Thursday, December 18, 2008

The sickness is finally over

Well, that was just about terrible!  I said in the last post that Logan came down with croup during the first week of December.  Then Lelah got sick- really sick, and then I got sick... with a sinus infection.  I'd never had one of those before, and boy is it terrible!  I felt like the side of my face had been hit by a small truck or something.  Dr. Ayoub showed me how truly wonderful she really is... I called desperate to be seen on Saturday and it turned out they were closed but Dr. Ayoub just happened to be there.  She listened to my symptoms and prescribed me some Amoxicillan.  She's so wonderful!  Through the week that Lelah was really sick she called every day to check on her.  She's so amazing!!!  

Joshs birthday was yesterday.  He wanted a white birthday so badly, and he got it!  I'm so happy because I feel like I totally let him down when it came to gifts this year so at least Mother Nature was a good gift giver. :)  It literally snowed all day.  We went up to my moms to play in the snow and tried getting up the hill three times in Joshs car.  After the third time we finally gave up and my mom drove down and picked us up.  We played there and visited for a few hours until we were ready to go home.  Some guy stopped us half way down and told us that it wasn't safe to drive down... so we strapped Lelahs carseat to the sled and her and Logan rode down the hill on that with Josh pulling on the front and me pulling on the back (for brakes.)  It all started to melt last night around 8-ish but only for about an hour so not much left.  Then it got cold enough to snow off and on throughout the night.  We woke up to snow again and it snowed off and on all day today.  The roads are a complete sheet of ice.  There is a chance that we might have a white Christmas, which I think would be SOOOO wonderful!  I've never had one of those and neither has Josh.  We'll see though, all the weather stations are saying different things... only time will tell. :D

We're through with Christmas shopping.  Which is good because we're more than out of money.  I think we over-did Logan again this year, but it's a lot of small stuff, so that's okay I think.  My parents got him a tractor with a trailer that he can drive around with Tim and bring wood to the basement.  I think he's going to LOVE it.  :)  I'm quite excited for him to see it.  Yesterday while we were at my moms she showed Josh and I and boy is it ever cute!  It's a John Deere and the trailer is so cute!!!  

So our plans for Christmas are as follows... of course, the weather will dictate whether we do all of this or not.  Christmas Eve we're spending at Bob and Pattys house with my parents and Aunt Char and Uncle Bill.  It's an appetizer party. I'm bringing the artichoke spinach dip that we love so much and I think also bacon-wrapped water chestnuts.  (I got that recipe off of my hippi site. :D)  I personally don't think they sound so yummy, because I don't like water chestnuts, but both my mom and Josh think they sound wonderful, so I think I'll do that.  I'm sure I'll end up bringing something else too... I love appetizer-type foods!  Then Christmas morning, we're having Joshs mom and Chris over and my parents for Christmas breakfast.  We were originally thinking that we could have breakfast burritos (because I could make them in advance and pop them in the oven) but Chris told us the other night that he'll need the egg substitute, so I don't know if we're going to do that or not.  Then we are going up to Grandma Carolyns house (this is where the "I don't know because of weather conditions" comes in) and then to Debbies for a Christmas thing there.  Then I think we're going to go to Theolas for Chris' familys thing.  I just realized though that Debbies is at 2 o'clock and that Theolas is at like 3 o'clock.  Hmm... well, we'll see what happens there.  

Well, I think that is it for me.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lelah is sick...

Wow it's been a month since I last updated... I'm terrible!  

First things first, I'm going to go backwards.  Logan came down with croup last week and ever-so-kindly shared whatever bug it was that made him sick with his baby sister. :(  Poor little things.  Logan was so sick... and he kept telling me that, "I'm so sick mama..."  I felt so sorry for him.  Then on Saturday Lelah came down with it and so I went from snuggling Logan and comforting him to snuggling Lelah and trying to get her to calm down enough to breathe.  Logan never got sick when he was such a little baby, so I feel like a new mom all over again. :(  I took her to the doctors yesterday and they thought she had whooping cough but the test came back negative, so thank goodness for that!

Thanksgiving day Lelah found out who's been making all the noise around here. (The noise that wasn't big brother.)  :)  It was adorable! While I was making the rolls she was sitting in her swing yelling and screaming and laughing outloud at herself.  She was so impressed.  Thanksgiving weekend she also started blowing raspberries and I'm not sure when but is also now grabbing at toys.  Oh, and Thanksgiving evening she rolled over at Aunt Char and Uncle Bills house.  I've seen her do it before, but she did it with purpose this time.  Since then she's become a pretty good pro at it. :)  

That's it for now... I'm going to get current on MySpace before she wakes up again. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We have a new president...

So, today is the day... Barrack Obama won! WooHoo!

But on to more important stuff, that Logan and Lelah can't find anywhere on the internet in 20 years. :) First off, Logan is being quite the little pest. He's going through this ultra hyper phase that is just about driving Josh and I mad. It's worst when he's happy and tired, but those aren't the only times that he's wearing us out. Anyway, some nights I lay in bed praying to God that my precious little boy isn't changing into a monster. :( He still is precious, it's just sometimes there is quite a bit of time between precious times. He's still completely in love with Lelah, and she shows the same amount of admiration towards him. Yesterday Josh got Lelah to laugh out loud by jumping towards her... a couple hours later, she was in her swing and we saw Logie doing the same thing. It was so cute cause he was trying sooooo hard to get her to laugh... when he finally got her to he was so proud. Logan is learning more and more words every day. He's talking in sentences most of the time now, and I think he's probably understandable to the majority of people probably at least 50% of the time. Not the whole sentence, but I think most people can get the gist of what he's trying to say. :) I'd say that Josh and I understand him more like 95-98% of the time. :) Two days ago he came up to me in the kitchen and said, "Mama, why is my dog sad?" I don't know what Max was doing that made Logan think that he was sad, but apparently he looked or acted sad. Logan was worried. :)

