Monday, September 8, 2008

More than a month!

Wow, it's already been a month since I last wrote... geesh! We took a little vacation from the internet due to the lack of money. Sad but true. Someday, I'm sure that we won't actually have to let things be turned off just so we can afford our bills... until then, I'm sorry to say, internet is a luxury.

We're back on for now though, so I might as well do an entry. :) One of the biggest highlights since the last time I wrote is Zoe came to visit. It was so nice to see her, and I'm so thankful that I got to get to know my sister a little better. She's quite a kick in the pants, and Josh, Logan, Lelah and I had a ton of fun with her. Logan was his usual jerk-self... telling her constantly that she was a "bad guy" but I think that he actually enjoyed her. He just seems to think it's so great to remind people over and over again how much he doesn't like them... with a smile on his face. :) I'm hoping that he gets over this soon... I'm sure that it can hurt peoples feelings, and I don't know how to make them feel better. Maybe that he is that way with everyone??? On a VERY SAD note, Josh lost our camera while Zoe was here. :( I am so sad about it... I actually get kinda sick to my stomach every time I think of it. Ugh, I'm so sad. That is something that we won't be able to replace anytime soon, and that is just so depressing to me... especially considering how young Lelah is. So depressing!

Lelah started really smiling while Zoe was here. She had smiled here and there a couple times, but she REALLY is smiling now. She's very happy in the mornings, which is such a change from Mister Logan. She's pretty happy in the evening too, and really I can't say that she's ever really that sad. She's so content. Again, such a change from what Logan was when he was a baby... I think he was probably happy in the mornings too, come to think of it. I don't remember him being cranky like he is now. While Zoe was here we went to the kite festival at Long Beach and had SOOOOO much fun. I think all of us can agree that it would have been just as much fun without the kites though. :) We played and played and played on the beach... it was such a great time! We went to the end of the beach, by Beards Hollow, but the tide was up too far, so we parked, my mom watched Lelah and Josh, Logan, Brittney, Gregory, Zoe and I all got chased by the waves trying to get to the other side. It was such a fun time! We all ended up pretty soaking wet, but it was so fun!!! Also while she was here, we took her to Siouxon Creek, and I think she liked that. But I do think she liked the beach much more. :) Josh also took her to Mt. St. Helens, which is where he lost the camera. It was pretty much a wasted trip from what I hear. It was cloudy, so they didn't even get to see the mountain.

I still haven't sent out the announcements, and I'm really starting to get down about it. I've decided that instead of doing one like I did with Logan, I think I'll do one of those letters kinda like I do at Christmas time. I thought I would include a couple pictures of them. I should work on that maybe tomorrow.

Alright, I'm going for now. I'll try to keep up with this better than I have in the last month. It should be considerably easier since we now have the internet again. :) Bye for now!

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