) had built and laid 23 eggs. TWENTY-THREE! I floated them all in cold water and none of them floated.... I guess that means I actually tested them. I also have been breaking them open into a bowl.... all of them are fine. I think because of our cold-ish weather, they kept fine. So neat! Logan was so excited and so proud of himself. :D I was pretty excited too, come to think of it. :)

So. Back in December we had a parent/teacher conference with Logan's teacher (Mrs. Hartley), the principle and Logan's reading teacher. I have to say now, before I go into the rest of this that I LOVE his teacher. And his reading teacher for that matter.... but his regular teacher is a complete angel and nothing anyone can say about her can change my mind. Not that anyone HAS said anything about her.... but I just needed to say that. I love her, and I wish that I could make her my friend somehow. She's a really nice and sincere person. I hope that we run across a lot of teachers like her in Logan's and Lelah's school life. She's amazing. The reading teacher was really sweet as well, but I haven't dealt with her nearly as much so I can't speak so highly of her. She's very sweet, very caring and very genuine. I hate the principle. I HATE her. I hope that I never have to talk to her again except to say that I don't like her. Ugh. Maybe 'hate' is too strong of a word. I don't like her-very much- but I suppose I don't literally hate her. :/ So.... Josh and I had decided after our first parent/teacher conference that we thought Logan should take 1st grade again. I know that makes us sound like terrible parents (wait, I see a trend here....) but Logan really seems to be doing better this year, but not to a 1st grader level. I feel like we placed him in school a year too early and I have this laundry list of examples of why I think that. Anyway. I expressed this to the angelic Mrs. Hartley and the first thing out of the devilish principles mouth was that "Retention is not something we talk about in December; it's something we talk about in May." (Well thank you for that *^%&# face, but we tried that last May and you poo-pooed it then too! Ugh!) It was an awesome way to start out the meeting, let me tell you! After she explained that 'retention' is the very worst idea that the public educational system had ever tried, we moved on to how they thought that Logan had an attention disorder.... disease..... problem? I don't remember how they worded it. Josh and I have been bracing ourselves for this conversation for years so we really weren't that surprised but it tasted bad after the *^%&# face attacked me about the best parenting idea I've ever come up with. So we have the ball rolling to have him 'diagnosed' for that. I have to mention how ironic it is that the evaluation that Josh and I and the teacher are supposed to fill out has a logo of a pharmaceutical company on the bottom of it. Gee, I wonder what this totally un-biased evaluation is going to find? (I wish I could insert an angry face here.) :( They seem to think that his problems are stemming from this disorder. DISORDER! That's what they called it. Well, glad I figured that out. Anyway, so they think that he isn't reaching his full potential because of this *disorder* and that having him evaluated (and surely diagnosed) that somehow will help him. Josh was quick to point out that we WILL NOT even consider using any kind of medication, but there are other ways to "help" so maybe this is a good step. I don't know. What I know is that I, the mother of Logan, do not want to have him diagnosed with anything. I don't want to admit that anything is wrong with my baby or that his life might be a tad more difficult than the average kids. :'( That being said.... I don't think that a public school is the right place for Logan. Whether he has a *disorder* or not- this whole herd mentality thing is starting to piss me off. Seriously... it sucks. :( Again.... seeing the way they do it at the Montessori school doesn't help my already strong beliefs. :( So.......

