So Logan started TBall at the beginning of the month. Today was his third game and I think he's doing better. I still think it would be best for him if the games/practices were only 30 minutes instead of an hour, but I suppose it's good for him to learn some focus. I think it might have been a mistake for him to not be in preschool this year because he seems to prefer being alone... I really hope this is something that he can get over by the time school starts. We're somehow going to have to figure out how we can afford to have him in preschool at least two days a week this coming school year... I really think it would benefit him a lot.
Lelah got her third tooth on the 23rd, and it looks HUGE! I wonder if they would look so big if I weren't so used to those two little bottom teeth. I'm hoping that the second top tooth will come in soon so she won't look like a snaggle toothed baby... which I specifically remember thinking when Logans first tooth came in, so I'm sure it will, but it's still a bit of a vain worry for me. ;) She started scooting at some point last week... I think probably Tuesday-ish. Like around the 13th or so. It's really quite adorable. Sometimes she'll lean forward and do it, but most of the time she's sitting perfectly upright, sometimes with her hands on her lap, sometimes with them up in the air above her head, and scoot all around. It's so cute! I think she must have been hearing me when I would say that I wasn't ready for her to crawl, so she's found a way around it.
This is weird, but I feel like sometimes the world is trying to let me have what I want in some weird way. I have a list of these things, and it's very interesting. It was like the world showed me with Logan that just because you want white, if you get black you can love it more than you ever imagined you would have loved white. I don't know if that even makes sense, but here is my example... I wanted a girl so bad with Logan... I got Logan, but I'm so thankful that I got him because I would be missing out on sooooo much. Having a boy is a real blessing, and I'm so thankful that I have him. He's better than that girl I had been hoping for. As is Lelah. I of course, also wanted a girl with Lelah. I got her, and then everything fell into line after that. I wanted a shorter labor, which depending on how you look at it, I got. (or didn't) While the pains that at some point turned into labor pains started 12 hours before I had her, I really only had an hour or so of intense labor pains. I didn't want to go late, and I didn't. She has brown eyes, more beautiful than I could have asked for, sleeps better than I knew a baby could (most nights), is a super nurser, loves to eat, favors me over anyone (which I know sounds super selfish, but I have to say, it's something I've always wanted). I'm sure the list could go on for a lot longer. But I feel like I might be spilling my guts and don't really know who all reads this, so I think I might stop at this. I guess what I'm getting at is that with my beautiful boy and beautiful girl, I have more than most to be thankful for. It makes me wonder what the heck kind of person I must have been in my last life to deserve this kind of luck. You know?
Alright, I feel like I should be done now. I've entered into a very sentimental part of my brain and probably would bore everybody on how I feel, so I'm off.
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