Monday, June 22, 2009

Logan turned 4

So yesterday was Logans birthday... he is four years old now. Officially a big boy. I'm having a really tough time with it. We didn't do a whole lot, but I think Logan felt special anyway. His birthday began at Grandma Lauries house... Grandma Laurie, Grandpa Chris, Ray, Karen, Kristina and our family were there to sing him the Happy Birthday song. Grandma Laurie had a present for him to open, and that was fun. We came home, went to bed and then woke up and he was so excited that it was STILL his birthday! He was so cute! So I sang him happy birthday on our way down the stairs, and he joined me in the second line and sang the rest with me. We went to Joshs store, got him, Olivia and Jameson some coffee (and my an iced tea) and met Vanessa and Jen and their kids at Chuck E. Cheeses. The kids had a really good time there, and I was so thankful because it wasn't busy at all. I think I had the best time I've ever had at Chuck E. Cheese... which still isn't like a good time, but it's something. :D After Chuck E Cheese we ran over to Target for him to use his gift card that Grandma and Grandpa Chicago sent him. He got a Spiderman car with a Spiderman guy to go in it. Logan tried to tell me that Lelah wanted this baby that crawled and said "dadadadada" but when I put it in the cart next to her she threw herself at the opposite side of the seat and started to cry. So we ended up just getting her some new clothes. :) After Target we came home and Logan, Lelah and I took a nap. After our nap we kinda started the Fathers Day stuff. We took papa his dinner and Grandpa Chris his card and ate dinner with them. I've decided that from now on for every gift-giving holiday, Chris is receiving salsa from us. He's so freaking difficult to buy for, so I'm just going to start doing the one thing I know he likes.... salsa. He seemed happy by that. :) We stayed there until 10 o'clock. We came home, Logan opened his present from us (a fan for in his room) and we all went to bed. Today Laurie called me to let me know that she bought Logan and Lelah a Zoo Membership for their birthday party. I think this is wonderful and know that we will really love having it. :D

So I don't know if I mentioned it in the last post or not, but Josh and I are seriously considering buying the Kelso Theater Pub. It's something that Josh has always dreamed of owning at least a part of, and awhile back... probably a month or two, Mike Julian planted a seed that has been growing bigger and bigger every day. We finally called Mike after we talked a tiny bit with Tom and had it confirmed that yes, they might actually want to sell, and sometime at the end of the month we will be setting up a meeting for us all to talk numbers. There is some question as to whether or not the Pub really is making that great of money, so it'll be really nice for us to sit down and really see the numbers. Every day that passes I get more excited, and think of more that I want to do with it. My latest idea has me very excited... flowers. Totally not a money maker, but I wonder if it would make it a little more appealing to walk up to, or to drive by, or maybe even more interesting to look at and maybe could get us a few more customers. I should probably say before I go any farther that I have it in my head that it's pretty much a done deal. In my head it's not a question of 'if' we are going to buy it, it's a question of 'when'. Anyway, so I had asked Josh a long time back if there was a way to get up on the top of the roof. He said yes, and explained that it's out a window (I think in one of the bathrooms... must be the womens) by the marquee. Josh and I have always wanted a rooftop garden, I've always been fascinated by them. Anyway, so my thought is to have planters along the top of the roof with hanging type flowers... or vines or something. Something to add some color and prettyiness. I think (if I'm picturing things correctly) that we could have them not only by the marquee, but also on the very top rooftop. I'm not sure how to get on the very top, but I'm sure that we can figure something out. I'd also like to plant a real garden up there. This is totally a personal wish, nothing really to do with the business except that it would be housing it. Anyway, so back to the hanging flowers... I wish I could draw. I really think it would make the building so pretty... and just more welcoming. I'm not sure how expensive it would be, but I'd sure like to do it. Maybe it's something we couldn't do until next summer (I mean, we probably won't even have any kind of ownership until this fall) and maybe it's not something that could be there all year round, but I'd really like to do it. It's funny because now that I've pictured it, I think the building looks so dull without it. lol Jen said that she'd help me. :) I also think it would be really beautiful to have two rather large pots on either side of the entrance to the cafe.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Becoming Greener

So I've been wanting to compile a list of what we've done to move towards our New Years Resolution of being greener.  Yes, our resolution also included the word "leaner" in it, but since we haven't really made any progress towards that, there really isn't much to talk about there. :(  So, on with the greener (and much more successful) part of our New Years Resolution for 2009.

