Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm terrible at this

I was IMing with Zoe early this morning and telling her that she should blog. LOL... "You should blog, Zoe, because it's fun." Do I do it? Well, yes.... twice a year. ;)

So........ we are in the "new" house. Things are good. Hmmm, where to start?

Logan started school in September. Can't say that I love the school or the teacher, but I suppose it could be a lot worse, and I think that a lot of my problems with the teacher were mostly my fault. I think I wasn't communicating well? That's what Josh says at least. I feel a lot better lately, so hopefully the good feelings will keep on coming and by the end of the year I'll actually believe in the public school system (I think it's mostly that, not the teacher... afterall, she's trying to do her job). I'll keep you posted on that. :)

Josh started school in the fall with me. He took a full 15 credits and did well. It was a tad more than he was expecting, but he did good, and kept REALLY good grades. Jerk. It came so easy to him too. :(

We went to Kauai, Hawaii in October and had the TIME.OF.OUR.LIVES. :D Can't tell you how awesome it was, cause there aren't words to describe it. So awesome! Anyway, we were there for a week, and it was super great because we were able to fly mom home for the time we were gone (+ a week for me to visit with her) which helped us to really let go and have a great time. Having mom watch the kids gave us an amazing peace of mind. Thank you God for that! :)

We got home on Friday, October 22nd, and by the 24th we were in the hospital with Logan and he got admitted because his O2 levels were so low. Ugh. Boy we paid for that fun we had.... what a traumatic mess that was! Poor Logan- he still says mean things about the hospital when we drive by it. :(

Within two weeks of the hospital visit/stay, Josh had to replace the sewer main and boy was that crappy! Haha, funny, right?

We've been sick more than we've ever been sick in what feels like our entire lives since Logan started school. :( We've had the pukey flu twice, I think three or four colds each and I just got over what I'm POSITIVE was Influenza. The real deal, not the fakey stuff. Achey body and head for a week followed by another week of the coughs and weakness. Lovely is what that is!

Josh and I just finished fall quarter and we both did well. :) Grades come out tomorrow, but I think Josh got all A's, maybe a B??? I got At least one A- and either two B-'s or a B- and an A-. I don't know... teachers seem to neglect the grade book towards the end of the quarter. :( I'll know for sure tomorrow. :D

The kids and I are going to visit the Chicago family in February. I'm looking forward to that, and so are the kids. :D Lelah is "Happy!" and Logan wanted to know today, "When are we going to see that guy that lives far far away again?" :) I love them so much.

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