Monday, June 22, 2009

Logan turned 4

So yesterday was Logans birthday... he is four years old now. Officially a big boy. I'm having a really tough time with it. We didn't do a whole lot, but I think Logan felt special anyway. His birthday began at Grandma Lauries house... Grandma Laurie, Grandpa Chris, Ray, Karen, Kristina and our family were there to sing him the Happy Birthday song. Grandma Laurie had a present for him to open, and that was fun. We came home, went to bed and then woke up and he was so excited that it was STILL his birthday! He was so cute! So I sang him happy birthday on our way down the stairs, and he joined me in the second line and sang the rest with me. We went to Joshs store, got him, Olivia and Jameson some coffee (and my an iced tea) and met Vanessa and Jen and their kids at Chuck E. Cheeses. The kids had a really good time there, and I was so thankful because it wasn't busy at all. I think I had the best time I've ever had at Chuck E. Cheese... which still isn't like a good time, but it's something. :D After Chuck E Cheese we ran over to Target for him to use his gift card that Grandma and Grandpa Chicago sent him. He got a Spiderman car with a Spiderman guy to go in it. Logan tried to tell me that Lelah wanted this baby that crawled and said "dadadadada" but when I put it in the cart next to her she threw herself at the opposite side of the seat and started to cry. So we ended up just getting her some new clothes. :) After Target we came home and Logan, Lelah and I took a nap. After our nap we kinda started the Fathers Day stuff. We took papa his dinner and Grandpa Chris his card and ate dinner with them. I've decided that from now on for every gift-giving holiday, Chris is receiving salsa from us. He's so freaking difficult to buy for, so I'm just going to start doing the one thing I know he likes.... salsa. He seemed happy by that. :) We stayed there until 10 o'clock. We came home, Logan opened his present from us (a fan for in his room) and we all went to bed. Today Laurie called me to let me know that she bought Logan and Lelah a Zoo Membership for their birthday party. I think this is wonderful and know that we will really love having it. :D

So I don't know if I mentioned it in the last post or not, but Josh and I are seriously considering buying the Kelso Theater Pub. It's something that Josh has always dreamed of owning at least a part of, and awhile back... probably a month or two, Mike Julian planted a seed that has been growing bigger and bigger every day. We finally called Mike after we talked a tiny bit with Tom and had it confirmed that yes, they might actually want to sell, and sometime at the end of the month we will be setting up a meeting for us all to talk numbers. There is some question as to whether or not the Pub really is making that great of money, so it'll be really nice for us to sit down and really see the numbers. Every day that passes I get more excited, and think of more that I want to do with it. My latest idea has me very excited... flowers. Totally not a money maker, but I wonder if it would make it a little more appealing to walk up to, or to drive by, or maybe even more interesting to look at and maybe could get us a few more customers. I should probably say before I go any farther that I have it in my head that it's pretty much a done deal. In my head it's not a question of 'if' we are going to buy it, it's a question of 'when'. Anyway, so I had asked Josh a long time back if there was a way to get up on the top of the roof. He said yes, and explained that it's out a window (I think in one of the bathrooms... must be the womens) by the marquee. Josh and I have always wanted a rooftop garden, I've always been fascinated by them. Anyway, so my thought is to have planters along the top of the roof with hanging type flowers... or vines or something. Something to add some color and prettyiness. I think (if I'm picturing things correctly) that we could have them not only by the marquee, but also on the very top rooftop. I'm not sure how to get on the very top, but I'm sure that we can figure something out. I'd also like to plant a real garden up there. This is totally a personal wish, nothing really to do with the business except that it would be housing it. Anyway, so back to the hanging flowers... I wish I could draw. I really think it would make the building so pretty... and just more welcoming. I'm not sure how expensive it would be, but I'd sure like to do it. Maybe it's something we couldn't do until next summer (I mean, we probably won't even have any kind of ownership until this fall) and maybe it's not something that could be there all year round, but I'd really like to do it. It's funny because now that I've pictured it, I think the building looks so dull without it. lol Jen said that she'd help me. :) I also think it would be really beautiful to have two rather large pots on either side of the entrance to the cafe.

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