One of the first things we did was buy a water cooler.  While it's not as green as I'd like it to be, it's still a large step up from the water bottles we were using.  At the same time we bought the water cooler we bought our little recycle thingy... yes, it's a laundry sorter for most people... but it's our official recycle bin.  Hey, it looks pretty nice. I think I might do this in list form... it'll be more impressive I think.

*Water cooler instead of bottled water
*Recycle bin, we now only have our garbage emptied about once a month instead of 4 times
*Making our own laundry soap
*Using ok-for-the-environment dishwasher detergent
*Using ok-for-the-environment dish soap
*I wipe the kids' noses and my own nose with burp cloths instead of toilet paper or kleenex
*We have a compost pile
*We are vegetarian
*We use cloth grocery bags
*I re-use our containers from sour cream, cottage cheese, and feta at least once.
*I stopped using Ziplock bags
*I stopped using saran wrap 
*We've cut way down on using foil and parchment paper
*I save the bag from cereal boxes to use in place of wax paper
*Logan doesn't take as many baths as he used to (probably 3-5 a week instead of 7-14)
*Josh and I both have re-usable Starbucks cold cups that we use in place of Venti waters... this is pretty huge I think.  We would both get one every time we went there, and Josh would bring one home every single day.  We would reuse them, but we still probably went through at least 7 per week.
*I save most of my produce bags and use them to wrap our bread in

That's all I can think of for now.  If I think of others I might just come and add to this list.  :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Scooting Lelah and becoming vegetarians

I can't believe I haven't mentioned it yet... Lelah is now mobile. :)  She's not crawling though... she's scooting.  She started around Easter, and just keeps getting better and better at it.  She's ruining her socks, pants and diapers. lol  If she drools on the ground, or drips water on the ground from her sippy cup, or somehow the ground is wet, and then she scoots over it, what a mess!  It's pretty adorable how she does it.  She squeezes her legs together like a little frog and then pushes them out straight in front of her and pulls herself.  I think she's got to have the best leg and core muscles out of everyone in this household. :D  When she wants to she can get going pretty dang fast... it's so adorable! I plan on videoing it sometime soon so I can post it on my hippy site, and probably on myspace too... I really feel like we need to record it so that we never forget how adorable her mobility is. :)

Josh and I decided on Tuesday that we are going to be vegetarian.  It's been going really good... I'm quite impressed at how easy it is.  I have an appointment on Thursday to talk to a dietician just to be sure that I'm not missing anything.  I gave all of our meat to Jen and Jeremy on Tuesday after we decided.  We've been eating so well.  We're really loving it so far.  We have had vegi stir fry on yakisoba noodles, a new macaroni and cheese with cottage cheese, parmesan and sour cream, made with broccoli.  I made manicotti tonight with ricotta cheese (that I made myself!), parmesan, mozzarella and spinach, with the no knead bread that we love so much and a beautiful salad with cheese, red onion, cucumber, tomato, red pepper, sunflower seeds and pine nuts.  I've also made a "taco" salad made with kidney beans seasoned with taco seasoning, and then all the regular fixings.  Saturday night I made a pasta salad that was "complete" according to the mayo clinics "lacto-ovo vegetarian food pyramid" complete with whole wheat pasta, vegis, and legumes.  It was super yummy, and everyone in the house enjoyed it.  (Josh and I have decided that Lelah enjoying something doesn't count for much though since she enjoys EVERYTHING.... lol)  I've made a list of all the dinners we've tried... I don't want to feel like I don't have anything that I can cook.  One thing is for sure, we're getting way more green vegis, and since we've moved to the baby greens, I feel like we're being quite healthy.  Today I made some seitan, which is a vegetarian (and vegan for that matter) meat alternative, and it's okay.  I'm hoping that I can find a recipe that will make it a bit more firm.  Right now it's awfully spongy similar to tofu... and while I don't mind the taste, I would really like to enjoy the texture just as much.  This stuff is seasoned in a oriental-type way, so I figure we'll have it in like stir fry and maybe fried rice or something.  