Did you wonder what made me start this blog back up? Well, this is it. I'm going to stop going to school. Seems like a random thing to say mid-story about Logan and his school, right? It's not. It's actually really connected. I'm quitting school to get a job. We are unsure what my job will be, but we've decided that it's necessary for me to get one to pay for the school we want Logan to go to next year. There is a private school in Kelso called Family House (or something like that) that Josh and I think would really fit the bill for Logan and his needs. They have a more child-centered approach and that is amazingly promising in my eyes. Again.... I feel like Lelah's school has changed my life and I can't tell you how much I regret/hate myself/wish I could rewind life for not taking Logan there for preschool. I can not even imagine how different his school life would be if we would have done that for him. Ugh. :'( All we can do now though is fix our mistake. So... this is the closest thing we have in town to the amazingness of the Montessori school and Josh has been telling me for years how much he loves the lady who owns it. Even before we were married he told me that he wanted our kids to go there someday..... so, I guess his wish came true. (Even if it was a wish he didn't put any thought into.) I sent off the email to express our interest in being on the waiting list, so we'll see what happens from there. We're both a little concerned with the school being "Christian-based" but Lelah's teacher put my mind at ease about it after we talked. As for the job thing.... I'm having a hard time figuring that out. I originally wanted to get a real job. Like one where I show up, work, leave, have a pay day. You know, that kind of thing? But after a few thing happening with the kids (that it was very convenient that I could come right to them) Josh and I are now thinking that we need to be a little more creative with how I make the money to pay for Logan's school. (Not to mention the things that my financial aid from school paid for that I won't be getting anymore. Oh, oh... I should mention that my car will finally be paid off come April, so that's one less $400 bill we have to worry about. :D) Josh thinks I should "sell something" again. I'm unsure about that. I'm thinking Pampered Chef might be fun... but I'm nervous that I won't do well with that. Josh also thinks that I should market myself as a doula better. I'm unsure about that also. My dream job would be one that I work from about 9:30ish until about 2:30ish Monday through Friday. Seriously... that would be perfect. I would need the summer off too. :/ Difficult and impossible is what that is. Ugh.

Oh, and about me stopping with school.... I'm happy with this decision. Really. It won't be forever. I know that for sure. But I really need a break. Maybe once we are all in the swing of things I can start back up come winter quarter next year. But for now I'm burnt out and I need a break. A good break.

Phew. that was a long update. And there is still so much more. Since I'm not going to be focusing so much of my time and energy on school, I'm going to attempt keeping this blog up. Afterall.... if I'm going to be a real life stay at home mom, I might as well do something to record my children's lives as kids. ;)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2011

Well we had a nice Christmas and New Years... now we are all (except for Lelah) back into our school routines. :( Josh has a really homework-heavy load this quarter, poor guy has been spending about three hours each day on homework. We have decided that his advisor must be a real jerk. Logan still isn't enjoying school, but his name has become easier to read... I keep hoping to see that lightbulb that his teacher was talking about, but aside from his name being more legible, I'm not really seeing anything. :( Yesterday I realized that I wanted to mention something on here... even though Logan cries about 50% of the time in the morning when he realizes that I'm dressing him so he can go to school, and even though some mornings he tells me that he hopes that he missed the bus so he won't have to go to school; every morning when the bus comes up the hill his face lights up. I think the bus driver probably thinks that school is his favorite part of the day, cause based on what he must look like to her, I don't know how she could think anything different. :) This smile makes me think that maybe this hate for school on Logans part is just an act. He smiles the same when he gets off the bus. It makes my morning a far better place, because I don't hate myself for putting him through such torture quite so much.

Lelah went potty on the potty chair twice in the last two days, I'm thinking she's getting ready to start the real deal... she even wore undies all evening yesterday. This is a huge thing because normally she tells us that she doesn't want them cause she will poop on Minnie. :D While we are progressing on the potty training front, we are regressing on the binky front. It's my fault; I had held on to some binky's so that when Noah came over I would have them. Lelah found one the other day and was actually sad when I took it from her. To make matters worse, I thought maybe naptime would be less traumatic if I offered her a binky. I was right, but now she's attached to the damn thing all over again. We won't let her have it except in bed, but boy am I kicking myself for holding onto those things! The softer part of my brain/heart is saying that maybe she really wasn't ready to get rid of them, and that this is the right thing though. Naptime had become a living hell with 10-40 minutes of crying, and it was terrible. I had given up on giving her a nap every day because it was so stressful for both of us, and that made the evenings HELL... and then at night even though she was totally exhausted, she would lay in her bed playing for at least 40 minutes before finally falling asleep. Since the binky thing started (two days ago) both naptime and bedtime have been so much easier to deal with. And while I know that makes me sound extremely lazy, I can't help but think that me being able to say that Lelah doesn't use a binky anymore isn't nearly as important as her not only getting the sleep she needs but remembering that "time for bed" doesn't mean "time for torture." So, obviously this is upsetting to me, but I don't know where I'm worried for Lelah and where I'm worried for myself and how spineless I am. Either way- Lelah has a binky at night and naptime again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm terrible at this

I was IMing with Zoe early this morning and telling her that she should blog. LOL... "You should blog, Zoe, because it's fun." Do I do it? Well, yes.... twice a year. ;)

So........ we are in the "new" house. Things are good. Hmmm, where to start?

