Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas, New Year and a new baby on the way!!!

Wow, it's been over a month.  A lot can happen in a months time.  

Christmas was nice.  It was our first white Christmas ever!  While it was pretty neat to have it be white, it also was kinda a pain in the butt.  Laurie and Chris got stuck in their driveway and were late for Christmas breakfast (but hey, at least they made it!) and Chris' family Christmas thing was moved to our house last minute.  Kinda a bummer, but it all worked out fine.  Logan was a total Joy to watch opening presents... he was excited about the smallest things.  Lelah was adorable as always, and thought everyone and everything was so interesting. :D  She looked beautiful in her Christmas dresses. Yes, dresses.  She wore Ellas dress from last year on Christmas Eve and then a pretty red dress that Grandma Laurie bought her for Christmas day.  Christmas Eve we went to Bob and Pattys house and spent the evening there with Aunt Char and Uncle Bill and my parents.  It was really nice.  Christmas day both sets of parents came over for Christmas breakfast, which was so great.  I love this new tradition.  Joni said that when she moves home she'd love to do the same thing, which will work out fine because Jasons family won't live here, so we'll take turns spending the night at eachothers houses.  I asked Joni if my mom could still come the years it was at her house and she said of course! :D  That will REALLY be great!  Anyway, after Christmas breakfast and opening presents here, mom, Tim, Logan, Lelah and I went up to Grandma Carolyns house and visited with them.  Josh stayed home so he could pick up the house before Chris' family came.  When we got back to town (which was quite an endeavor considering how icy the roads were) we went straight to Debbies and visited there for about an hour before we came back home for Chris' family thing.  It was moved to our house because it was originally supposed to be at Theolas house, but they canceled VERY LAST MINUTE and Chris and Teena were pretty bummed about it.  Anyway, Theolas family didn't even show up (totally rude if you ask me) and so it was just our family, Chris and Laurie and Teenas family.  It was nice, and dinner was okay.  After they all left we went over to Tricia and Joes house and played a game or two.  It was a good Christmas, and I think Lelah really enjoyed it and I KNOW that Logan did. :D

Jen and Jeremy came over on New Years.  We had yummy food and pink champagne and sparkling cider.  It was fun.  The boys banged spoons on pots and pans at midnight, and it was so much fun!  I can't believe that it's 2009!!!  Lelah and Joel were pretty tired by the time midnight rolled around, but they made it. :D

Did I mention in the last post that Joni is pregnant?  Yup, she is, and I'm gonna be an aunt!  I'm pretty excited about it.  She's due on August 24th.  Josh and I are thinking that with our income tax return we can go there.  We're all hoping that we'll be there when she has the baby, but we all know how unpredictable the little buggers can be.  We'll see. :)  She's feeling a lot of morning sickness, but other than that everything seems to be going well.  She has an ultrasound to make sure she is really due at the end of August on Wednesday... I'm so excited for her and Jason to see their baby! 

Lelah started sitting up this month, and started sitting up without anyone needing to be by her last week.  She is now an old pro at it. I can put her on the floor without having to really worry about her.  Every once in awile the boys get a little too rambunctious, and she gets knocked down, but she's getting better and better and keeping her balance every day. :D

I think that's it for me.  Oh wait.  Josh and I started dieting on Jan. 1st.  Josh has lost 16 pounds, and I've lost 7.  This has been the hardest it's ever been for me to lose weight.  I'm not sure what it's all about.  I'm thinking that it has something to do with nursing, but I'm not really sure.  I might just be giving myself too many points?  I don't know though because I'm following the program well.  Anyway, it's coming off, just not half as fast as it usually does. :(  

Okay, that's really it.

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