Okay, that's it for me.  

Saturday, April 25, 2009

TBall, Teeth and Turning Seasons

So, I think that spring is officially here.  We had a week of weather that was out of this world beautiful.  In fact, it actually made me wish we had nice weather all the time.  And maybe I've done this before, but this year I've actually been appreciating everything Washington has to offer... rain, snow, hail, freezing rain, rain, rain, rain, and more rain.  But anyway, as we were walking back to the car last Sunday, I was thinking to myself, "I could handle this temperature all year round... it wouldn't ever be too hot, never too cold, maybe humid sometimes, but I could handle it."  It was like 77 degrees or something.  Absolutely beautiful!  With the nice weather comes Joshs intense need to be outside.  He's of course been working in the garden, planning (and executing) hikes and I'm sure any day now he's going to tell me that he has a weekend off and we are going backpacking.  So far we've gone on I think three hikes.  The first was before the beautiful weather hit, and it was at Multnomah Falls.  I feel like it shouldn't really count as a real hike because it was in such a well traveled area, but it was still a hike.  How long??? I don't think long, but that hill was hard, so it felt pretty tough.  Then we went on a 5 mile hike down past Tillamook.  It was three hours just to get to this place, but it was so gorgeous, and the trail had so much to offer.  Oh, I think I might have already mentioned this hike.  Anyway, it was to Cape Lookout.  In case I didn't mention it, Logan found a geo cache and now that we've looked into it we're wishing we would have known more so we could have started. :(  We should have opened the box because maybe there would be like directions or something.  Ugh.  Anyway, last Sunday we went to Oswald West and went on a 4.6 mile hike.  The beach we ended up at was amazing... Hideaway Beach, or something like that.  On one side was a river, and on the other was a beautiful waterfall, with little tide pools at the bottom of it.  It was amazing, and if someone told me that I had to live there, I wouldn't really complain.  Amazing is what that place was.  (It's just too bad that so many other people think so too.)  On our drives to these places we read the Twilight series, and it was so good.  We've finished them now, and I'm kinda bummed we raced through them so fast.  I miss my friends... and I wish I could get them out of my head.  I'm still dreaming about them, which is pretty ridiculous.  

So Logan started TBall at the beginning of the month.  Today was his third game and I think he's doing better.  I still think it would be best for him if the games/practices were only 30 minutes instead of an hour, but I suppose it's good for him to learn some focus.  I think it might have been a mistake for him to not be in preschool this year because he seems to prefer being alone... I really hope this is something that he can get over by the time school starts.  We're somehow going to have to figure out how we can afford to have him in preschool at least two days a week this coming school year... I really think it would benefit him a lot.  

