Friday, August 1, 2008

Things going well...

Wednesday was a busy day for us. First thing I drove up to Chehalis because I thought Lelah and I had an appointment with Laura. Turns out I had an appointment the day before at 4 o'clock, but Laura saw us anyways. Whoops. :( I lost another 4 pounds and Lelah gained a pound and two ounces! Isn't that wonderful!?!? I was thrilled. Lelahs PKU turned out fine, I got my belly cast and the appointment was all around wonderful. Laura shared some really interesting stories of different births, and there isn't much more interesting things to talk about in my book. :)

Wednesday was also the first day that I had the boys again. Four kids... it wasn't bad. :) Max and Jameson have changed so much in the three weeks they've been gone... I totally wasn't expecting that. Max seems like a mammoth compared to Lelah, but according to Kayla he is low on the charts. I have a hard time believing that... but whatever. Anyway, he's eating his food better... he hardly spits it out at all. He does seem to need to be held a lot, but I think a lot of that is the age he's at right now. He wants to be involved with what the boys are doing, but can't really do anything... he can't sit up, he can't crawl, etc. So what I've been doing is when he gets tired of one thing, (the swing, johnny jump up, in my arms, on the floor, or in the play thingy like a walker) then I switch him to the next. It's going okay. The fact that Lelah still sleeps so much is extremely helpful, and Max still sleeps a pretty fair amount too. He takes about a two hour nap in the am and another one in the afternoon. It's nice. Hopefully this will last for awhile. :) Jameson has learned sooooo many new words! It's pretty crazy really. Both Wednesday and Thursday he surprised me with multiple words that I didn't know he could say. I can't believe how much growing up he did in just three weeks! I can't imagine what it will be like when Jen goes on maternity leave... he'll be a whole new boy. :(

Josh was home on Wednesday and Thursday, so it was a nice ease into the babysitting thing. Today is my first day alone. I'm glad that I don't have Max first thing in the morning like I did the last two days... that is what I least look forward to. Having to get up early for him after having to get up with Lelah at night. :( I'll get used to it.

Alright, I'm in a hurry, so that's all I'm going to say.

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