Logan started school in September. Can't say that I love the school or the teacher, but I suppose it could be a lot worse, and I think that a lot of my problems with the teacher were mostly my fault. I think I wasn't communicating well? That's what Josh says at least. I feel a lot better lately, so hopefully the good feelings will keep on coming and by the end of the year I'll actually believe in the public school system (I think it's mostly that, not the teacher... afterall, she's trying to do her job). I'll keep you posted on that. :)

Josh started school in the fall with me. He took a full 15 credits and did well. It was a tad more than he was expecting, but he did good, and kept REALLY good grades. Jerk. It came so easy to him too. :(

We went to Kauai, Hawaii in October and had the TIME.OF.OUR.LIVES. :D Can't tell you how awesome it was, cause there aren't words to describe it. So awesome! Anyway, we were there for a week, and it was super great because we were able to fly mom home for the time we were gone (+ a week for me to visit with her) which helped us to really let go and have a great time. Having mom watch the kids gave us an amazing peace of mind. Thank you God for that! :)

We got home on Friday, October 22nd, and by the 24th we were in the hospital with Logan and he got admitted because his O2 levels were so low. Ugh. Boy we paid for that fun we had.... what a traumatic mess that was! Poor Logan- he still says mean things about the hospital when we drive by it. :(

Within two weeks of the hospital visit/stay, Josh had to replace the sewer main and boy was that crappy! Haha, funny, right?

We've been sick more than we've ever been sick in what feels like our entire lives since Logan started school. :( We've had the pukey flu twice, I think three or four colds each and I just got over what I'm POSITIVE was Influenza. The real deal, not the fakey stuff. Achey body and head for a week followed by another week of the coughs and weakness. Lovely is what that is!

Josh and I just finished fall quarter and we both did well. :) Grades come out tomorrow, but I think Josh got all A's, maybe a B??? I got At least one A- and either two B-'s or a B- and an A-. I don't know... teachers seem to neglect the grade book towards the end of the quarter. :( I'll know for sure tomorrow. :D

The kids and I are going to visit the Chicago family in February. I'm looking forward to that, and so are the kids. :D Lelah is "Happy!" and Logan wanted to know today, "When are we going to see that guy that lives far far away again?" :) I love them so much.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crazy two weeks

I have more news... something I don't think many people would have been able to guess.


Exciting, right? And confusing... at least I would think so if I were a friend or family member reading this. I love our house, and it has so many good memories and important moments wrapped up inside of it, but we're leaving it.

Two weeks ago mom told me that her and Tim were moving to Alaska because Time had gotten a job. Now, I kinda knew that this was coming because she thought it was a good idea to ask me to write him a resume. Ha ha. Yeah right. I told her that it would be a cold day in hell before I helped Tim get a job 3,000 miles away from where I live. Damn it anyway- Tim was able to get one without me. :( Anyway, I was pissed, and hurt and heartbroken. Still am, but some things have changed

Oh wait, you're probably thinking we're moving to Alaska with them? Ha Ha- no, not in a gazillion years! That's not going to be happening........ ever. Nope, we are moving to their house. aka Grandpa and Grandmas house. :D This makes me very happy and I can barely wait. :D :D :D This is perfect for us, and the whole situation played out so nicely!

Mom told me they were moving on Sunday
I told her we wanted to buy on contract on Monday
I told Kristina and Bob that we were selling our house on Tuesday
On Wednesday they told me they wanted to buy our house on contract

Can you believe how smooth that went? Everyone is nervous about the stupid "buying on contract" but whatever. I figure that no matter what, it's gonna be fine. I refuse to live a life of untrustworthiness. R-E-F-U-S-E This set up is good for everyone and it's gonna be fine.

