Monday, June 30, 2008

One busy weekend!

Well, I made it through the ridiculously busy weekend that I made for myself. :) I'm going to go in chronological order.

Thursday evening, Joni, Jason and Brandon got into town and we stayed up at Lauries until about midnight visiting with them. Friday I had just Jameson, and after he left we went back up to Lauries for a BBQ for Joni and Nathan (because Nathan is home on leave). Nathan didn't show because he had a better offer, but it was a really nice BBQ and I enjoyed myself up until the end... but we left so that wasn't so bad. :) Saturday was Vanessas babyshower, and it was wonderful! I'm really impressed with how it turned out, except for the madness that came along with me ordering the cake from stupid Kelso Safeway. But that got worked out and the guests didn't even know that there was no cake even made a half hour before the shower. Ugh! Anyway, we played two games, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves... even Laurie who really hates shower games. :) Vanessa got a lot of really nice gifts and seemed to really enjoy herself. Jen and I were worried that we wouldn't have enough food, but there turned out to be plenty... we even had leftovers. :)

After the shower Josh, Logan and I took a much needed two hour nap that was WONDERFUL! Then Joni came over and Brandon and Jason met up with her here and we all went, along with Tricia and Joes family, Ray, Vanessa, Olivia, Jen, Jeremy and Jameson to Diblee Point and played in the water. It was a lot of fun, and I think the kids really enjoyed themselves. At about 9 o'clock we left and Joni, Jason, Brandon, Josh, Logan and I went to Tricia and Joes and had a BBQ and played Catch Phrase. It was fun. We left there around midnight and came home and totally crashed.

Sunday was Logans birthday party... it turned out really nice, but holy cow, he got a lot of presents! I think he would have been happy if he could have stopped after the first one and played with that. Every present, he'd say, "Open it! Open it!" :) He didn't really understand he had to get through all of them. Josh and I had been worried that he would be mean to the guests because he's started this new thing where he doesn't like any adults to talk to him, but we prepared him before they came and he did wonderfully. He only really had one big meltdown, and I think that was just from him being overwhelmed. The party ended rather quickly, so afterwards we went up to the Lewis River with Joni, Jason and Brandon and walked to Big Creek Falls and then to the lower Lewis River falls. It was nice... the falls were both so full of water that I don't think I will recognize them if we go back later this summer. They looked almost angry. Logan wanted to "get in" both of them and wasn't really happy with the "no, we can't" that he kept getting. I think Josh and I have taught him to really love the water. :) I was a bit dissapointed with the very short "hike"... I was hoping for something more. Which is funny, because I'm sure I'd be complaining of how excruciating it was if it would have been too much longer. I just was hoping for something more. Ah well, it was still really beautiful.

So today we're back to same old same old, but we have house guests. We have another very busy weekend ahead of us... Jonis wedding. :) I'm looking forward to it, because it'll keep my mind off of the baby not coming. I've made the decision that it really would be most convenient if she didn't make her appearance until after the wedding. But even with that in my mind, the Melissa that wants to meet her baby girl still really wants to get the show on the road. I keep preparing myself that at my appointment on Wednesday Laura might find that I haven't progressed at all since last week. I just don't feel like I've done any progressing this week... which isn't that big of a deal considering I'm not even due yet.

I don't think I even mentioned what happened at the last appointment. Well, I had progressed, but Laura told us that dilation doesn't really matter that much with second pregnancies, and that what matters is where the baby is and how soft the cervix is. My cervix was softer than it had been the week before, but it was still only half of it... the top half was still pretty hard, while the bottom half seems to be really softening wonderfully. I was dilated from 2cm to 3cm and could be stretched a little further than that. (But again, Laura said that wasn't that important) The baby still seemed to be engaged, but Laura said that she could still push her head up... until she stripped my membranes... then she stayed put. So, like I said I don't feel like I've done any progressing this week, so I'm preparing myself for hearing it from her on Wednesday. It will still be an exciting appointment because I'm having the belly cast done. I'm really looking forward to it... but I'm afraid that if I haven't progressed I might just cancel the belly cast for this week so that I can wait another week of growing before she does it. We'll see.

With all the excitement of the wedding, I'm not sure if I'll even be on here again before it happens, but I'll try. :)

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