Baby Joel was born on October 15th, and since October 10th Logan and Jameson haven't gotten to see eachother every single day like they are used to. Jen says that Jameson is having a hard time, and I know that for the first bit Logan had a terrible time. He cried every morning for the first three days. He still (it's almost been a month now) will ask me in the mornings half of the time if his "baby" is coming today. Jen and Jeremy decided that Jameson should come still on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I'm able to tell Logie, "No, not today, but tomorrow" or something like that. It's holding him from being sad now. He's still not happy when baby Max comes... which I think is partly my fault. I get so aggravated with his crying, and I think that I take my aggravation out on Logan... so he's taken to saying, "He needs to go home now." whenever Max is here. :( I'm hoping he doesn't have the same reaction when baby Joel starts coming. I'm also hoping that I can somehow get him into some kind of preschool program when Jameson and Joel come back for 5 days per week. We'll see though. I'm worried that since they will be coming in the morning that there will be no way for Logie to get to any kind of preschool program, even if we have the money to pay for it... he still has to have some kind of transportation. I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out.

Josh just got back from New Orleans. He was there from October 25 to October 30th. I missed him so much it was ridiculous. Especially that since he's been home he's been a butt. :( Oh well, I figure it's a hard transition going from a manager, talking work talk every hour of the day for four days straight and then coming home and having to be a dad again. Anyway, butt or no butt, I'm glad he's home. I've decided I'm not meant to be a single parent... that is some tough stuff right there. Josh also found out (right before he left for New Orleans) that he won't be having an Assistant Manager anymore. He's happy and sad at the same time. Anyway, he didn't have Katie Petit anymore, because she was promoted to manager of the Triangle store, so it's not too big of a loss. He hadn't really gotten to know the new assistant before she was also transfered to her own store.

Lelah is doing wonderfully. She rolled over for the first time last Wednesday... on the table in front of Crystal and I. I think she probably would have done it sooner but I never really give her the chance, and if she has the chance she doesn't have any reason to do so. She's been giggling out loud for awhile, but in the last week she's really started laughing a lot. It's really adorable, and Logan gets her to do it more than anyone. They are already starting a bond... they love eachother so much already. It's really amazing. Today Logan was falling asleep on the couch and Lelah was up there with him and it was so cute because even though he wasn't moving all around, she still stared at him until she fell asleep too. It was sooooo cute! I never thought I would feel this way, but two kids is soooo much better than one! Watching number one with number two is absolutely amazing and watching number two with number one is just as great. I love love love having two children.

Alright, Lelah is finally asleep... I think I'm basically torturing her by feeding her my breastmilk right now. Something I ate (I think the new recipe for Zuppa Toscana I made the other night) is giving her terrible gas. Poor little thing... I've given her so much Mylicon today. :( Hopefully she'll sleep okay. Good night.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Logan and Jameson

Okay, so I just listened to the most hilarious exchange. Logan and Jameson are so cute, sometimes I have a hard time not just busting up.

This morning I forgot to bring down Logans potty chair when I came downstairs, so when he had to go to the bathroom, he went upstairs. I hate carrying that thing down, especially when there is pee and poop in it, but it's my own fault, so whatever. So he goes poop, and I carry it down, empty it and go on my merry way. I go to the bathroom a little later and then I hear Logan telling Jameson that he is going poop, he'll be down in a minute. It was something like "I pooping upstairs baby!" And I was like, "No Logan, I brought your toilet down here..." and then I saw that no, the toilet wasn't in the bathroom where I left it. He had taken the damn thing back upstairs! So as I'm coming up the stairs I'm yelling at him that I don't like to have to carry it up and down the stairs, why the heck did he bring it back up the stairs right after I brought it down. By this time, I'm up the stairs, he's sitting on his toilet in the spot at the end of the hall where we always keep it in the middle of the night and he's pooping telling me, "It stinks down there!" :) This totally cracks me up. That makes perfect sense... if I needed to go poop and could move the toilet that I was going to go on to a place that didn't smell like someone elses poop, I would too. Totally makes sense. Anyway, so by this time, Jameson is now upstairs too. Logan is saying, "Come on poop!!!" and Jameson is saying, "Chocolate milk?" Apparently he misunderstood Logan. To this Logan responds, "No baby, I poop!" Then Jameson says, "Oh, pee?" "No baby, I POOP!" Then Jameson looks at me and says, "He poop." LOL

This whole thing just totally cracked me up because it was like listening to the drunks that Bill Cosby talks about. It's so hilarious!

Monday, September 8, 2008

More than a month!

Wow, it's already been a month since I last wrote... geesh! We took a little vacation from the internet due to the lack of money. Sad but true. Someday, I'm sure that we won't actually have to let things be turned off just so we can afford our bills... until then, I'm sorry to say, internet is a luxury.

We're back on for now though, so I might as well do an entry. :) One of the biggest highlights since the last time I wrote is Zoe came to visit. It was so nice to see her, and I'm so thankful that I got to get to know my sister a little better. She's quite a kick in the pants, and Josh, Logan, Lelah and I had a ton of fun with her. Logan was his usual jerk-self... telling her constantly that she was a "bad guy" but I think that he actually enjoyed her. He just seems to think it's so great to remind people over and over again how much he doesn't like them... with a smile on his face. :) I'm hoping that he gets over this soon... I'm sure that it can hurt peoples feelings, and I don't know how to make them feel better. Maybe that he is that way with everyone??? On a VERY SAD note, Josh lost our camera while Zoe was here. :( I am so sad about it... I actually get kinda sick to my stomach every time I think of it. Ugh, I'm so sad. That is something that we won't be able to replace anytime soon, and that is just so depressing to me... especially considering how young Lelah is. So depressing!

