Thursday, December 18, 2008

The sickness is finally over

Well, that was just about terrible!  I said in the last post that Logan came down with croup during the first week of December.  Then Lelah got sick- really sick, and then I got sick... with a sinus infection.  I'd never had one of those before, and boy is it terrible!  I felt like the side of my face had been hit by a small truck or something.  Dr. Ayoub showed me how truly wonderful she really is... I called desperate to be seen on Saturday and it turned out they were closed but Dr. Ayoub just happened to be there.  She listened to my symptoms and prescribed me some Amoxicillan.  She's so wonderful!  Through the week that Lelah was really sick she called every day to check on her.  She's so amazing!!!  

Joshs birthday was yesterday.  He wanted a white birthday so badly, and he got it!  I'm so happy because I feel like I totally let him down when it came to gifts this year so at least Mother Nature was a good gift giver. :)  It literally snowed all day.  We went up to my moms to play in the snow and tried getting up the hill three times in Joshs car.  After the third time we finally gave up and my mom drove down and picked us up.  We played there and visited for a few hours until we were ready to go home.  Some guy stopped us half way down and told us that it wasn't safe to drive down... so we strapped Lelahs carseat to the sled and her and Logan rode down the hill on that with Josh pulling on the front and me pulling on the back (for brakes.)  It all started to melt last night around 8-ish but only for about an hour so not much left.  Then it got cold enough to snow off and on throughout the night.  We woke up to snow again and it snowed off and on all day today.  The roads are a complete sheet of ice.  There is a chance that we might have a white Christmas, which I think would be SOOOO wonderful!  I've never had one of those and neither has Josh.  We'll see though, all the weather stations are saying different things... only time will tell. :D

We're through with Christmas shopping.  Which is good because we're more than out of money.  I think we over-did Logan again this year, but it's a lot of small stuff, so that's okay I think.  My parents got him a tractor with a trailer that he can drive around with Tim and bring wood to the basement.  I think he's going to LOVE it.  :)  I'm quite excited for him to see it.  Yesterday while we were at my moms she showed Josh and I and boy is it ever cute!  It's a John Deere and the trailer is so cute!!!  

So our plans for Christmas are as follows... of course, the weather will dictate whether we do all of this or not.  Christmas Eve we're spending at Bob and Pattys house with my parents and Aunt Char and Uncle Bill.  It's an appetizer party. I'm bringing the artichoke spinach dip that we love so much and I think also bacon-wrapped water chestnuts.  (I got that recipe off of my hippi site. :D)  I personally don't think they sound so yummy, because I don't like water chestnuts, but both my mom and Josh think they sound wonderful, so I think I'll do that.  I'm sure I'll end up bringing something else too... I love appetizer-type foods!  Then Christmas morning, we're having Joshs mom and Chris over and my parents for Christmas breakfast.  We were originally thinking that we could have breakfast burritos (because I could make them in advance and pop them in the oven) but Chris told us the other night that he'll need the egg substitute, so I don't know if we're going to do that or not.  Then we are going up to Grandma Carolyns house (this is where the "I don't know because of weather conditions" comes in) and then to Debbies for a Christmas thing there.  Then I think we're going to go to Theolas for Chris' familys thing.  I just realized though that Debbies is at 2 o'clock and that Theolas is at like 3 o'clock.  Hmm... well, we'll see what happens there.  

Well, I think that is it for me.  

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