Friday, September 19, 2008

Logan and Jameson

Okay, so I just listened to the most hilarious exchange. Logan and Jameson are so cute, sometimes I have a hard time not just busting up.

This morning I forgot to bring down Logans potty chair when I came downstairs, so when he had to go to the bathroom, he went upstairs. I hate carrying that thing down, especially when there is pee and poop in it, but it's my own fault, so whatever. So he goes poop, and I carry it down, empty it and go on my merry way. I go to the bathroom a little later and then I hear Logan telling Jameson that he is going poop, he'll be down in a minute. It was something like "I pooping upstairs baby!" And I was like, "No Logan, I brought your toilet down here..." and then I saw that no, the toilet wasn't in the bathroom where I left it. He had taken the damn thing back upstairs! So as I'm coming up the stairs I'm yelling at him that I don't like to have to carry it up and down the stairs, why the heck did he bring it back up the stairs right after I brought it down. By this time, I'm up the stairs, he's sitting on his toilet in the spot at the end of the hall where we always keep it in the middle of the night and he's pooping telling me, "It stinks down there!" :) This totally cracks me up. That makes perfect sense... if I needed to go poop and could move the toilet that I was going to go on to a place that didn't smell like someone elses poop, I would too. Totally makes sense. Anyway, so by this time, Jameson is now upstairs too. Logan is saying, "Come on poop!!!" and Jameson is saying, "Chocolate milk?" Apparently he misunderstood Logan. To this Logan responds, "No baby, I poop!" Then Jameson says, "Oh, pee?" "No baby, I POOP!" Then Jameson looks at me and says, "He poop." LOL

This whole thing just totally cracked me up because it was like listening to the drunks that Bill Cosby talks about. It's so hilarious!

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