Lelah started really smiling while Zoe was here. She had smiled here and there a couple times, but she REALLY is smiling now. She's very happy in the mornings, which is such a change from Mister Logan. She's pretty happy in the evening too, and really I can't say that she's ever really that sad. She's so content. Again, such a change from what Logan was when he was a baby... I think he was probably happy in the mornings too, come to think of it. I don't remember him being cranky like he is now. While Zoe was here we went to the kite festival at Long Beach and had SOOOOO much fun. I think all of us can agree that it would have been just as much fun without the kites though. :) We played and played and played on the beach... it was such a great time! We went to the end of the beach, by Beards Hollow, but the tide was up too far, so we parked, my mom watched Lelah and Josh, Logan, Brittney, Gregory, Zoe and I all got chased by the waves trying to get to the other side. It was such a fun time! We all ended up pretty soaking wet, but it was so fun!!! Also while she was here, we took her to Siouxon Creek, and I think she liked that. But I do think she liked the beach much more. :) Josh also took her to Mt. St. Helens, which is where he lost the camera. It was pretty much a wasted trip from what I hear. It was cloudy, so they didn't even get to see the mountain.

I still haven't sent out the announcements, and I'm really starting to get down about it. I've decided that instead of doing one like I did with Logan, I think I'll do one of those letters kinda like I do at Christmas time. I thought I would include a couple pictures of them. I should work on that maybe tomorrow.

Alright, I'm going for now. I'll try to keep up with this better than I have in the last month. It should be considerably easier since we now have the internet again. :) Bye for now!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Logan finally had his haircut today... and he's sooooo cute! His hair was just about driving me crazy! I swear it was getting longer every day, and I could notice it! Anyway, it's adorable, and he was so cute when he showed my mom and Josh. He bent his head down so they could see the back of his neck where the lady shaved him. It was soooo cute. They of course didn't know what the heck he was doing, so I explained, he was so proud. :)

I think that's all I really have to say today. I just thought I would share that little bit of excitement... because it was so cute watching Logan show people. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Things going well...

Wednesday was a busy day for us. First thing I drove up to Chehalis because I thought Lelah and I had an appointment with Laura. Turns out I had an appointment the day before at 4 o'clock, but Laura saw us anyways. Whoops. :( I lost another 4 pounds and Lelah gained a pound and two ounces! Isn't that wonderful!?!? I was thrilled. Lelahs PKU turned out fine, I got my belly cast and the appointment was all around wonderful. Laura shared some really interesting stories of different births, and there isn't much more interesting things to talk about in my book. :)

Wednesday was also the first day that I had the boys again. Four kids... it wasn't bad. :) Max and Jameson have changed so much in the three weeks they've been gone... I totally wasn't expecting that. Max seems like a mammoth compared to Lelah, but according to Kayla he is low on the charts. I have a hard time believing that... but whatever. Anyway, he's eating his food better... he hardly spits it out at all. He does seem to need to be held a lot, but I think a lot of that is the age he's at right now. He wants to be involved with what the boys are doing, but can't really do anything... he can't sit up, he can't crawl, etc. So what I've been doing is when he gets tired of one thing, (the swing, johnny jump up, in my arms, on the floor, or in the play thingy like a walker) then I switch him to the next. It's going okay. The fact that Lelah still sleeps so much is extremely helpful, and Max still sleeps a pretty fair amount too. He takes about a two hour nap in the am and another one in the afternoon. It's nice. Hopefully this will last for awhile. :) Jameson has learned sooooo many new words! It's pretty crazy really. Both Wednesday and Thursday he surprised me with multiple words that I didn't know he could say. I can't believe how much growing up he did in just three weeks! I can't imagine what it will be like when Jen goes on maternity leave... he'll be a whole new boy. :(

Josh was home on Wednesday and Thursday, so it was a nice ease into the babysitting thing. Today is my first day alone. I'm glad that I don't have Max first thing in the morning like I did the last two days... that is what I least look forward to. Having to get up early for him after having to get up with Lelah at night. :( I'll get used to it.

Alright, I'm in a hurry, so that's all I'm going to say.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Josh is going back to work... :(

Well, our three weeks as a family with no work responsibilities is coming to an end. :( Josh is going back to work tomorrow. I'm feeling a little depressed about it. I'm not nervous or anything, just sad that it's over now. It's like the day after Christmas... all the excitement is over and we're having to go back to our everyday life stuff. Oh well, it had to happen sooner or later, and I just keep reminding myself that it's not like he's never going to be home with us again. He DOES come home every night. :)

I start watching the boys again on Wednesday. I think I'm ready for it. Physically I feel fine... I don't really feel like I just gave birth to a 9 lb. baby two and a half weeks ago. There are only a few times a day that I can remember due to a body ache or something. Mentally I'm ready, as long as I keep reminding myself that I won't have them 24 hours a day. I'm still going to get time alone with Logan and Lelah. And I also keep reminding myself that I need to get back into the swing of things because I'm SOOOOO SICK OF A MESSY HOUSE! I'm anxious to have my routine back... get up, do laundry, clean kitchen, clean up dining/living room, etc. Without having any kind of obligations, I've been not doing any of that stuff regularly... and trust me, my house is proof. :( I think Logan has missed Jameson quite a bit, and I think it'll be good for him to have a buddy to play with again.

As I type this, Josh is outside planting our garden... I know, I know, it's way too late in the year for that. But really, I don't care. It's something that has been on Joshs mind and he's really really been wanting to do it, so if we get just one piece of food from it, I think it'll be worth it to Josh. :) We have pea seeds planted, he's going to plant corn and pumpkins. Then we have romaine lettuce starts, tomato starts, cucumber starts and a bell pepper start (that actually has a bell pepper already on it!). I have great faith that we'll get more than one piece of food from this... and not just because there is a pepper on the pepper plant. Every grocery shopping trip we make we buy romaine lettuce, cucumber and bell pepper, so I think that this is a good thing. :)

Alright, that's it for me. I plan to post some pictures on my MySpace now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lelahs first 12 days (cont.)

