Sunday, July 27, 2008

Josh is going back to work... :(

Well, our three weeks as a family with no work responsibilities is coming to an end. :( Josh is going back to work tomorrow. I'm feeling a little depressed about it. I'm not nervous or anything, just sad that it's over now. It's like the day after Christmas... all the excitement is over and we're having to go back to our everyday life stuff. Oh well, it had to happen sooner or later, and I just keep reminding myself that it's not like he's never going to be home with us again. He DOES come home every night. :)

I start watching the boys again on Wednesday. I think I'm ready for it. Physically I feel fine... I don't really feel like I just gave birth to a 9 lb. baby two and a half weeks ago. There are only a few times a day that I can remember due to a body ache or something. Mentally I'm ready, as long as I keep reminding myself that I won't have them 24 hours a day. I'm still going to get time alone with Logan and Lelah. And I also keep reminding myself that I need to get back into the swing of things because I'm SOOOOO SICK OF A MESSY HOUSE! I'm anxious to have my routine back... get up, do laundry, clean kitchen, clean up dining/living room, etc. Without having any kind of obligations, I've been not doing any of that stuff regularly... and trust me, my house is proof. :( I think Logan has missed Jameson quite a bit, and I think it'll be good for him to have a buddy to play with again.

As I type this, Josh is outside planting our garden... I know, I know, it's way too late in the year for that. But really, I don't care. It's something that has been on Joshs mind and he's really really been wanting to do it, so if we get just one piece of food from it, I think it'll be worth it to Josh. :) We have pea seeds planted, he's going to plant corn and pumpkins. Then we have romaine lettuce starts, tomato starts, cucumber starts and a bell pepper start (that actually has a bell pepper already on it!). I have great faith that we'll get more than one piece of food from this... and not just because there is a pepper on the pepper plant. Every grocery shopping trip we make we buy romaine lettuce, cucumber and bell pepper, so I think that this is a good thing. :)

Alright, that's it for me. I plan to post some pictures on my MySpace now.

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