Monday, February 16, 2009

Lelah has RSV

Well, I think it's a good thing that when you are a mother of two you have first had the experience of being a mother of one.  Sounds weird, yes, but wow, it's sometimes a lot harder.  Lelah is sick yet again, and I just can't believe that she's been so sick two times already.  I don't remember Logan being sick until he was over a year old. :(  I was kinda feeling bad about it, but then I started thinking and it really does make sense.  I mean, not only because Logan is here, but because we go out a lot more with Lelah than we ever did with Logan.  I thought that we went out a lot with him, but we mostly just went to peoples houses, you know?  We went to Grandmas and moms, and yeah, we went to the store and out to eat, but I think we do more now.  Anyway, so Lelah has RSV.  When Dr. Ayoub told me I had a moment of panic because of the scary ads I've seen in magazines and at her office.  I think Lelah must have a mild case of it.  I was reading some stuff about RSV today and it could be so much worse.  Thank goodness.  

Two weeks ago I wrote a message to Amy Skeie from high school asking if we could bury the hatchet.  I mean I didn't really say that, but that's pretty much what I meant.  I couldn't even remember why I didn't like her in high school, and I thought it was so silly because we really do have a lot in common.  She is a mom of two kids, and is married, has a house and all the responsibilities that come with all of that.  So, last Friday (2/13) we had dinner with her and her husband, Jerry and their two girls, Shelby and Lexi.  It was really fun and I enjoyed myself a lot!  I made calzones and we had brownie sundaes for desert. It was really fun!  We played games and the kids played well together. Logan really loved Shelby.  He wanted me to keep telling everyone what her name was and how she came over to our house.  It was pretty cute!

On Valentines Day Josh and I and the kids went to Portland and spent a ton of money. It was fun. We bought a laptop (which I'm using right now, and it's sooooo nice!), a wireless router for our modem, a Wii and a Wii Fit.  I must say that I like to spend money, I just wish we had more to spend. LOL Of course, the reason we never have any to spend is because we spend it so fast. LOL  Oh! And the most exciting thing!!! We bought our tickets to Delaware on Valentines Day too!  Woo Hoo!!!  We're going from September 2nd until the 9th.  That will be from 41 1/2 weeks until 42 1/2 weeks.  So, hopefully she'll have the baby either before we get there (which would be really great for her) or while we're there (which would be so awesome!!!).  No matter what, I really want to meet this baby. I'm so excited for her that she's having a baby and that we're going to be mommy's together.  

Alright, we're off to spend more money.  (We got our tax return on Friday- $3368) One of Joshs employees gave Logan a V tec game so we are going to go buy the cord that he needs so he can play it.  And then we have to buy some dog food and some toilet paper.  

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