Okay, so here is the rest of it...

July 14, 2008
Absolutely nothing came into mind for this day. I think Josh went into work today while the kids and I took a nap, but that's all I can think of. On the calendar I have written, "Jens guess for baby being born"... I guess she was wrong. :)

July 15, 2008
Today we had an appt. with Laura, and it was a good one. Lelah lost 6 ounces, but according to Laura, that's fine... it's normal for a baby to lose a half pound in the first week, so she's ahead of schedule. :) I lost a whopping 21 pounds!!! I was hoping for 9 pounds, but 21 is of course wayyyy better! Now lets just hope I can keep it off. ;) We also got ready for our camping trip that we will be leaving for tomorrow, Wednesday. Actually, Josh did most of the getting ready. I truthfully just sat most of the day and nursed Lelah. Oh, Sherre and her kids came over to meet Lelah, so that was a lot of what I did... visit with them. Josh did a fantastic job, and made wonderful chocolate chip cookies, muddy buddies and caramel corn!!!

July 16, 2008
This is a very important day. It's funny though, I didn't even realize until the next day what today was. Lelah was due today! But she was actually a whole week old... she's such a big girl! :) We left around elevenish to go camping at Canyon Creek. It was a very nice drive... Lelah slept the whole time, and Logan enjoyed watching The Jungle Book in Unci's truck. :)

July 17, 2008
We were camping today too. Logan spent a lot of the day playing in the river with daddy, and Lelah spent a lot of the day nursing... it's her favorite thing to do. :)

July 18, 2008
Today is the day that Unci and Papa came to camp. Logan was thrilled to see them, and truthfully, Josh and I were quite thrilled to have other adults to talk to besides eachother. :)

July 19, 2008
Today we are still camping... we went on a hike to our favorite area... Siouxon Creek. We hiked a total of three miles, to and from Horseshoe falls. Josh and I were so excited to show it to my mom... and Logan enjoyed the walk. :) Lelah slept the whole way up, but about 1/3 of the way down she decided that she wasn't happy to sleep any longer and was ready to eat. I tried to calm her down, so that I could just feed her once we got back to the car, but she wasn't going for it. I ended up nursing her while walking back to the car. It was quite the task to get her situated, but once she was latched on it was easier than it sounds. :)

July 20, 2008
Today we came home from camping... Josh, Logan and I were SOOOOO ready to. While we totally enjoyed the trip, we were all ready for our home. :) I'm not sure if Lelah even really noticed that anything was different. When we got home, we finally put the batteries in the swing, and boy does Lelah LOVE LOVE LOVE that! We don't really use it a whole lot, but when we need the break, it's sure nice that she loves it so much. :) Today her belly button also fell off. We've been waiting for that for a couple days now... it's been pretty gnarly looking. We went to Tricia and Joes house and visited with them for a couple hours, that was nice. Oh, today we used Logans wagon for the first time. He loved it... and Lelah didn't seem to mind it too much. Of course, she doesn't mind much when her tummy is full and she's asleep. :)

July 21, 2008
Today we went on a walk at Lake Sacajawea (I don't know if I spelled that right) with Sherre and the boys. We had to let Logan pee in the bushes three different times... we tried the bathroom, but he refused to use it because it was "Blah". :) I can't say that I blame him... and I'm kinda glad he wouldn't use it because I'm so scared he's going to touch something when we take him into those nasty bathrooms. I just think I could maybe get into trouble if I was caught helping him pee onto a tree in the middle of the most populated park area in town. :( Ah well, what can I say, he's potty training. :) We had borrowed Jen and Jeremys weed eater and air mattress, so we made plans this morning to return both things to them this evening. Jen called and told us that we were invited to dinner too if we'd like it. How in the heck can a person turn down Jeremys yummy tacos??? :) We had a nice visit there. Lelah puked the whole time we were there though... maybe sour stomach? I don't know, but I don't think she's puked that much ever. She seemed fine during the night though, so it must have just been a case of sour stomach.

We don't really have any big plans for today. Josh is rototilling the back yard so he can plant some seeds, and some starts for a garden. It's his latest obsession... I'm nervous that it's too late, but it's keeping him busy, and happy, so whatever. It would be REALLY cool to have fresh vegetables... I love vegetables fresh from a garden.... MMMMM!

So that's it. I'll try to get on here at least every other day, but we'll see. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Lelahs first 12 days

So it turns out that time flies even faster when you are the parent of two children! (Which by the way still sounds so weird for me to say!!!) I had to try to remember everything that has gone on in the last 12 days off the top of my head, so I'm sure that I've forgotten a ton... like for instance, who all has come to visit. :(

July 10th, 2008
Today Lelah was one whole day old. :) I feel really good, sore, but good. When Laurie called this morning to talk to Josh, she told him that she made a bit of a mistake by going to his work to get her coffee.... she was on the receiving end of the game of 20 questions, and couldn't get out of the drivethru fast enough. :) Everyone wanted to know if she was beautiful, how we were doing, etc. So, Josh and I decided that we should make the trip over there so everyone that was there could meet her. But first we went by Lauries work so that Vickie Hooper could meet her. On our way to Lauries office, one of the CNA's stopped me in the hall to talk about all of Lelahs beautiful dark hair. At one point she asked me if she was white. Yeah, I know, strange question, right? Everyone there loved her though, and Logan was proud as ever to let everyone know that this was "LaLa, my baby sisser." After that we went to Overhead Door, I wanted Aunt Char to meet miss Lelah, and of course Bob and Patty too. We stayed there for awhile, and then went to Starbucks. Everyone there loved her, and we stayed for quite awhile because we first were just visiting with Kayla, because she wasn't on the clock yet, and then we waited for Katie Petit to get back from a meeting, and then I had to feed Lelah. After that hour or so we went to Fred Meyer so we could get milk and stuff. While at Fred Meyer I got to tell two different people how old she was, and the checker was utterly amazed that I was out and about after only 36 hours. It made me feel good how much she thought I looked wonderful, and of course, everyone mentioned how beautiful Lelah was... and not a person missed how much beautiful dark hair she had. :) I was afraid that I had already overdone it a little, so we came home and all took a long nap. It was a good day. :)

