Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little tooth...

Well, last weekend, on Sunday, February 22nd Lelah got her first tooth.  It was pretty amazing because we didn't even know that it was about to pop through... it totally surprised us. :D  A very nice thing to be surprised at.  Teething was really a pain just a week before, so the fact that it popped through without us even noticing really was amazing. :D

Friday, the 20th Josh and I had been together for 11 years.  Crazy... I think I said earlier that it feels like it's been so much longer, yet not even half of that time.  My mom watched the kids while Josh and I went to Costco, Camas (to pick up something for Logan) and to Clackamas to eat at Macaroni Grill.  It was fun but kinda anti climactic.  I missed Lelah a lot, but she seemed to have had a good time, so I think it's good for both of us to be away from eachother for an extended amount of time every now and then.  We picked up a Pluto, Mickey Mouse, Daisy Duck and Goofy in Camas that I found on Craigslist for Logie.  He was so excited when we brought them in!  See, "Santa" brought him a big Mickey Mouse for Christmas (because he really wanted one) and since then Logan has been asking us why he didn't bring him a Pluto to go with him.  (In his Christmas movies, Pluto is a big part of the Mickey parts, so I can understand why he was confused. )  Pluto licks us a lot, and Logan is having a fun time playing with all of them.  It's amazing how happy it makes me when he enjoys such simple things... it's no wonder that he's so spoiled, some of the reason I buy him stuff is for selfish reasons. ;)

Saturday we kinda just hung out at home and Josh and I just played the Wii.  We went to Galateas party at Vernies and then went straight up to Lauries house.  I made hot artichoke spinach dip and carbonaro... it was for Nathan, which is why I made the carbonaro.  It was fun.  Everyone got totally wasted, but that was even enjoyable. ;)  

Sunday we were supposed to go to Jovonnies 3rd birthday party but Sherres family was sick so we didn't go there.  It was re scheduled for this weekend.  Instead we went to the beach.  It was fun.  We took Max though, and shouldn't have had him come on the bike ride with us because we just about killed him. :(  We rode our bikes on the paved trail from Seaview all the way to that campground by Waikiki beach.  It was an amazing ride, very pretty... and very full of surprises.  Josh and I didn't even know that the trail went that way.  And then we ended up somewhere we totally weren't expecting.  It was really cool.  We think Logan might be ready to not be in the car anymore though.  :(  He was pretty bored through the whole thing, so I think we're going to look into getting him one of those attachements that you attach to an adult bike so it's sorta like a tandem.  I think he could handle that, and that would be way more interesting for him than the cart.  Lelah seemed to like the cart okay... she didn't like her helmet, but she did okay. :)

I didn't have the boys all week this week.  Which was nice but I didn't get a damn thing done all week, which was totally ridiculous.  You'd think I'd get more done when they aren't here, but the truth of the matter is I get way more done when they are here.  I'm supposed to have them Monday and Tuesday and then Mateo and Jovonnie on Wednesday, so I should get stuff done.  I've got to because Dad and Jamie are coming to visit.  They fly in late on Thursday night. :)  I'm pretty excited.  I always wonder what the heck we're going to do though because they aren't big on planning things, and Josh and I really like to be more prepared then that.  Oh well, we'll have fun even if we just sit at our house the entire weekend. :D  

Alright, it's taken me 12 hours to post this, so I'm off. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Clapping for Obama...

So last night I was on Katie Petits facebook and saw a youtube video that said something about Obama... I clicked on it and it was a music video.  So, Josh, Logan and I were all clapping and dancing around singing along with it.  Lelah was sitting on the floor getting excited, smiling away and rocking back and forth having such a good time, and all the sudden she started clapping with us!  It was the cutest dang thing!  I wish I could have gotten it on video or something... she was so stinking cute!

Lelah still is pretty sick.  Josh has been taking Zicam every four hours because he's pretty sure that he's getting sick too, and this afternoon when I was on the phone with Joni I started feeling like I was stuffed up, and then my throat started to hurt a little.  I think we're all getting sick. :(  I'm totally bummed... this will be the third month in a row that I've gotten sick.  That's ridiculous! I think a lot of it because I haven't been getting real good sleep, and my immune system just can't keep up.  It's terrible.