Lelah got her third tooth on the 23rd, and it looks HUGE!  I wonder if they would look so big if I weren't so used to those two little bottom teeth.  I'm hoping that the second top tooth will come in soon so she won't look like a snaggle toothed baby... which I specifically remember thinking when Logans first tooth came in, so I'm sure it will, but it's still a bit of a vain worry for me. ;)  She started scooting at some point last week... I think probably Tuesday-ish.  Like around the 13th or so.  It's really quite adorable.  Sometimes she'll lean forward and do it, but most of the time she's sitting perfectly upright, sometimes with her hands on her lap, sometimes with them up in the air above her head, and scoot all around.  It's so cute!  I think she must have been hearing me when I would say that I wasn't ready for her to crawl, so she's found a way around it.  
This is weird, but I feel like sometimes the world is trying to let me have what I want in some weird way.  I have a list of these things, and it's very interesting.  It was like the world showed me with Logan that just because you want white, if you get black you can love it more than you ever imagined you would have loved white.  I don't know if that even makes sense, but here is my example... I wanted a girl so bad with Logan... I got Logan, but I'm so thankful that I got him because I would be missing out on sooooo much.  Having a boy is a real blessing, and I'm so thankful that I have him.  He's better than that girl I had been hoping for.  As is Lelah.  I of course, also wanted a girl with Lelah. I got her, and then everything fell into line after that.  I wanted a shorter labor, which depending on how you look at it, I got. (or didn't)  While the pains that at some point turned into labor pains started 12 hours before I had her, I really only had an hour or so of intense labor pains.  I didn't want to go late, and I didn't.  She has brown eyes, more beautiful than I could have asked for, sleeps better than I knew a baby could (most nights), is a super nurser, loves to eat, favors me over anyone (which I know sounds super selfish, but I have to say, it's something I've always wanted).  I'm sure the list could go on for a lot longer.  But I feel like I might be spilling my guts and don't really know who all reads this, so I think I might stop at this.  I guess what I'm getting at is that with my beautiful boy and beautiful girl, I have more than most to be thankful for.  It makes me wonder what the heck kind of person I must have been in my last life to deserve this kind of luck.  You know?  

Alright, I feel like I should be done now.  I've entered into a very sentimental part of my brain and probably would bore everybody on how I feel, so I'm off.  

Friday, April 10, 2009

Remembering Smiling Eyes

So I was changing Lelahs diaper the other day and thought of something really random that I wanted to document.  I'm afraid that it's one of those things that with time I'll forget, and it's something that I want her to know about herself as a baby.  She was smiling at me while I was changing her diaper and it made me think of what a happy baby she is, and always has been.  I remember well before she could smile she would look at me and I could tell that if she could smile, she would be... cause her eyes were smiling.  Sounds totally corny and stupid, but it's true.  And when I was changing her diaper, I thought of her smiling eyes when she was just days old and it made me happy.  

Josh and I are reading the Twilight series... we're totally obsessed over it.  We started Twilight like maybe three weeks ago, and we're now on Eclipse. I've read Midnight Sun also... I'm going to be glad when we're finished because this is getting ridiculous.  Seriously.  lol

Easter (and Zoes birthday) are on Sunday.  We're going to do an Easter Egg hunt at Jen and Jeremys house... I'm anxious to see if he likes that.  

Alright I'm going to go.  Logan just irritated me royally so I can't fogus at all.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chicagoans visit, teeth, food, sprouting and beach cleanup... whew!

So Dad and Jamies visit was fun.  It was actually Dad, Jamie and Zoe... that was a total surprise! :D  I don't think I've ever actually been that surprised before... it was GREAT! Logan really loved everyone, especially Jamie and Lelah really loved dad.  They both liked Zoe a lot, Logan was a nice boy during her visit this time.  That was a bit of a change since the last visit. ;)  They weren't here for long, but we did make it to Long Beach and that was a blast.  Jamie had never been to the Pacific Ocean before, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  Well, okay, so it could have been warmer, but it was really a pretty day. Not a cloud in the sky.  The ocean was kinda mucky, but it wasn't too bad. I had a really great time.  

Lelah got her second tooth sometime between the last post and now.  She's had it for at least two weeks.  It's so cute.  Just two little teeth half way grown out.  :)  So cute!  Lelah is eating really good.  So far, the only thing she didn't really love that I've given her is the noodles from last night.  She's eaten so much already... homemade taco mac she couldn't get enough of, green beans, applesauce, prunes, cheerios, rice, rice cereal, celery, cucumber, kidney beans, chili, bean soup, ham, hamburger, chicken, bread, yogurt, orange, lemon, oatmeal, oatmeal cookies, no bake cookies, and the list could go on for awhile.  She really loves to eat.  I'm trying to make sure I nurse her before she eats anything because I think she would totally fill herself up on solids if I let her.  But from what I'm reading, that's not really a good idea for the first year... their main nutrition source should still be breast milk.  