This means that Logan will be going to CVG, not Wallace. :( This makes me sad because I was looking forward to Logan going to kindergarten where Josh and Joni did.... but that's okay. It also makes me sad cause I thought he would go to Robert Gray... but nope... they'd much rather us pass TWO elementary school to get to Logans. This does not make sense to me either.

The plan is that mom and Tim are driving up to Alaska with the trailer in a week from Friday. (August 13) Mom will be gone a total of 8 days, and then will fly back and Tim will stay in the trailer and start his new job. Mom will stay with us for about a month or so to tie up all the loose ends. This arrangement should be interesting since mom and I can't really handle more than a day of time together. We'll see how it goes. :)

Bye for now.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Almost an entire year gone.

Whoa. It's been only 19 days short of a year. A lot can go on in a year. I'm gonna try and get this up to date....

Josh lost his job July 3, 2009 due to being fired by a mean ugly ummm.... yeah. Due to the fact that the person that was his boss is an unhappy person.

Lelah turned 1 on July 9,2009. She had a pretty uneventful birthday and I feel like a piece of crap about that. The kids' combined birthday party was nice though, and Josh and I made all the pizzas by hand, and they were BEAUTIFUL! *If I do say so myself*

Zoe came to visit sometime between when Josh got fired and Lelahs birthday and we had a great time, as always, and were sad to see her leave.

Josh, Logan, Lelah and I got to spend the summer together, without having to worry about Josh having to be at his crappy job. :D Josh and I ran the morning breakfast at the Kelso Theater Pub for awhile, and that was fun. We hiked, backpacked, camped, it was GREAT!

Josh turned in a gazillion applications all over the place, and had a hundred interviews. (It felt like anyway) And finally, after like four interviews with the DM, he got a job at Labor Ready as the BM (hahahaha, funny, right?) at the Longview branch. But he didn't start for quite awhile due to our vacation to meet our niece/nephew.

We went to Delaware in September to be there for Jonis baby being born. And guess what, it waited!!! (It wanted Auntie Melissa to be able to be involved.) ;)

It's a BOY!!! Noah was born on September 5th after the longest stinking labor known to man. Seriously, I don't know how Joni lived through that. He ended up never coming so she had to have a c-section, and I got to nurse him for the first 36 hours due to them thinking Joni had an embolism. (Serious stuff, let me tell you!) What a lucky aunt I am, right??? I loved it. Noah didn't, I'm sure Joni didn't, but hey, I did. ;)

On our last day in Delaware we went to New York, that was awesome, but it would have been wayyyyy awesomer (lol) if I wouldn't have been so DANG exhausted. Ah well, someday we'll go back. :)

Logan started preschool at Winners on Ocean Beach Highway the Monday that we got back.

Josh started his job in October, left us for three weeks to train, and we missed him A TON! I took over for Josh at the pub and wow, that was a lot of work.

I stopped watching the boys. And they moved to Port Angeles. :( Really HUMONGOUS adjustment for poor Logan and Jameson. They went through BFF withdrawals, as did Jen and I.

Lelah didn't start walking until she was 15 months old. I know, right?

Joni and Noah came to visit at the end of October, beginning of November. We loved their visit and tried EVERYTHING in our power to keep her here. She even missed her flight out of town.... nothing to do with us though. I'm serious.

Joni and Noah moved home in December. Jason and Chris drove from Delaware to Washington in a really short amount of time.... ??? Can't remember what short amount of time = sorry.

I stopped working at the pub because I decided to go back to school to become a midwife. Yay!

Logan decides that he doesn't want to go to school anymore cause he's just "gonna work." As a police officer. :) Josh and I talk him into going to school to learn how to write tickets, and he says okay. :)

February I go to Seattle for my first class, "When Survivors Give Birth," taught by Penny Simkin. I know, exciting, right? Shes' amazing, just so you know! :D

Josh and Chris start the remodel on the bathroom with $$$ from our tax return.

I also take my birth doula training in February and on my first day of training ended up going to a naked spa with the instructors. Totally awesome, it changed my life. Seriously.

Going to school, being a mom and keeping the house clean proves difficult. The house is what loses. I scraped by with a C+ in English 101, got an awesome A- in Math 92 and a Pass in the typing class I took. (I apparently can type 102 words a minute) :D

Logan stops going to school in April. We can't really afford it, and it's about over anyhow, so yeah. Done with preschool.

