Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We have a new president...

So, today is the day... Barrack Obama won! WooHoo!

But on to more important stuff, that Logan and Lelah can't find anywhere on the internet in 20 years. :) First off, Logan is being quite the little pest. He's going through this ultra hyper phase that is just about driving Josh and I mad. It's worst when he's happy and tired, but those aren't the only times that he's wearing us out. Anyway, some nights I lay in bed praying to God that my precious little boy isn't changing into a monster. :( He still is precious, it's just sometimes there is quite a bit of time between precious times. He's still completely in love with Lelah, and she shows the same amount of admiration towards him. Yesterday Josh got Lelah to laugh out loud by jumping towards her... a couple hours later, she was in her swing and we saw Logie doing the same thing. It was so cute cause he was trying sooooo hard to get her to laugh... when he finally got her to he was so proud. Logan is learning more and more words every day. He's talking in sentences most of the time now, and I think he's probably understandable to the majority of people probably at least 50% of the time. Not the whole sentence, but I think most people can get the gist of what he's trying to say. :) I'd say that Josh and I understand him more like 95-98% of the time. :) Two days ago he came up to me in the kitchen and said, "Mama, why is my dog sad?" I don't know what Max was doing that made Logan think that he was sad, but apparently he looked or acted sad. Logan was worried. :)

Baby Joel was born on October 15th, and since October 10th Logan and Jameson haven't gotten to see eachother every single day like they are used to. Jen says that Jameson is having a hard time, and I know that for the first bit Logan had a terrible time. He cried every morning for the first three days. He still (it's almost been a month now) will ask me in the mornings half of the time if his "baby" is coming today. Jen and Jeremy decided that Jameson should come still on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I'm able to tell Logie, "No, not today, but tomorrow" or something like that. It's holding him from being sad now. He's still not happy when baby Max comes... which I think is partly my fault. I get so aggravated with his crying, and I think that I take my aggravation out on Logan... so he's taken to saying, "He needs to go home now." whenever Max is here. :( I'm hoping he doesn't have the same reaction when baby Joel starts coming. I'm also hoping that I can somehow get him into some kind of preschool program when Jameson and Joel come back for 5 days per week. We'll see though. I'm worried that since they will be coming in the morning that there will be no way for Logie to get to any kind of preschool program, even if we have the money to pay for it... he still has to have some kind of transportation. I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out.

Josh just got back from New Orleans. He was there from October 25 to October 30th. I missed him so much it was ridiculous. Especially that since he's been home he's been a butt. :( Oh well, I figure it's a hard transition going from a manager, talking work talk every hour of the day for four days straight and then coming home and having to be a dad again. Anyway, butt or no butt, I'm glad he's home. I've decided I'm not meant to be a single parent... that is some tough stuff right there. Josh also found out (right before he left for New Orleans) that he won't be having an Assistant Manager anymore. He's happy and sad at the same time. Anyway, he didn't have Katie Petit anymore, because she was promoted to manager of the Triangle store, so it's not too big of a loss. He hadn't really gotten to know the new assistant before she was also transfered to her own store.

Lelah is doing wonderfully. She rolled over for the first time last Wednesday... on the table in front of Crystal and I. I think she probably would have done it sooner but I never really give her the chance, and if she has the chance she doesn't have any reason to do so. She's been giggling out loud for awhile, but in the last week she's really started laughing a lot. It's really adorable, and Logan gets her to do it more than anyone. They are already starting a bond... they love eachother so much already. It's really amazing. Today Logan was falling asleep on the couch and Lelah was up there with him and it was so cute because even though he wasn't moving all around, she still stared at him until she fell asleep too. It was sooooo cute! I never thought I would feel this way, but two kids is soooo much better than one! Watching number one with number two is absolutely amazing and watching number two with number one is just as great. I love love love having two children.

Alright, Lelah is finally asleep... I think I'm basically torturing her by feeding her my breastmilk right now. Something I ate (I think the new recipe for Zuppa Toscana I made the other night) is giving her terrible gas. Poor little thing... I've given her so much Mylicon today. :( Hopefully she'll sleep okay. Good night.

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