Logan has started a new attitude, and it's pretty aggravating.  He's started telling us, "I want to kick you in the face!" when he's mad at us... we know right where he's gotten that from.  It sucks because when Josh and I say that we're totally joking, but Logan really doesn't get that. :(  We really need to start watching what we say because he repeats like EVERYTHING!  I think this is him becoming a 4 year old.  :( That is so sad.  I can't believe he's going to be FOUR YEARS OLD in just three months.  Really it's only two... it's the end of March now.  Ugh.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  And he'll tell me just that.  "No mama, I a kid!"  LOL

So about a week ago I started on a new adventure.  Not sure how long this will last, but I'm really into making stuff.  First thing I started was sprouting wheat berries.  That is a ton of fun, and so interesting to watch them grow.  They grow SO FAST!  It's so cool!  Currently I'm sprouting my second batch of wheat berries and some "Zesty Sprout Mix"... the wheat berries are for bread and the sprout mix is for sandwiches.  Or maybe bagels and cream cheese because Laura told me that is really yummy.  I put the leftover wheat berries from my first batch in my pink planter by the sink, and it's so interesting to watch them grow.  I swear they grew 1/4 inch just in the 6 hours I slept last night. It's so crazy!  I really am enjoying this!!!  I also made a lot of different breads last week and this week.  I made (my favorite out of all of them) bread from the wheat berry sprouts, our own sandwich bread in moms breadmaker, and something called "Peasant Bread" that took me three days to make.  Oh, and this WONDERFUL "No knead bread" that is definitely a close second to the sprout bread.  The peasant bread started out with boiled potato water.  Weird, right?  It was yummy... very wheaty.  Mom toasted it when I was over at her house, and then put butter on it... that was really good!  Oh, and I made my own deoderant, that is working FANTASTICLY!  I'm so excited about the deoderant!  I think I'm going to make some laundry detergent and maybe even some hand soap.  It would be greener, and you know, part of our New Years Resolution was to be greener... it was "To become leaner and greener."  And hey, I'm not working on the leaner thing, but truthfully that's a pretty selfish thing... being greener is better for EVERYONE. :)  

Alright, so today we have quite a busy day.  We're going to Cannon Beach with some of Joshs partners to clean that up with SOLV like we do every year.  Stupid Starbucks isn't involved this year which really irks me, but whatever.  I just have to say... what the hell?? Their new mission statement talks about community service... but this is the first year that they aren't being involved?  They really are going to hell in a handbasket.  I think they only added the community thing to look good. I think they are so busy trying to make money for the stockholders that now they won't even do community events. :( It really bums me out.  I used to be so proud of the company that my husband works for.  Anyway, after the beach cleanup we're running home and I'm whipping some stuff together for dinner tonight with Jerry and Amy.  It should be fun. Logan really enjoys playing with Shelby and I'm really enjoying their company.  I've had a lot of fun both evenings we've spent with them.  So, I must be going now to get ready for our busy day. :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little tooth...

Well, last weekend, on Sunday, February 22nd Lelah got her first tooth.  It was pretty amazing because we didn't even know that it was about to pop through... it totally surprised us. :D  A very nice thing to be surprised at.  Teething was really a pain just a week before, so the fact that it popped through without us even noticing really was amazing. :D

Friday, the 20th Josh and I had been together for 11 years.  Crazy... I think I said earlier that it feels like it's been so much longer, yet not even half of that time.  My mom watched the kids while Josh and I went to Costco, Camas (to pick up something for Logan) and to Clackamas to eat at Macaroni Grill.  It was fun but kinda anti climactic.  I missed Lelah a lot, but she seemed to have had a good time, so I think it's good for both of us to be away from eachother for an extended amount of time every now and then.  We picked up a Pluto, Mickey Mouse, Daisy Duck and Goofy in Camas that I found on Craigslist for Logie.  He was so excited when we brought them in!  See, "Santa" brought him a big Mickey Mouse for Christmas (because he really wanted one) and since then Logan has been asking us why he didn't bring him a Pluto to go with him.  (In his Christmas movies, Pluto is a big part of the Mickey parts, so I can understand why he was confused. )  Pluto licks us a lot, and Logan is having a fun time playing with all of them.  It's amazing how happy it makes me when he enjoys such simple things... it's no wonder that he's so spoiled, some of the reason I buy him stuff is for selfish reasons. ;)