July 11, 2008
I can't remember anything that happened today except that we went to the 49er for dinner with Grandma Muriel, Grandma Ruth, Chris and Laurie. Then afterwards we went to Lauries and just hung out. It was very nice... a lot of relaxing. :)

July 12, 2008
Mom and I made plans to go to the Farmers Market this morning. Tim called around 8 o'clock to see if I would mind bringing Lelah by Woods so she could introduce her to Janet. So, before the Farmers Market, mom, Logan, Lelah and I went there and Janet and her daughter got to meet Lelah. They were very impressed with her beautiful hair, and both seemed to really enjoy her. Logan, like always liked the inside a lot... there were lots of animal heads, and he is so intrigued by them. :) We went to the Farmers Market next and bought some fruit, but Lelah got hungry so we cut the trip short. Mom called me in the afternoon, after we had all taken a nap and asked if we wanted to go to Rainier Days with her and Tim, and if Josh, Logan, Lelah and I wanted to stay with her for the fireworks... of course, we didn't turn that offer down, so we went there around 7 o'clock. First mom and Tim came over and we all had pizza for dinner, and I decided that I really like Mug rootbeer. (Weird, I've never been a real fan, but I all the sudden like it a lot!) We had fun at Rainier Days, Lelah was able to get some sun for her jaundice, and I nursed her while I watched the festivities. It was fun. The fireworks were a lot nicer than the ones at the lake, and Lelah slept through them like they were nothing. Logan was quite impressed with them, but I think was just as impressed with the strawberry and whip cream covered funnel cake he shared with us. :) We parked a million miles away from the festivities though, and the walk back was quite tiring. Thank goodness Logan and Josh walked ahead, I don't know if I could have made it all the way up that damn hill! It took an hour to get out of Rainier, because there was a wreck on the bridge, and the traffic was quite amazing. It was fun though, and we will definitely be going back next year.

July 13, 2008
I can't think of anything that we did this day except we went to Tricia and Joes and visited with them the whole evening. It was nice... I really enjoyed it. Logan of course loved it because he loves Levi so much, Josh had a nice visit too, and I think Lelah could have cared less as long as she got to drink milk whenever she wanted. This is the first day that I realized that she is a bit of a piggy during the evening.

I think I'll finish the rest of what I've thought of tomorrow. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lelahs Birth Story

On Tuesday evening, I had an appointment with Laura the midwife at 7 pm. My mom, Logan and Laurie (my mother-in-law) came along. I was preparing myself for her to say that I hadn't progressed at all, and that I probably wouldn't be having the baby in the near future because I mentally have to do this preparation otherwise I go with too high of hopes. Anyway, she listened to the heartbeat (which sounded wonderful), she weighed me (and I gained so I was worried because she said that a lot of people lose the week they go into labor), and then she checked me. While she was checking me she asked me if "this" hurt, and I said no... she later told me that she was stretching my cervix all over the place, and she also stripped my membranes. I'm under the impression that a normal stipping of membranes is two sweeps, but she made it out to be a lot more than just two when she was showing us what she did. Anyway, she told me again that I'm "so tough" and that, like always, made me embarrassingly happy. Embarrassed because I don't know if she tells all patients that, but happy because I really wasn't lying when I said that I've felt a lot worse things. :) Anyway, she told me that I would get a lot of cramping from the stripping of the membranes, and oh, she also said when she pulled her fingers out and there was blood that the blood was a good thing because it meant, gosh, now I don't remember what it meant. Anyway, she said the blood was good... this is important for later in the story. So, back to the lots of cramping... I asked her if I could take some of the PN6 herb thingys if I did get lots of cramping, and she said that as long as I want to be up all night, she's up for it, to go ahead and take them. I left her office thrilled. She said that I was still about 75% effaced, but that it was my whole cervix, not just the bottom half that was soft. She said that last week when she checked me my cervix was a tight 4cm, meaning, it was definitely 4cm, but it couldn't be stretched. At the appt. it was a "very stretchy" 4cm. The head was low, everything seemed great.

