Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lelahs first 12 days (cont.)

Okay, so here is the rest of it...

July 14, 2008
Absolutely nothing came into mind for this day. I think Josh went into work today while the kids and I took a nap, but that's all I can think of. On the calendar I have written, "Jens guess for baby being born"... I guess she was wrong. :)

July 15, 2008
Today we had an appt. with Laura, and it was a good one. Lelah lost 6 ounces, but according to Laura, that's fine... it's normal for a baby to lose a half pound in the first week, so she's ahead of schedule. :) I lost a whopping 21 pounds!!! I was hoping for 9 pounds, but 21 is of course wayyyy better! Now lets just hope I can keep it off. ;) We also got ready for our camping trip that we will be leaving for tomorrow, Wednesday. Actually, Josh did most of the getting ready. I truthfully just sat most of the day and nursed Lelah. Oh, Sherre and her kids came over to meet Lelah, so that was a lot of what I did... visit with them. Josh did a fantastic job, and made wonderful chocolate chip cookies, muddy buddies and caramel corn!!!

July 16, 2008
This is a very important day. It's funny though, I didn't even realize until the next day what today was. Lelah was due today! But she was actually a whole week old... she's such a big girl! :) We left around elevenish to go camping at Canyon Creek. It was a very nice drive... Lelah slept the whole time, and Logan enjoyed watching The Jungle Book in Unci's truck. :)

July 17, 2008
We were camping today too. Logan spent a lot of the day playing in the river with daddy, and Lelah spent a lot of the day nursing... it's her favorite thing to do. :)

July 18, 2008
Today is the day that Unci and Papa came to camp. Logan was thrilled to see them, and truthfully, Josh and I were quite thrilled to have other adults to talk to besides eachother. :)

July 19, 2008
Today we are still camping... we went on a hike to our favorite area... Siouxon Creek. We hiked a total of three miles, to and from Horseshoe falls. Josh and I were so excited to show it to my mom... and Logan enjoyed the walk. :) Lelah slept the whole way up, but about 1/3 of the way down she decided that she wasn't happy to sleep any longer and was ready to eat. I tried to calm her down, so that I could just feed her once we got back to the car, but she wasn't going for it. I ended up nursing her while walking back to the car. It was quite the task to get her situated, but once she was latched on it was easier than it sounds. :)

July 20, 2008
Today we came home from camping... Josh, Logan and I were SOOOOO ready to. While we totally enjoyed the trip, we were all ready for our home. :) I'm not sure if Lelah even really noticed that anything was different. When we got home, we finally put the batteries in the swing, and boy does Lelah LOVE LOVE LOVE that! We don't really use it a whole lot, but when we need the break, it's sure nice that she loves it so much. :) Today her belly button also fell off. We've been waiting for that for a couple days now... it's been pretty gnarly looking. We went to Tricia and Joes house and visited with them for a couple hours, that was nice. Oh, today we used Logans wagon for the first time. He loved it... and Lelah didn't seem to mind it too much. Of course, she doesn't mind much when her tummy is full and she's asleep. :)

July 21, 2008
Today we went on a walk at Lake Sacajawea (I don't know if I spelled that right) with Sherre and the boys. We had to let Logan pee in the bushes three different times... we tried the bathroom, but he refused to use it because it was "Blah". :) I can't say that I blame him... and I'm kinda glad he wouldn't use it because I'm so scared he's going to touch something when we take him into those nasty bathrooms. I just think I could maybe get into trouble if I was caught helping him pee onto a tree in the middle of the most populated park area in town. :( Ah well, what can I say, he's potty training. :) We had borrowed Jen and Jeremys weed eater and air mattress, so we made plans this morning to return both things to them this evening. Jen called and told us that we were invited to dinner too if we'd like it. How in the heck can a person turn down Jeremys yummy tacos??? :) We had a nice visit there. Lelah puked the whole time we were there though... maybe sour stomach? I don't know, but I don't think she's puked that much ever. She seemed fine during the night though, so it must have just been a case of sour stomach.

We don't really have any big plans for today. Josh is rototilling the back yard so he can plant some seeds, and some starts for a garden. It's his latest obsession... I'm nervous that it's too late, but it's keeping him busy, and happy, so whatever. It would be REALLY cool to have fresh vegetables... I love vegetables fresh from a garden.... MMMMM!

So that's it. I'll try to get on here at least every other day, but we'll see. :)

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