Saturday we kinda just hung out at home and Josh and I just played the Wii.  We went to Galateas party at Vernies and then went straight up to Lauries house.  I made hot artichoke spinach dip and carbonaro... it was for Nathan, which is why I made the carbonaro.  It was fun.  Everyone got totally wasted, but that was even enjoyable. ;)  

Sunday we were supposed to go to Jovonnies 3rd birthday party but Sherres family was sick so we didn't go there.  It was re scheduled for this weekend.  Instead we went to the beach.  It was fun.  We took Max though, and shouldn't have had him come on the bike ride with us because we just about killed him. :(  We rode our bikes on the paved trail from Seaview all the way to that campground by Waikiki beach.  It was an amazing ride, very pretty... and very full of surprises.  Josh and I didn't even know that the trail went that way.  And then we ended up somewhere we totally weren't expecting.  It was really cool.  We think Logan might be ready to not be in the car anymore though.  :(  He was pretty bored through the whole thing, so I think we're going to look into getting him one of those attachements that you attach to an adult bike so it's sorta like a tandem.  I think he could handle that, and that would be way more interesting for him than the cart.  Lelah seemed to like the cart okay... she didn't like her helmet, but she did okay. :)

I didn't have the boys all week this week.  Which was nice but I didn't get a damn thing done all week, which was totally ridiculous.  You'd think I'd get more done when they aren't here, but the truth of the matter is I get way more done when they are here.  I'm supposed to have them Monday and Tuesday and then Mateo and Jovonnie on Wednesday, so I should get stuff done.  I've got to because Dad and Jamie are coming to visit.  They fly in late on Thursday night. :)  I'm pretty excited.  I always wonder what the heck we're going to do though because they aren't big on planning things, and Josh and I really like to be more prepared then that.  Oh well, we'll have fun even if we just sit at our house the entire weekend. :D  

Alright, it's taken me 12 hours to post this, so I'm off. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Clapping for Obama...

So last night I was on Katie Petits facebook and saw a youtube video that said something about Obama... I clicked on it and it was a music video.  So, Josh, Logan and I were all clapping and dancing around singing along with it.  Lelah was sitting on the floor getting excited, smiling away and rocking back and forth having such a good time, and all the sudden she started clapping with us!  It was the cutest dang thing!  I wish I could have gotten it on video or something... she was so stinking cute!

Lelah still is pretty sick.  Josh has been taking Zicam every four hours because he's pretty sure that he's getting sick too, and this afternoon when I was on the phone with Joni I started feeling like I was stuffed up, and then my throat started to hurt a little.  I think we're all getting sick. :(  I'm totally bummed... this will be the third month in a row that I've gotten sick.  That's ridiculous! I think a lot of it because I haven't been getting real good sleep, and my immune system just can't keep up.  It's terrible.

Tomorrow Josh and I have been "together" for 11 years.  Eleven years!  It's unbelievable.  It sounds like such a long time, but it sure hasn't felt that long.  Something funny- when I told my mom how long it's been, she said to me, "That's it, eleven years???"  Eleven years ago I was 13. Yeah that's it, that's a LONG TIME for a 24 year old!  I think we're going to go to Portland for dinner.  I'm going to give Josh a card for us to go to a Yoga 101 class at "Yoga Union".  It's a free class, but I figure while we're there we can pay for both of us to take the beginners hot yoga.  Joni was telling me about that today and that sounds like it might be fun.  I just wonder if they have showers there or something.  Anyway, I think Josh would totally dig that. :D