Before we even got to Castle Rock, only about 10-15 minutes into our drive home I started getting some back pains... which is pretty normal considering that I had just been checked and even more normal (for me at least) because I had my membranes stripped. I mentioned it to the moms and they acknowledged it and we went on with our conversation. So, this was about 7:45 or 8:00 I think. Mom, Logan and I dropped Laurie off at her house and we went to Taco Time to eat dinner. While at dinner, I mentioned to my mom that I was having a lot of cramping, in my back and in the front like menstrual cramps. She asked me if they were contractions, and I immediately said "No, just pain" and then once I took a minute, I realized that the pain was coming and leaving in waves like contractions. This excited me even more than just the pain, which, I keep calling it pain, but I want to just mention that it was completely bearable. We ate dinner, and I tried talking my mom into taking a walk with me, but she wasn't going for it, so I was a little bummed. We finished dinner and then went back to my house where my moms car was... she left and I looked at my "to do if in labor list" and marked some stuff off... I unlocked the doors, turned on the porch light, emptied the washer and dryer, that kind of stuff. I think I might have did something on my MySpace, and maybe posted some stuff on Mothering, but I don't really recall. I do remember calling Laurie (who was in the room when I was checked and Laura told me when to take the PN6) to ask her if she understood that I was to take them if I was cramping. We agreed that that was what Laura had said, so I took one at 9 o'clock. I then called Josh. I called him to tell him that I thought I just might be in labor, and could he maybe come home a little earlier than he was scheduled... he wasn't going for it until I told him about the appointment and about how I was cramping pretty good, and that they were pretty consistantly 3 minutes apart. He said to call him back at 10ish, and he'd have more news of when he'd be able to come home. I called him at like 9:40 because being alone was just really killing me and I told him that I was going to get gas and then come pick him up. (He had ridden his bike to work, and it would have been an extra 20 minutes without him if I didn't just pick him and the bike up.) On my way to his work, I called Laura to see when we should call. I knew that with first time babies, you call when you can't "walk, talk or breathe through the contraction," but I didn't know if it was the same for second timers... you know, because it's supposed to be faster the second time. She told me the same thing as she did when I was asking this question of her when I was pregnant with Logan, but added, "Just whenever you feel like you need me." Which was funny to me because when I was in labor with Logan I never did feel like I needed her... I was so unsure of being in labor that I didn't even want Josh to call her. (And for those of you who don't know... I was at 8cm when she finally did get to our house) Anyway, I picked up Josh and told him what she said, and that I thought that we should just go by how he felt because I didn't think I had an accurate meter when it came to when she should come. And I never had any contractions with Logan where I truly couldn't walk, talk or breathe so I didn't feel like we could use that either. So, we went to get Logan some "coffee" (hot chocolate) because he'd been asking for it all day long and then went to the grocery store to pick up some orange juice and some toilet paper. We came home and then I think Josh and I played a game of "Hate and Discontent" while Logie watched a movie. Josh won the game... probably the best win he's ever had, and I told him that he couldn't really be that excited since I was maybe in labor, and he pretty much just took advantage of that. :) The contractions stayed steady through all of this, but really didn't seem to be progressing... especially not the way that I was hoping for them to. They still were so bearable that I could talk, and walk, and do anything I needed to without even having to concentrate that hard. It was just like menstrual cramps, or maybe diarrhea cramps. I was a little dissapointed. We went for a walk, and I squatted with each contraction, but by the end of the 8 block walk, I was even in a bad mood because they still were so mild. This was not how I wanted my labor to go... I wanted to know that I was in labor, and be thankful for the pains. But since I was dealing with them so easily, I was really afraid I was having another bout of false labor, and it was really pissing me off. We came home and decided to try and lay down. If it was false labor, I might as well go to sleep, and if it wasn't, maybe it would get moving while I was sleeping... or attempting it. I took another PN6 before I laid down. I did fall asleep, for about an hour. I woke up, went pee, and came back to the bed where I laid and timed the contractions. They were still consistantly 3 minutes apart and lasting a minute to a minute and a half. I took this as a good sign, but since I was still able to easily lay in bed, I was aggravated with the lack of pain and intensity. Around 2:10ish Laura called to check on me. She said that she was wondering what was going on since I called her at 10, and so I explained everything to her, and how I was afraid that it wasn't the real thing because they were so easy to deal with and because they weren't building in intensity as fast as I remembered them doing with Logan. She asked if there was much bleeding, and I told her that I was excited because there had been a TON of bloody mucus-looking stuff, which I took as a very good sign. She said to call her if anything changed from what was going on now and I said that I would. I was completely sure that she was at home thinking, "Wow, Melissa is so overreacting, this is nothing, and I can't believe that I woke up to waste my time on her." I was even more aggravated, but the contractions were enough to keep me awake, so I woke Josh and told him that I thought we should start preparing the house just in case. We moved some stuff around so that there would be room for the birthing tub and I made sure that the PN6 was upstairs, along with the camera, new tape for the camcorder, a bottle of water to keep drinking on, etc. I made Josh and I both a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and we decided that things were staying the same enough that we maybe could start filling the birthing tub. We sat on Logans bed while we watched it fill and ate our sandwiches. While Josh did stuff around the house that I couldn't really help with, I laid on Logans bed (he was in our room on one of the recliners sleeping) and watched the tub fill up and timed my contractions. They were getting a bit more painful, but I could still easily walk, talk and breathe through them... very easily, really. I soon realized that my hair was more than driving me crazy, so I called my mom (this was 3:15ish) and told her that I don't know what else she could do to kill time, but I really wanted her to come and braid my hair. (I know, this is completely ridiculous, but I wanted my mom here, and I had a reason for her... even if it was ridiculous and childish, I had a reason.) :) At 3:28 Laura called and asked how things were going. I told her that I was pretty sure that I was really in labor, because they had changed a bit, but nothing really too exciting... but I was pretty sure. She said then, "Well good, because I'm parking outside your back door." I totally panicked! I told her that I would be right down to get her, and threw my phone at Josh and told him to hurry up and call my mom, Laura was here and I knew she was here to break my water. I was so upset because I just knew that I wasn't far enough along in labor for her to be here, and that once she was here I would feel like there was a little clock ticking... I didn't want that feeling, and I didn't want her to have to wait all day for something to happen. Too late now though, she was outside my back door. I ran down the stairs, and welcomed into our home... which by the way, was not in the shape that I was wanting it to be when she came. I was planning on coming down to tidy up after the tub was full. While taking her up the stairs I had another contraction, but didn't miss a beat... I walked up the stairs and talked her ear off about how the evening had progressed. (This is the exact reason why I didn't want her to be at the house already... the pains were still so easy to deal with!) She told me that she had come because