At the end of April/beginning of May I take the prenatal doula training.

Bizo and Matt find out they are pregnant!

I take my Lamaze educator training. (I know, this totally doesn't make sense since I was a successful Bradley method student, but this is what they wanted as the pre-req for midwifery training.)

Spencer Daggett goes into a Diabetic coma on May 1st and never comes out of it. He dies at 17 years old on May 4th.

I register Logan at Wallace for him to start Kindergarten. :)

Josh and I celebrate our six year anniversary.

Bizo and Matt lose the baby. This deserves it's own blog as does a lot of these things, but since this is still so fresh, I'd like to say that this is devastating news to me. I literally cried for an entire day. My heart is aching for them, and I feel so helpless, as does the rest of the family. So so sad.

And today is June 3rd. Josh and I are leaving for our anniversary get-away tomorrow morning... the exact destination is a surprise. I know it's near Port Townsend and that it's a cabin with a private beachfront hottub. So exciting! :) My mom is taking both kids over the weekend, and it'll be so great! I'm turning 26.

Lelah is talking, walking and being the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. Her hair is curly, she leaves her pony tails in and is a joy! She loves dresses and shoes, her purple teddy bear and babies, baths and washing her hands. She loves to eat... and drink cinnamon dolce flavoring in her milk. She refuses to say Logan, instead when we prompt her, she just says her name with a lot of force. "LALA!" So funny! :D She's afraid of the trains, and gets hysterical if she's outside playing with Logan when one goes by. Kinda funny, really.

Logan is such a big boy now. :( It makes me sad how much he understands and that he's starting kindergarten in three short short months. :( We've decided he definitely can't watch Family Guy anymore, or anything else that he used to not understand, but definitely does now! He has his very own police uniform that he has worn NON STOP since the day he opened it... thank you Grandpa and Grandma Chicago. :) He's excited for school, and I have him wiping his own butt (most of the time), dressing himself and putting his own shoes on. (All things they said he should be doing by now.) He knows how to count basically to ten. He knows the alphabet song, but not his ABC's, if that makes sense. Jameson is still "my baby" and he misses him as much as he did when they first moved. :( He often asks when he's gonna come over. Made me cry for the first six months... seriously. On emotional days I still do. I didn't know it was possible to be so attached as an adult to a friend, but I miss Jen terribly.

Alright, I'm posting this. I shall try to update on a more regular basis. :D

Monday, June 22, 2009

Logan turned 4

So yesterday was Logans birthday... he is four years old now. Officially a big boy. I'm having a really tough time with it. We didn't do a whole lot, but I think Logan felt special anyway. His birthday began at Grandma Lauries house... Grandma Laurie, Grandpa Chris, Ray, Karen, Kristina and our family were there to sing him the Happy Birthday song. Grandma Laurie had a present for him to open, and that was fun. We came home, went to bed and then woke up and he was so excited that it was STILL his birthday! He was so cute! So I sang him happy birthday on our way down the stairs, and he joined me in the second line and sang the rest with me. We went to Joshs store, got him, Olivia and Jameson some coffee (and my an iced tea) and met Vanessa and Jen and their kids at Chuck E. Cheeses. The kids had a really good time there, and I was so thankful because it wasn't busy at all. I think I had the best time I've ever had at Chuck E. Cheese... which still isn't like a good time, but it's something. :D After Chuck E Cheese we ran over to Target for him to use his gift card that Grandma and Grandpa Chicago sent him. He got a Spiderman car with a Spiderman guy to go in it. Logan tried to tell me that Lelah wanted this baby that crawled and said "dadadadada" but when I put it in the cart next to her she threw herself at the opposite side of the seat and started to cry. So we ended up just getting her some new clothes. :) After Target we came home and Logan, Lelah and I took a nap. After our nap we kinda started the Fathers Day stuff. We took papa his dinner and Grandpa Chris his card and ate dinner with them. I've decided that from now on for every gift-giving holiday, Chris is receiving salsa from us. He's so freaking difficult to buy for, so I'm just going to start doing the one thing I know he likes.... salsa. He seemed happy by that. :) We stayed there until 10 o'clock. We came home, Logan opened his present from us (a fan for in his room) and we all went to bed. Today Laurie called me to let me know that she bought Logan and Lelah a Zoo Membership for their birthday party. I think this is wonderful and know that we will really love having it. :D