We've got a super busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow, we are going to Portland, and then Saturday we have Galateas party at Vernies at 5 o'clock and then Nathans thing has been moved to Lauries house at 6 o'clock because Grandma Largent died yesterday.  Poor Doreen, she sounded really sad today when I talked to her.  I always feel bad that I don't know what to say, but I just really don't feel like anything can make your heart hurt less when you lose someone.  Even if it was their time to go, it's still so hard.  Anyway, I'd like to get her some flowers... and write a little note in her card to explain why I hadn't called.  I just am a very personal private greiving person, so I guess I just assume that is what everyone needs, you know?  Poor Doreen, I can't even imagine how hard it is to lose a loved one that you've taken care of for so long.  

Then on Sunday at 1 o'clock we have Jovonnies 3rd birthday party to go to.  I told myself that I needed to get the house picked up and ready for the weekend and the fact that I'll totally be neglecting it, but I haven't done a damn thing.  Maybe I can talk Josh into helping me get some stuff done tomorrow... because I'm sure that if I'm getting sick, I'm not going to want to play catch up next week when I'm feeling even worse.  This is ridiculous... just when I'm getting over one thing, another thing starts, and I never seem to have the house in order so we don't live in a pig sty the whole time that I'm sick. :(  Sometimes it's tough to be the person in charge.

Alright, I'm so ready for bed.  My eyes feel like they are going to burn out of my skull, and Lelah is asleep, so all I have to do is go to bed.  How nice. :)  Since Josh is closing, I think I'll just tell Logan he can get in bed with me, then I won't even have to do any tucking in.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lelah has RSV

Well, I think it's a good thing that when you are a mother of two you have first had the experience of being a mother of one.  Sounds weird, yes, but wow, it's sometimes a lot harder.  Lelah is sick yet again, and I just can't believe that she's been so sick two times already.  I don't remember Logan being sick until he was over a year old. :(  I was kinda feeling bad about it, but then I started thinking and it really does make sense.  I mean, not only because Logan is here, but because we go out a lot more with Lelah than we ever did with Logan.  I thought that we went out a lot with him, but we mostly just went to peoples houses, you know?  We went to Grandmas and moms, and yeah, we went to the store and out to eat, but I think we do more now.  Anyway, so Lelah has RSV.  When Dr. Ayoub told me I had a moment of panic because of the scary ads I've seen in magazines and at her office.  I think Lelah must have a mild case of it.  I was reading some stuff about RSV today and it could be so much worse.  Thank goodness.  

Two weeks ago I wrote a message to Amy Skeie from high school asking if we could bury the hatchet.  I mean I didn't really say that, but that's pretty much what I meant.  I couldn't even remember why I didn't like her in high school, and I thought it was so silly because we really do have a lot in common.  She is a mom of two kids, and is married, has a house and all the responsibilities that come with all of that.  So, last Friday (2/13) we had dinner with her and her husband, Jerry and their two girls, Shelby and Lexi.  It was really fun and I enjoyed myself a lot!  I made calzones and we had brownie sundaes for desert. It was really fun!  We played games and the kids played well together. Logan really loved Shelby.  He wanted me to keep telling everyone what her name was and how she came over to our house.  It was pretty cute!

On Valentines Day Josh and I and the kids went to Portland and spent a ton of money. It was fun. We bought a laptop (which I'm using right now, and it's sooooo nice!), a wireless router for our modem, a Wii and a Wii Fit.  I must say that I like to spend money, I just wish we had more to spend. LOL Of course, the reason we never have any to spend is because we spend it so fast. LOL  Oh! And the most exciting thing!!! We bought our tickets to Delaware on Valentines Day too!  Woo Hoo!!!  We're going from September 2nd until the 9th.  That will be from 41 1/2 weeks until 42 1/2 weeks.  So, hopefully she'll have the baby either before we get there (which would be really great for her) or while we're there (which would be so awesome!!!).  No matter what, I really want to meet this baby. I'm so excited for her that she's having a baby and that we're going to be mommy's together.  