she was worried about the blood that I talked about, and didn't want to say anything on the phone to worry me. She said that when she talked to me I seemed way too relaxed and she was afraid that we were going to wait too long to call her. (She lives 35 minutes from our house) In my head, I was like, "She's going to be so irritated when she realizes we weren't being too relaxed..." She checked me, and informed me I was at 8 cm! She told me that when I was having the next contraction, she wanted to break my water, was that okay? Josh and I both stalled, and so when I told her I was having one, she did it. Holy cow did that feel good! I don't remember there being such an intense release of pressure when she did it with Logan, but wow, it felt good this time!!! We showed her Lelahs nursery Josh took one last standing picture of me pregnant and then I got into the birthing tub. She broke my water at 3:40 am on July 9th by the way. She had told us that things would progress fast once she did that, so Josh called his mom and sister so they could get moving. I thought that the contractions would get pretty unbearable once she broke my water, which is why I didn't say anything about if I was okay with her breaking my water or not, but they surprisingly weren't bad. I mean, they were a lot more like "real" contractions, but I could still talk through them. I joked with Laurie, Joni, my mom, Josh and Laura through them, I walked to the bathroom through them, I was happy through them. It was really quite amazing. Nothing like my contractions with Logan. What also amazed me was that they spaced out. I thought that once she broke my water they would get closer together, but they actually spaced out to closer to 6 minutes apart instead of the 3 that I had been experiencing all night. Laura laid on the bed while everyone stood around visiting, it was really nice. Soon they started to get more intense, and everyone but Laura and Josh left the room. They still weren't awful, they just took more concentration to get through, and I appreciated the time between them a lot more than I had been up until now. Laurie and my mom wanted coffee, and they realized that we had no creamer, so my mom ran to the store and Laurie and Joni just hung out downstairs. Around 5 o'clock the contractions started getting really intense. I had Josh doing counterpressure on my back (which is what totally saved me with laboring with Logan) and when that didn't cut it I had him do the acupressure thing on the bottom of my foot. I don't know if the acupressure helped or if it was just how easy it was to concentrate on the pressure on my foot, but it helped a ton. I remembered reading in "Spiritual Midwifery" about keeping your eyes open and concentrating on one thing... a lot of the birthing stories in that book talked of concentrating on the same thing every contraction. I didn't do that. I concentrated on something different each one. Some of the things I concentrated on were the latch on the window, the bubbles coming from one of the fish on the pools mouth, a chip in the paint, etc. Random things... it was funny though, I never shared with Josh what I was doing, so he was constantly getting in my line of site. It wasn't a big deal though, I would just find something else. Around 5:45 Laura asked me to push with a contraction... it was awful. It was so awful! I told her I didn't want to do that again, and she told me that I had a lip of cervix that she could easily push out of the way and that the baby was so low, I would have her in no time if I just pushed. I didn't want to though. She said that was fine, and that we could just wait. After a few more contractions she checked me again and said the lip was gone and had me push at her hand... again, I didn't like it. She told us that the babies head was so close that it would be out with two or three contractions and me pushing. This is when we decided to call Laurie, Joni and my mom to come upstairs. They came upstairs and with the next contraction Laura had me push again. This is where reality and what I thought was reality really part ways. I was SURE that she was stretching me to the outer edges of the pool... and I BEGGED her to stop... "PLEASE STOP, IT HURTS SO BAD!!!" Josh just said to her, "Laura???" and Laura said to him, "She's got to push Josh, the head is right there." Apparently Josh thought she was the cause of the absolute torture I was feeling also, but after watching the video she was doing nothing but supporting my perineum and it was the babys head that was causing all the pain. For some reason neither Josh nor I believed her. Anyway, she told us again, after the contraction that it was right there, and told Josh to get into the tub if he was going to catch the baby. I was pretty sure she was lying, but didn't have the energy to question what the hell was going on and mention how utterly miserable I was feeling, and that I felt like there was a giant, 20 lb. watermelon pushing to get out. She told me that I needed to push through the pain and that the baby would come out. I didn't believe her again. (I do need to mention here that I don't understand any of these thoughts. There aren't many people in this world that I respect and admire as much as I do Laura, so it makes absolutely no sense to me...) Josh got in the tub as he was told and I sat through I think two or three contractions. My mom questioned Laura about it, something like, "Is she hiding her contractions again?" and Laura, being the ever-wonderful and patient person she is said to my mom, "No, she's not hiding them, she's just waiting for a strong enough one to push with." In my head I was thinking, "I'm glad she believes that because I'm not pushing ever again!" About then another contraction started and I had no choice... my uterus was pushing even if I had made the decision not to... and it hurt a hell of a lot more to let it push her head against the birth canal while I just sat there than it did when I had something to concentrate on... like pushing. So I pushed. Laura must have known from what I looked like down there because she started showering me with praise and telling me that the head was right there and that it was crowning (????... again, I didn't believe her... it just felt like a whole hell of a lot of pressure to me) and all the sudden, "The head is out!" Holy cow, I couldn't believe it... she told me then to take a deep breath and push again and the body would come... I remember thinking, "A deep breath!?!?... screw that, I'm pushing!" I pushed again, and out came her body. "Oh my God! That feels so good!" is what I said about that, while everyone else was oohing and awing over my beautiful baby girl. I sat there, on my knees, draped over the side of the pool for what felt like forever while I listened to her crying (which I did care about... even if it didn't seem like it after my last outloud comment) and about how she looked... everyone kept talking about her hair and how much there was, I wanted to see her so bad, but I just couldn't move. I was like on sensory overload down there or something. It felt like I sat there just listening for an eternity, but I don't think it was even a minute before they started talking about how to get her around to me. I then decided I didn't want to hold my baby for the first time on my hands and knees, so I started to move to sit on my bottom. She was beautiful! Her head was soooo full of black hair I could hardly believe it, and she was COVERED in vernix. I felt so much more with it then I did with Logan... so much more thankful that she was there, and crying, and that she was letting the world know that she wasn't happy to have joined us. :) She was born at 6:10am on July 9, 2008, after I say, three pushes. I don't think the other ones really counted because the three were the only ones that I really gave my all. We waited for the cord to stop pulsing, and while waiting, Lelah didn't miss a second to fill with her loud cries... and Aunt Joni and Grandma Laurie didn't miss a second to fill with pictures. It was wonderful... really really wonderful. Once the cord stopped pulsing, Laura clamped it and Josh cut it... Laura handed her to Josh and started trying to get my placenta to come out... it came out in one push, and again, it felt like such a relief! Soon after the placenta was delivered Laura weighed her and she was 9 lbs! She measured 22 inches long... just like Logan, and she was still crying through all of this. :) This is funny to me because she's so mellow now... and Logan was so quiet when he was born, and has since those first moments after birth been one really loud boy. :)

