Sunday, July 6, 2008

Midwife Appt. & Jonis Wedding

I had my appointment with Laura on Wednesday. When she checked me she said that I was at 4cm, was 75% effaced and that the baby was between 0 and +1. So I had progressed in all areas... I was pretty thrilled. She told me that my bag of waters was bulging, and that she was afraid to touch it because she might break it. That really got me thrilled!!! So, we went ahead and did the belly cast that I was debating on waiting to do because she was pretty sure that I wouldn't make it to Jonis wedding. The cast was a ton of fun, and was really impressive how it was made. I really loved having it done!!! At the appointment, right after she checked me, I was getting undressed and Joni and Brittney were out of the room (from the check) and Laura and I were talking about the cast. She told me that belly casting was something she thought I could do and that she'd like to teach me so that I could do it for her patients that were interested. She told me that she wants to teach me this stuff because she wants to see me every week after the baby is born because I "inspire" her. This was the best news of the day! I had been told that I had progressed when I was sure I hadn't, that I would almost nodoubtably be having the baby before my next appointment and I was having a belly cast done, but the most exciting thing was that I inspire her. I think it's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten... I felt soooooo good! I'm so excited that I really might get to be a part of her midwifery "thing" because there is nothing in the world that I am more interested in. It makes me really excited to think that I might have a part of it! Yay! Anyway, so when we were all done with the cast and my appointment, she gave me a little packet of PN6 which is an herb like 5W's (from what I've read on the internet) that I was to take if my water broke. I guess they were supposed to get my contractions moving along. She told me that if my water didn't break, and that if I was up to it, and had actually made it to Sunday, to call her and then I could take them. She also told me that she really didn't think I'd make it till next week, but that we should set an appointment just in case.... so we did. I have an appointment on Tuesday night at 7pm. I'm anxious to see if I've progressed any since then because I've done nothing but work since I left her freaking office. :) Wednesday night we walked 1/2 or maybe even 3/4 of the lake... and I really power walked. It was me, Joni, Crystal, Tricia, and Levi... oh, and Max too. Then on Thursday I did the same thing, but with my mom. It was more of a leisurely walk, but I still got some pretty good contractions, and I squatted with them. Friday I did nothing but work all day at Lauries getting the carport ready for the reception. And then yesterday, after the wedding we booked it to Lauries where we finished everything for the reception. Poor Laurie really hurt her knee, so I did a lot of running around. I'm sure I would have done just as much, but man, I'm really worried about her poor knee! It looked pretty bad. :( I forgot to mention that Wednesday I was so sure that I was in labor after the walk at the lake. Towards the end of the walk I started having painful contractions... they would start as just a really intense tightening in my whole stomach, and then slowly, my abdomen would start aching, with ever building intensity and then my back would start too. It was like menstrual cramps, but they built with intensity. They would last about a minute or so, and they were about 4 minutes apart for 3 hours... but then they petered out. I was soooo bummed!!!

Well, yesterday Joni and Jason got married. The actual wedding was really miserable. I mean, it would have been absolutely BEAUTIFUL had it not been raining horizontally. By the time the wedding actually got moving we were soaking wet... literally, I'm not exagerating. You could see the hair on Joshs chest through his shirt because he was so wet and Logans shirt had turned pretty see-through also. The wedding didn't last very long, but it was long enough that Logan had to pee half way through. He came up to me and told me "I pee mama!" I told him that it would just be a minute, could he please just wait... "Mo! I pee!" So I told him to go over "there" and do it (by the dunes). I asked Crystal to follow him but they both came back and he was crying (this is where it was kinda nice how horrible the weather was because nobody heard him but me apparently), "Mo, you! I pee!" So I gave my flowers to Vanessa and I took him up to the dunes, which by the way were only about 10 yards from the wedding, and he peed. I felt horrible... all I could think was that Joni would be so mad at me for not staying where I was supposed to with all the other girls, and that I let my son pee at her wedding. But when I told her about it she thought it was hilarious, so that's good. :)

So, I made it to the wedding, my water didn't break, and everything was fine. Chris was having a really hard time with me going... he was so sure that I was going to go into labor. He's so funny. The reception was beautiful... we did such a nice job on the carport! I'm quite impressed with us really. :) Josh and I stayed until about 12:30. I was so tired though, and they weren't really doing much... most everyone was gone but the ones that were there to totally get wasted. So we left. Oh, earlier that night my mom took Logan home, so that was nice. He totally reaked havoc on poor Lauries house this weekend... it was nice to have him gone so I didn't have to constantly be worried about what he was doing that he shouldn't. :(

Josh and I stayed in bed until 11:00 this morning. It felt so good! I didn't sleep for all that time, but it was nice to not have any obligations and nobody asking for juice or a movie or for food. I really feel like I've caught up on the lack of sleep that has been building for the last week or so. Today our plan is to go up to Lauries and help tear down what we worked so hard to do on Friday. But that's okay, I think it should be pretty simple... we're throwing a lot of it away I'm assuming, so it shouldn't be too difficult of a job. We had talked about going on a hike with Joni and Jason, to help maybe get labor moving, but I'm really afraid that it might help labor get started, but that we'll be an hour up the Lewis River. I can totally handle the hiking out, but the drive sounds torturous! We'll see. I'm not sure they will feel up to it after cleaning Lauries, and I don't really know we'll have time after that either.

Alright, that's it for me. Hopefully next time I blog it will be to tell you Lelahs birth story. But no worries, my plan is to not wait just for that. :) I'm sure something is bound to happen worth blogging about before then.

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