Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Memorial Day Weekend

So it's been a week since I last posted... there goes my "daily" journal hopes. :) Oh well.

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Laurie and Chris paid for us to drive up to Leisure Time and spend the night up there on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun. We played "Hate and Discontent" with Laurie and Ray on Saturday night, and that was a hoot. Laurie actually got irritated. :)
What Logie and Grandpa did while we were playing the game... I couldn't get a picture without waking him, but Chris really was sleeping too. :)

We took Logan in the family pool, and that was fun... he was pretty nervous the whole time, not like himself, but I think that all the kids jumping and splashing and yelling was the cause of it all. The adult pool and the kiddy pool were both closed, which really surprised me because it was such a big weekend, but whatever. It's not like we could have gone in the adult pool with Logan anyways. Logan loved swimming though... and now out of the blue he'll tell me, "I swim mama?" I don't know how one swimming pool could do it, but he now has it in his head he can swim anytime. We kind of just bummed around camp on Sunday... Jen, Jeremy and Jameson came up to visit, and that was nice. They didn't stay for long, but it wasn't a really great day to be there anyhow. The weather was kinda crappy, and it was too cold to even think of getting in the pool... because camp was SOOOOO far from the pool, we would have froze on the way back. :( Maybe next time. On Sunday Laurie talked to me about our plans for the 4th of July... I think we're all going to go up to Leisure Time for the weekend. I'm glad... there will be fireworks, and I'll get to camp again. Yay! I must say though, getting out of that bed the four or five times I did was kinda a pain, but really not too much worse than at home. (I was just so worried about waking everyone up when I would flush the toilet) Joni, Jason and Brandon will be here, so that will be a ton of fun... and Logan I know will love it even more because of Brandon. I have this feeling that Brandon will be his new favorite person. :) Anyway, we left Sunday evening before dinner and made it home by 8 o'clock. I think we pretty much went straight to bed.

Monday Josh had to go into work for a couple hours before we went on our hike. Logan and I got up at our normal time... around 7:30ish and got ready to go. We were supposed to meet Wes, Katie and Elijah at Starbucks at 9. Anyway, Josh didn't even leave work until Wes and Katie were there, so needless to say, we were late. :( We missed a turn on the way to Saddle Mountain, so I think we probably were on the road at least 30 minutes longer than we really needed to be, but that was okay, Josh and I had a nice time talking and Logan seemed to enjoy the scenery. :) The actual hike was really beautiful, but we couldn't really see more than about 15 feet in front of us due to all the fog.

This is us... in front of what we think is probably a beautiful view.

Saddle Mountain is known for the views... the ocean, the Astoriacolumn, Mount Rainier, etc... but we didn't see ANY of that. :) Josh I think would like to do it again on a clear day, but I'm not so sure I'm up for it. I guess the views would be beautiful, but it totally wore me out. We climbed 1630 feet in two miles. I was in so much pain by 2/3 of the way up that I tried to give up but Wes is way too nice and told me that if I quit than they all would. So, I felt very obligated to finish the stinking hike. I did end up finally just sitting down and saying that I had enough, that they could go the last 1/4 mile or so without me. That I really didn't mind sitting and I really did need the long break. It turned out that Katie and Wes didn't want to climb through all the little rock stuff so they turned around there and went back to their car and left. I was kinda sad when they weren't where they said they would meet us, but I think I enjoyed the hike down more because they weren't around. Me... 32 Weeks and 5 days Pregnant... about done with our hike.
I felt like such a wussy baby that I needed to take so many breaks, but on the way down I was having some pretty powerful Braxton-Hicks contractions. About 1/3 of the way down they started having a tinge of pain with them... nothing to really scare anyone, but it made me realize that I had maybe done enough. Once we got back to the car I was able to time them and they came steadily every 2 minutes for three hours. Some of them felt like real contractions... the ones that start in the back and work their way around to your abdomen... but again, there was not enough pain to really worry me at all. I informed Josh that I thought we should definitely do another hike when it's about time for me to go into labor because if anything could do it, that was it. :)

Logan walked almost the whole way... but he just couldn't handle the whole thing. He's about to fall asleep here. He kept telling Josh, "You good guy da!" I think he was so thankful to not have to walk anymore. :)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our anniversary and plans for this weekend

Our anniversary was nice. Josh ended up having to work because one of his partners was sick, but that was fine because it wasn't like we had plans for the middle of the day anyhow. We were planning on going to maybe dinner and a movie after Jameson was picked up, and we thought Laurie would watch Logie, but it turned out that she was going up to Leisure Time and staying the night, so that was kinda out of the question. Laurie wasn't feeling well, and they were going to have to set up the tent trailer in the dark. I'm sure that it all would have worked out okay, but since Logan has never spent the night with them, I thought there were a lot of reasons not to have her watch him. So, my mom watched him... that was nice. It was really hilarious, while Josh was talking to Laurie about whether or not she was going to take Logan for overnight, he told her, "Well, Cindy said that she could watch him." And Logan heard, and said, "Mo Cindy! Cindy Bad boy!!! Mo Cindy!" I asked Logan if he knew who Cindy was and he said, "Cindy bad boy!" I laughed and told him that Cindy was Unci and he said "Woooooow!" I guess he didn't know she had a real name. :) It was really quite funny. So Josh and I did go out to dinner... we went to Applebees and it was nice. I think we need to just stop eating out though because when the bill comes I never can understand how they can charge so freaking much for food that I could have made a lot better... and a lot cheaper. Oh well, it was nice not having to cook dinner. :) After Applebees we went to the movie theatre and watched "What Happens In Vegas"... it was really funny. I like both Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher though, so I don't think I would have hated it no matter what. Besides, it was nice to just sit and do nothing... and drink coke.

We don't have any huge plans for this weekend. I'm hoping to get some major house cleaning done tomorrow while Josh is at work. And also am hoping that I can talk Josh into driving up and spending the day with Chris and Laurie on Sunday. I like Leisure Time... and I think the hot tub sounds awfully inviting. :) I've heard the weather is supposed to be nice, so it would be fun. Logan would have fun no matter where we are if it means he gets to play outside... he is a true boy. Count him in if it's anything outdoors. Monday we are going on a hike with Joshs assistant and her family. I think we're going to go to Saddle Mountain which is near Astoria... I think. Well, I know you can actually see the mountain from Astoria, so I'm sure it's around there somewhere.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

First Ever Post :)

Okay, so I've seen that lots of families have these blogs to update their family and friends on what's going on in their lives. I thought now would be a wonderful time to start... two months before we add a new little one to our little family.

Today is Joshs and my 4 year wedding anniversary... it's totally crazy to me that it's only been 4 years. I was telling someone the other day that I can't believe how much our lives have changed in just 4 short years. I can't even imagine what it's going to look like in another 4. As for celebrating, we're not really doing a whole lot. I think Laurie is going to watch Logan for us so we can go out to a movie, and maybe dinner. We're still not sure about the dinner thing. In fact, Josh doesn't even know that I'm hoping for dinner. I'll have to discuss it with him I guess.

Alright, so that is it for today... one post down, a zillion more to go. :)