Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2011

Well we had a nice Christmas and New Years... now we are all (except for Lelah) back into our school routines. :( Josh has a really homework-heavy load this quarter, poor guy has been spending about three hours each day on homework. We have decided that his advisor must be a real jerk. Logan still isn't enjoying school, but his name has become easier to read... I keep hoping to see that lightbulb that his teacher was talking about, but aside from his name being more legible, I'm not really seeing anything. :( Yesterday I realized that I wanted to mention something on here... even though Logan cries about 50% of the time in the morning when he realizes that I'm dressing him so he can go to school, and even though some mornings he tells me that he hopes that he missed the bus so he won't have to go to school; every morning when the bus comes up the hill his face lights up. I think the bus driver probably thinks that school is his favorite part of the day, cause based on what he must look like to her, I don't know how she could think anything different. :) This smile makes me think that maybe this hate for school on Logans part is just an act. He smiles the same when he gets off the bus. It makes my morning a far better place, because I don't hate myself for putting him through such torture quite so much.

Lelah went potty on the potty chair twice in the last two days, I'm thinking she's getting ready to start the real deal... she even wore undies all evening yesterday. This is a huge thing because normally she tells us that she doesn't want them cause she will poop on Minnie. :D While we are progressing on the potty training front, we are regressing on the binky front. It's my fault; I had held on to some binky's so that when Noah came over I would have them. Lelah found one the other day and was actually sad when I took it from her. To make matters worse, I thought maybe naptime would be less traumatic if I offered her a binky. I was right, but now she's attached to the damn thing all over again. We won't let her have it except in bed, but boy am I kicking myself for holding onto those things! The softer part of my brain/heart is saying that maybe she really wasn't ready to get rid of them, and that this is the right thing though. Naptime had become a living hell with 10-40 minutes of crying, and it was terrible. I had given up on giving her a nap every day because it was so stressful for both of us, and that made the evenings HELL... and then at night even though she was totally exhausted, she would lay in her bed playing for at least 40 minutes before finally falling asleep. Since the binky thing started (two days ago) both naptime and bedtime have been so much easier to deal with. And while I know that makes me sound extremely lazy, I can't help but think that me being able to say that Lelah doesn't use a binky anymore isn't nearly as important as her not only getting the sleep she needs but remembering that "time for bed" doesn't mean "time for torture." So, obviously this is upsetting to me, but I don't know where I'm worried for Lelah and where I'm worried for myself and how spineless I am. Either way- Lelah has a binky at night and naptime again.

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