Friday, April 10, 2009

Remembering Smiling Eyes

So I was changing Lelahs diaper the other day and thought of something really random that I wanted to document.  I'm afraid that it's one of those things that with time I'll forget, and it's something that I want her to know about herself as a baby.  She was smiling at me while I was changing her diaper and it made me think of what a happy baby she is, and always has been.  I remember well before she could smile she would look at me and I could tell that if she could smile, she would be... cause her eyes were smiling.  Sounds totally corny and stupid, but it's true.  And when I was changing her diaper, I thought of her smiling eyes when she was just days old and it made me happy.  

Josh and I are reading the Twilight series... we're totally obsessed over it.  We started Twilight like maybe three weeks ago, and we're now on Eclipse. I've read Midnight Sun also... I'm going to be glad when we're finished because this is getting ridiculous.  Seriously.  lol

Easter (and Zoes birthday) are on Sunday.  We're going to do an Easter Egg hunt at Jen and Jeremys house... I'm anxious to see if he likes that.  

Alright I'm going to go.  Logan just irritated me royally so I can't fogus at all.

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