So I don't know if I mentioned it in the last post or not, but Josh and I are seriously considering buying the Kelso Theater Pub. It's something that Josh has always dreamed of owning at least a part of, and awhile back... probably a month or two, Mike Julian planted a seed that has been growing bigger and bigger every day. We finally called Mike after we talked a tiny bit with Tom and had it confirmed that yes, they might actually want to sell, and sometime at the end of the month we will be setting up a meeting for us all to talk numbers. There is some question as to whether or not the Pub really is making that great of money, so it'll be really nice for us to sit down and really see the numbers. Every day that passes I get more excited, and think of more that I want to do with it. My latest idea has me very excited... flowers. Totally not a money maker, but I wonder if it would make it a little more appealing to walk up to, or to drive by, or maybe even more interesting to look at and maybe could get us a few more customers. I should probably say before I go any farther that I have it in my head that it's pretty much a done deal. In my head it's not a question of 'if' we are going to buy it, it's a question of 'when'. Anyway, so I had asked Josh a long time back if there was a way to get up on the top of the roof. He said yes, and explained that it's out a window (I think in one of the bathrooms... must be the womens) by the marquee. Josh and I have always wanted a rooftop garden, I've always been fascinated by them. Anyway, so my thought is to have planters along the top of the roof with hanging type flowers... or vines or something. Something to add some color and prettyiness. I think (if I'm picturing things correctly) that we could have them not only by the marquee, but also on the very top rooftop. I'm not sure how to get on the very top, but I'm sure that we can figure something out. I'd also like to plant a real garden up there. This is totally a personal wish, nothing really to do with the business except that it would be housing it. Anyway, so back to the hanging flowers... I wish I could draw. I really think it would make the building so pretty... and just more welcoming. I'm not sure how expensive it would be, but I'd sure like to do it. Maybe it's something we couldn't do until next summer (I mean, we probably won't even have any kind of ownership until this fall) and maybe it's not something that could be there all year round, but I'd really like to do it. It's funny because now that I've pictured it, I think the building looks so dull without it. lol Jen said that she'd help me. :) I also think it would be really beautiful to have two rather large pots on either side of the entrance to the cafe.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Becoming Greener

So I've been wanting to compile a list of what we've done to move towards our New Years Resolution of being greener.  Yes, our resolution also included the word "leaner" in it, but since we haven't really made any progress towards that, there really isn't much to talk about there. :(  So, on with the greener (and much more successful) part of our New Years Resolution for 2009.

One of the first things we did was buy a water cooler.  While it's not as green as I'd like it to be, it's still a large step up from the water bottles we were using.  At the same time we bought the water cooler we bought our little recycle thingy... yes, it's a laundry sorter for most people... but it's our official recycle bin.  Hey, it looks pretty nice. I think I might do this in list form... it'll be more impressive I think.

*Water cooler instead of bottled water
*Recycle bin, we now only have our garbage emptied about once a month instead of 4 times
*Making our own laundry soap
*Using ok-for-the-environment dishwasher detergent
*Using ok-for-the-environment dish soap
*I wipe the kids' noses and my own nose with burp cloths instead of toilet paper or kleenex
*We have a compost pile
*We are vegetarian
*We use cloth grocery bags
*I re-use our containers from sour cream, cottage cheese, and feta at least once.
*I stopped using Ziplock bags
*I stopped using saran wrap 
*We've cut way down on using foil and parchment paper
*I save the bag from cereal boxes to use in place of wax paper
*Logan doesn't take as many baths as he used to (probably 3-5 a week instead of 7-14)
*Josh and I both have re-usable Starbucks cold cups that we use in place of Venti waters... this is pretty huge I think.  We would both get one every time we went there, and Josh would bring one home every single day.  We would reuse them, but we still probably went through at least 7 per week.
*I save most of my produce bags and use them to wrap our bread in

That's all I can think of for now.  If I think of others I might just come and add to this list.  :)