Tomorrow Josh and I have been "together" for 11 years.  Eleven years!  It's unbelievable.  It sounds like such a long time, but it sure hasn't felt that long.  Something funny- when I told my mom how long it's been, she said to me, "That's it, eleven years???"  Eleven years ago I was 13. Yeah that's it, that's a LONG TIME for a 24 year old!  I think we're going to go to Portland for dinner.  I'm going to give Josh a card for us to go to a Yoga 101 class at "Yoga Union".  It's a free class, but I figure while we're there we can pay for both of us to take the beginners hot yoga.  Joni was telling me about that today and that sounds like it might be fun.  I just wonder if they have showers there or something.  Anyway, I think Josh would totally dig that. :D

We've got a super busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow, we are going to Portland, and then Saturday we have Galateas party at Vernies at 5 o'clock and then Nathans thing has been moved to Lauries house at 6 o'clock because Grandma Largent died yesterday.  Poor Doreen, she sounded really sad today when I talked to her.  I always feel bad that I don't know what to say, but I just really don't feel like anything can make your heart hurt less when you lose someone.  Even if it was their time to go, it's still so hard.  Anyway, I'd like to get her some flowers... and write a little note in her card to explain why I hadn't called.  I just am a very personal private greiving person, so I guess I just assume that is what everyone needs, you know?  Poor Doreen, I can't even imagine how hard it is to lose a loved one that you've taken care of for so long.  

Then on Sunday at 1 o'clock we have Jovonnies 3rd birthday party to go to.  I told myself that I needed to get the house picked up and ready for the weekend and the fact that I'll totally be neglecting it, but I haven't done a damn thing.  Maybe I can talk Josh into helping me get some stuff done tomorrow... because I'm sure that if I'm getting sick, I'm not going to want to play catch up next week when I'm feeling even worse.  This is ridiculous... just when I'm getting over one thing, another thing starts, and I never seem to have the house in order so we don't live in a pig sty the whole time that I'm sick. :(  Sometimes it's tough to be the person in charge.

Alright, I'm so ready for bed.  My eyes feel like they are going to burn out of my skull, and Lelah is asleep, so all I have to do is go to bed.  How nice. :)  Since Josh is closing, I think I'll just tell Logan he can get in bed with me, then I won't even have to do any tucking in.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lelah has RSV

Well, I think it's a good thing that when you are a mother of two you have first had the experience of being a mother of one.  Sounds weird, yes, but wow, it's sometimes a lot harder.  Lelah is sick yet again, and I just can't believe that she's been so sick two times already.  I don't remember Logan being sick until he was over a year old. :(  I was kinda feeling bad about it, but then I started thinking and it really does make sense.  I mean, not only because Logan is here, but because we go out a lot more with Lelah than we ever did with Logan.  I thought that we went out a lot with him, but we mostly just went to peoples houses, you know?  We went to Grandmas and moms, and yeah, we went to the store and out to eat, but I think we do more now.  Anyway, so Lelah has RSV.  When Dr. Ayoub told me I had a moment of panic because of the scary ads I've seen in magazines and at her office.  I think Lelah must have a mild case of it.  I was reading some stuff about RSV today and it could be so much worse.  Thank goodness.  

Two weeks ago I wrote a message to Amy Skeie from high school asking if we could bury the hatchet.  I mean I didn't really say that, but that's pretty much what I meant.  I couldn't even remember why I didn't like her in high school, and I thought it was so silly because we really do have a lot in common.  She is a mom of two kids, and is married, has a house and all the responsibilities that come with all of that.  So, last Friday (2/13) we had dinner with her and her husband, Jerry and their two girls, Shelby and Lexi.  It was really fun and I enjoyed myself a lot!  I made calzones and we had brownie sundaes for desert. It was really fun!  We played games and the kids played well together. Logan really loved Shelby.  He wanted me to keep telling everyone what her name was and how she came over to our house.  It was pretty cute!

On Valentines Day Josh and I and the kids went to Portland and spent a ton of money. It was fun. We bought a laptop (which I'm using right now, and it's sooooo nice!), a wireless router for our modem, a Wii and a Wii Fit.  I must say that I like to spend money, I just wish we had more to spend. LOL Of course, the reason we never have any to spend is because we spend it so fast. LOL  Oh! And the most exciting thing!!! We bought our tickets to Delaware on Valentines Day too!  Woo Hoo!!!  We're going from September 2nd until the 9th.  That will be from 41 1/2 weeks until 42 1/2 weeks.  So, hopefully she'll have the baby either before we get there (which would be really great for her) or while we're there (which would be so awesome!!!).  No matter what, I really want to meet this baby. I'm so excited for her that she's having a baby and that we're going to be mommy's together.  

Alright, we're off to spend more money.  (We got our tax return on Friday- $3368) One of Joshs employees gave Logan a V tec game so we are going to go buy the cord that he needs so he can play it.  And then we have to buy some dog food and some toilet paper.