Friday, June 6, 2008

A good 24th birthday

Well, Wednesday was my birthday, and it was really good. It's the first year in like 4 years that I got a birthday cake, and I know it's stupid, but I was really happy to have one. :) It was my favorite kind... with the whip cream frosting and the fresh glazed strawberry center. Mmmm! I'm happy to say that I'll be having the same kind of cake at the shower on Sunday... YAY! We had an appointment with Laura on my birthday, which normal people would think is a crappy birthday present all in itself, but I was thrilled to go! I love going there... she is so fun to talk to and I just really love the feeling I have when I walk into her office. We brought her her birthday present, cause her birthday was on May 27th and when she saw it, she said to me, "What is this, it's YOUR birthday today!" She peeked around the corner and said, "And look what I have for you!" It was the newest edition of Spiritual Midwifery that she's been asking me if I've read and been telling me that I could borrow hers. She said that when she got her copy out she decided I should just have my own, so she went and got me one. I just thought that was so thoughtfully wonderful! :) I'm almost half way through with it now, and I'm enjoying it so much! :) The appointment went well. I only gained 2 pounds, which I'm so thrilled about, my blood pressure is almost back to normal (which is so wonderful because it had gotten a little high there for awhile), my uterus is measuring right on, instead of 1 or 2 cm's higher, but Laura is sure that is because the babys head is now engaged. She said that I can keep up with the hiking and that the contractions I was having after Saddle Mountain was probably just due to dehydration and too much exercise. She said keep up the good work though because it's probably what caused my blood pressure to go back down. Our next appointment is in two weeks (no more waiting three weeks or even a month... yay!) and then after that I'll go in every week. Woo hoo!!! I love going there! She said the baby looked good, and her heartbeat was good too, so everything was great! She thought that maybe the dizziness I've been having was due to having low blood sugar, so I need to eat every 2 hours to keep in good.
Instead of going out to dinner, my mom cooked us a steak dinner with baked potatoes... which was my request. I figured that for the past two months I've really not been enjoying going out to dinner very much, so I decided to ask for the dinner that I've been wanting my mom to make me for the last couple weeks... steak. It was good. I couldn't eat much, but it was so yummy... just what I wanted. :)

The shower is on Sunday, and I'm so excited for it! Mom bought me a new pair of sandals, and Jen is taking me to have a pedicure on Saturday, so I'll have beautiful toenails for the shower... yay! I haven't had a pedicure since January, and I'm so looking forward to it!!!

Last night Josh and I cut out the material for the babies carseat cover. I did all of the sewing on it except the holes also. Talk about tedious! Holy cow, I'm so glad to say that I'm finally finished with that project. It was really difficult, but it looks just like I was hoping it would... and we didn't have to pay $50 for it... I think the total $$ that went into it was like $8. Pretty good deal, I think. :) Of course, now I understand why they charge so much for them... they are HARD work! It probably would have been easier if I would have been able to use the sewing machine, but seems to how I don't know how to work it very well, that wasn't really an option... everything was by hand but two little 4 inch pieces. So here is a picture of that.

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