Alright, we're off to spend more money.  (We got our tax return on Friday- $3368) One of Joshs employees gave Logan a V tec game so we are going to go buy the cord that he needs so he can play it.  And then we have to buy some dog food and some toilet paper.  

Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas, New Year and a new baby on the way!!!

Wow, it's been over a month.  A lot can happen in a months time.  

Christmas was nice.  It was our first white Christmas ever!  While it was pretty neat to have it be white, it also was kinda a pain in the butt.  Laurie and Chris got stuck in their driveway and were late for Christmas breakfast (but hey, at least they made it!) and Chris' family Christmas thing was moved to our house last minute.  Kinda a bummer, but it all worked out fine.  Logan was a total Joy to watch opening presents... he was excited about the smallest things.  Lelah was adorable as always, and thought everyone and everything was so interesting. :D  She looked beautiful in her Christmas dresses. Yes, dresses.  She wore Ellas dress from last year on Christmas Eve and then a pretty red dress that Grandma Laurie bought her for Christmas day.  Christmas Eve we went to Bob and Pattys house and spent the evening there with Aunt Char and Uncle Bill and my parents.  It was really nice.  Christmas day both sets of parents came over for Christmas breakfast, which was so great.  I love this new tradition.  Joni said that when she moves home she'd love to do the same thing, which will work out fine because Jasons family won't live here, so we'll take turns spending the night at eachothers houses.  I asked Joni if my mom could still come the years it was at her house and she said of course! :D  That will REALLY be great!  Anyway, after Christmas breakfast and opening presents here, mom, Tim, Logan, Lelah and I went up to Grandma Carolyns house and visited with them.  Josh stayed home so he could pick up the house before Chris' family came.  When we got back to town (which was quite an endeavor considering how icy the roads were) we went straight to Debbies and visited there for about an hour before we came back home for Chris' family thing.  It was moved to our house because it was originally supposed to be at Theolas house, but they canceled VERY LAST MINUTE and Chris and Teena were pretty bummed about it.  Anyway, Theolas family didn't even show up (totally rude if you ask me) and so it was just our family, Chris and Laurie and Teenas family.  It was nice, and dinner was okay.  After they all left we went over to Tricia and Joes house and played a game or two.  It was a good Christmas, and I think Lelah really enjoyed it and I KNOW that Logan did. :D

Jen and Jeremy came over on New Years.  We had yummy food and pink champagne and sparkling cider.  It was fun.  The boys banged spoons on pots and pans at midnight, and it was so much fun!  I can't believe that it's 2009!!!  Lelah and Joel were pretty tired by the time midnight rolled around, but they made it. :D

Did I mention in the last post that Joni is pregnant?  Yup, she is, and I'm gonna be an aunt!  I'm pretty excited about it.  She's due on August 24th.  Josh and I are thinking that with our income tax return we can go there.  We're all hoping that we'll be there when she has the baby, but we all know how unpredictable the little buggers can be.  We'll see. :)  She's feeling a lot of morning sickness, but other than that everything seems to be going well.  She has an ultrasound to make sure she is really due at the end of August on Wednesday... I'm so excited for her and Jason to see their baby! 

Lelah started sitting up this month, and started sitting up without anyone needing to be by her last week.  She is now an old pro at it. I can put her on the floor without having to really worry about her.  Every once in awile the boys get a little too rambunctious, and she gets knocked down, but she's getting better and better and keeping her balance every day. :D

I think that's it for me.  Oh wait.  Josh and I started dieting on Jan. 1st.  Josh has lost 16 pounds, and I've lost 7.  This has been the hardest it's ever been for me to lose weight.  I'm not sure what it's all about.  I'm thinking that it has something to do with nursing, but I'm not really sure.  I might just be giving myself too many points?  I don't know though because I'm following the program well.  Anyway, it's coming off, just not half as fast as it usually does. :(  

Okay, that's really it.