Monday, July 21, 2008

Lelahs first 12 days

So it turns out that time flies even faster when you are the parent of two children! (Which by the way still sounds so weird for me to say!!!) I had to try to remember everything that has gone on in the last 12 days off the top of my head, so I'm sure that I've forgotten a ton... like for instance, who all has come to visit. :(

July 10th, 2008
Today Lelah was one whole day old. :) I feel really good, sore, but good. When Laurie called this morning to talk to Josh, she told him that she made a bit of a mistake by going to his work to get her coffee.... she was on the receiving end of the game of 20 questions, and couldn't get out of the drivethru fast enough. :) Everyone wanted to know if she was beautiful, how we were doing, etc. So, Josh and I decided that we should make the trip over there so everyone that was there could meet her. But first we went by Lauries work so that Vickie Hooper could meet her. On our way to Lauries office, one of the CNA's stopped me in the hall to talk about all of Lelahs beautiful dark hair. At one point she asked me if she was white. Yeah, I know, strange question, right? Everyone there loved her though, and Logan was proud as ever to let everyone know that this was "LaLa, my baby sisser." After that we went to Overhead Door, I wanted Aunt Char to meet miss Lelah, and of course Bob and Patty too. We stayed there for awhile, and then went to Starbucks. Everyone there loved her, and we stayed for quite awhile because we first were just visiting with Kayla, because she wasn't on the clock yet, and then we waited for Katie Petit to get back from a meeting, and then I had to feed Lelah. After that hour or so we went to Fred Meyer so we could get milk and stuff. While at Fred Meyer I got to tell two different people how old she was, and the checker was utterly amazed that I was out and about after only 36 hours. It made me feel good how much she thought I looked wonderful, and of course, everyone mentioned how beautiful Lelah was... and not a person missed how much beautiful dark hair she had. :) I was afraid that I had already overdone it a little, so we came home and all took a long nap. It was a good day. :)

July 11, 2008
I can't remember anything that happened today except that we went to the 49er for dinner with Grandma Muriel, Grandma Ruth, Chris and Laurie. Then afterwards we went to Lauries and just hung out. It was very nice... a lot of relaxing. :)

July 12, 2008
Mom and I made plans to go to the Farmers Market this morning. Tim called around 8 o'clock to see if I would mind bringing Lelah by Woods so she could introduce her to Janet. So, before the Farmers Market, mom, Logan, Lelah and I went there and Janet and her daughter got to meet Lelah. They were very impressed with her beautiful hair, and both seemed to really enjoy her. Logan, like always liked the inside a lot... there were lots of animal heads, and he is so intrigued by them. :) We went to the Farmers Market next and bought some fruit, but Lelah got hungry so we cut the trip short. Mom called me in the afternoon, after we had all taken a nap and asked if we wanted to go to Rainier Days with her and Tim, and if Josh, Logan, Lelah and I wanted to stay with her for the fireworks... of course, we didn't turn that offer down, so we went there around 7 o'clock. First mom and Tim came over and we all had pizza for dinner, and I decided that I really like Mug rootbeer. (Weird, I've never been a real fan, but I all the sudden like it a lot!) We had fun at Rainier Days, Lelah was able to get some sun for her jaundice, and I nursed her while I watched the festivities. It was fun. The fireworks were a lot nicer than the ones at the lake, and Lelah slept through them like they were nothing. Logan was quite impressed with them, but I think was just as impressed with the strawberry and whip cream covered funnel cake he shared with us. :) We parked a million miles away from the festivities though, and the walk back was quite tiring. Thank goodness Logan and Josh walked ahead, I don't know if I could have made it all the way up that damn hill! It took an hour to get out of Rainier, because there was a wreck on the bridge, and the traffic was quite amazing. It was fun though, and we will definitely be going back next year.

July 13, 2008
I can't think of anything that we did this day except we went to Tricia and Joes and visited with them the whole evening. It was nice... I really enjoyed it. Logan of course loved it because he loves Levi so much, Josh had a nice visit too, and I think Lelah could have cared less as long as she got to drink milk whenever she wanted. This is the first day that I realized that she is a bit of a piggy during the evening.

I think I'll finish the rest of what I've thought of tomorrow. :)

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