Sunday, June 22, 2008

Logan is 3 years old!

Well, yesterday was Logans 3rd birthday. I can't believe it... I really feel like I was just pregnant with him. The last two years we've taken him to the zoo, but this year after figuring out how much it would cost to drive down to Portland, the admission to the zoo, the cost of riding the train and eating in the zoo, we decided not to go. We sound like total jerks, but Logan wasn't really that interested, and both Josh and I don't really enjoy the zoo that much. On top of all that, there was a special where if you rode your bike to the zoo they would let you in for free... and it was a weekend. I think we would have been pretty miserable.
So, what we did instead... We took Logan to Diblee Point. That's the beach on the Rainier side of the bridge. He thinks it's "the beach" and had a great time. We took his big Tonka truck and he never stopped playing during the two hours we were there. Josh and I had a nice picnic lunch (that Logan was supposed to take part in, but was way too busy for food) and enjoyed watching Logan. I am an idiot and totally spaced off bringing the camera, so the only picture we have is this...

Logan, after playing hard at the beach. :)

After "the beach" we took a nice nap together as a family. Josh and I were planning on taking him out for pizza because that's something we don't get to do very often, and since we were saving so much by staying in town, we figured it would be okay to do. Anyway, I thought I would see if we could go over to Joshs aunt and uncles house so that we could visit with them and Logie could play with Levi (who he totally ADORES). Logan heard me talking to Tricia and decided that he didn't want pizza, he wanted to play with Levi instead. He told me, "I no eat pizza mama, I full... I play outside with Levi." So, we headed over there and ended up eating pizza at their house. :)

Logan with his "hat" on, the plate that he had been resting his fudgesicle on.

All in all, it was a very low-key 3rd birthday for Logan, but I think he had a great time. I'm such a space cadet though because I spaced two very important things... we didn't have our pictures taken and I forgot to get him a birthday cake. :( Ah well, when Lelah is born, we'll just go get our pictures done then.

Speaking of Lelah, nothing has happened yet. I'm still losing mucus plug pretty regularly, but I think that doesn't really mean that much. I've been taking Evening Primrose Oil every night, so maybe that's some of the cause, but I took it with Logan for over a month, and well, we know how that worked out. :) I have an appointment on Wednesday that she'll check me again, so I'll have more news then.

Yesterday, before all of our birthday festivities, we finished Lelahs room. It looks really nice, and I'm very pleased. There are still two walls without anything hanging on them, (which anyone who's seen my walls knows that I can't really stand for that) but I think once she's born and we have some pictures of her and Logan, we'll be able to fill them nicely. :) Along with finishing Lelahs room, we got a whole ton of other things marked off my "To Do Before Baby Comes" list. We still have 3 1/2 things to do. We have to finish cleaning out the upstairs kitchen. It's been our storage area for all of Desi's stuff since she left, so we have all of that packed up, but now we have to nicely arrange the stuff of ours that we had in there. Stuff= junk that we can't seem to part with just yet. :( That shouldn't take too long though, I know we'll be finished with that by the end of today. Also by the end of today, I hope to accomplish the other tasks... get rid of the sewing table that is currently sitting in our dining room (this will be put in the upstairs kitchen), organize Logans bed room (this is where I'll be having the baby... it's the most convenient place for the birthing pool), and make the curtain for Lelahs room. I know that we can finish all of them today, but I'm a little nervous about the curtain, so we'll see about that. Once all of this is finished we're ready. I mean, all we'll have to worry about is the every day stuff that we have to worry about any time someone comes over... make sure that Logans play room is clean, the dishes are in the dishwasher, I'm not overloaded with loads of laundry, clean toilet, clean floors, etc. Everything that was causing me grief will be finished once my list is done... and I'm so glad! I don't really think that Lelah was actually waiting for this list to be accomplished, but I know that when I go into labor, it's one less thing that will be on my mind. (I would have been so horrified if Laura would have seen what that upstairs kitchen looked like!!!)

Alright, so that's it. I think I'll wait to include pictures of Lelahs room until I've finished the curtain. I suppose it won't actually be completely finished until after I have that up. :) Hopefully tonight I can take that picture! Wish us luck... and have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

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