Friday, May 23, 2008

Our anniversary and plans for this weekend

Our anniversary was nice. Josh ended up having to work because one of his partners was sick, but that was fine because it wasn't like we had plans for the middle of the day anyhow. We were planning on going to maybe dinner and a movie after Jameson was picked up, and we thought Laurie would watch Logie, but it turned out that she was going up to Leisure Time and staying the night, so that was kinda out of the question. Laurie wasn't feeling well, and they were going to have to set up the tent trailer in the dark. I'm sure that it all would have worked out okay, but since Logan has never spent the night with them, I thought there were a lot of reasons not to have her watch him. So, my mom watched him... that was nice. It was really hilarious, while Josh was talking to Laurie about whether or not she was going to take Logan for overnight, he told her, "Well, Cindy said that she could watch him." And Logan heard, and said, "Mo Cindy! Cindy Bad boy!!! Mo Cindy!" I asked Logan if he knew who Cindy was and he said, "Cindy bad boy!" I laughed and told him that Cindy was Unci and he said "Woooooow!" I guess he didn't know she had a real name. :) It was really quite funny. So Josh and I did go out to dinner... we went to Applebees and it was nice. I think we need to just stop eating out though because when the bill comes I never can understand how they can charge so freaking much for food that I could have made a lot better... and a lot cheaper. Oh well, it was nice not having to cook dinner. :) After Applebees we went to the movie theatre and watched "What Happens In Vegas"... it was really funny. I like both Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher though, so I don't think I would have hated it no matter what. Besides, it was nice to just sit and do nothing... and drink coke.

We don't have any huge plans for this weekend. I'm hoping to get some major house cleaning done tomorrow while Josh is at work. And also am hoping that I can talk Josh into driving up and spending the day with Chris and Laurie on Sunday. I like Leisure Time... and I think the hot tub sounds awfully inviting. :) I've heard the weather is supposed to be nice, so it would be fun. Logan would have fun no matter where we are if it means he gets to play outside... he is a true boy. Count him in if it's anything outdoors. Monday we are going on a hike with Joshs assistant and her family. I think we're going to go to Saddle Mountain which is near Astoria... I think. Well, I know you can actually see the mountain from Astoria, so I'm sure it's around there somewhere.

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