I have to say that the laboring was easier than I could have ever dreamed of. I really feel that I only labored hard for an hour, and the fact that I pushed her out in three pushes is absolutely amazing to me. I'm not half as sore as I was after Logan, and I didn't pass out even once... compared to the four times I did with Logan. I feel wonderful, she's beautiful, and I'm so happy with everything.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Midwife Appt. & Jonis Wedding

I had my appointment with Laura on Wednesday. When she checked me she said that I was at 4cm, was 75% effaced and that the baby was between 0 and +1. So I had progressed in all areas... I was pretty thrilled. She told me that my bag of waters was bulging, and that she was afraid to touch it because she might break it. That really got me thrilled!!! So, we went ahead and did the belly cast that I was debating on waiting to do because she was pretty sure that I wouldn't make it to Jonis wedding. The cast was a ton of fun, and was really impressive how it was made. I really loved having it done!!! At the appointment, right after she checked me, I was getting undressed and Joni and Brittney were out of the room (from the check) and Laura and I were talking about the cast. She told me that belly casting was something she thought I could do and that she'd like to teach me so that I could do it for her patients that were interested. She told me that she wants to teach me this stuff because she wants to see me every week after the baby is born because I "inspire" her. This was the best news of the day! I had been told that I had progressed when I was sure I hadn't, that I would almost nodoubtably be having the baby before my next appointment and I was having a belly cast done, but the most exciting thing was that I inspire her. I think it's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten... I felt soooooo good! I'm so excited that I really might get to be a part of her midwifery "thing" because there is nothing in the world that I am more interested in. It makes me really excited to think that I might have a part of it! Yay! Anyway, so when we were all done with the cast and my appointment, she gave me a little packet of PN6 which is an herb like 5W's (from what I've read on the internet) that I was to take if my water broke. I guess they were supposed to get my contractions moving along. She told me that if my water didn't break, and that if I was up to it, and had actually made it to Sunday, to call her and then I could take them. She also told me that she really didn't think I'd make it till next week, but that we should set an appointment just in case.... so we did. I have an appointment on Tuesday night at 7pm. I'm anxious to see if I've progressed any since then because I've done nothing but work since I left her freaking office. :) Wednesday night we walked 1/2 or maybe even 3/4 of the lake... and I really power walked. It was me, Joni, Crystal, Tricia, and Levi... oh, and Max too. Then on Thursday I did the same thing, but with my mom. It was more of a leisurely walk, but I still got some pretty good contractions, and I squatted with them. Friday I did nothing but work all day at Lauries getting the carport ready for the reception. And then yesterday, after the wedding we booked it to Lauries where we finished everything for the reception. Poor Laurie really hurt her knee, so I did a lot of running around. I'm sure I would have done just as much, but man, I'm really worried about her poor knee! It looked pretty bad. :( I forgot to mention that Wednesday I was so sure that I was in labor after the walk at the lake. Towards the end of the walk I started having painful contractions... they would start as just a really intense tightening in my whole stomach, and then slowly, my abdomen would start aching, with ever building intensity and then my back would start too. It was like menstrual cramps, but they built with intensity. They would last about a minute or so, and they were about 4 minutes apart for 3 hours... but then they petered out. I was soooo bummed!!!

Well, yesterday Joni and Jason got married. The actual wedding was really miserable. I mean, it would have been absolutely BEAUTIFUL had it not been raining horizontally. By the time the wedding actually got moving we were soaking wet... literally, I'm not exagerating. You could see the hair on Joshs chest through his shirt because he was so wet and Logans shirt had turned pretty see-through also. The wedding didn't last very long, but it was long enough that Logan had to pee half way through. He came up to me and told me "I pee mama!" I told him that it would just be a minute, could he please just wait... "Mo! I pee!" So I told him to go over "there" and do it (by the dunes). I asked Crystal to follow him but they both came back and he was crying (this is where it was kinda nice how horrible the weather was because nobody heard him but me apparently), "Mo, you! I pee!" So I gave my flowers to Vanessa and I took him up to the dunes, which by the way were only about 10 yards from the wedding, and he peed. I felt horrible... all I could think was that Joni would be so mad at me for not staying where I was supposed to with all the other girls, and that I let my son pee at her wedding. But when I told her about it she thought it was hilarious, so that's good. :)

So, I made it to the wedding, my water didn't break, and everything was fine. Chris was having a really hard time with me going... he was so sure that I was going to go into labor. He's so funny. The reception was beautiful... we did such a nice job on the carport! I'm quite impressed with us really. :) Josh and I stayed until about 12:30. I was so tired though, and they weren't really doing much... most everyone was gone but the ones that were there to totally get wasted. So we left. Oh, earlier that night my mom took Logan home, so that was nice. He totally reaked havoc on poor Lauries house this weekend... it was nice to have him gone so I didn't have to constantly be worried about what he was doing that he shouldn't. :(

Josh and I stayed in bed until 11:00 this morning. It felt so good! I didn't sleep for all that time, but it was nice to not have any obligations and nobody asking for juice or a movie or for food. I really feel like I've caught up on the lack of sleep that has been building for the last week or so. Today our plan is to go up to Lauries and help tear down what we worked so hard to do on Friday. But that's okay, I think it should be pretty simple... we're throwing a lot of it away I'm assuming, so it shouldn't be too difficult of a job. We had talked about going on a hike with Joni and Jason, to help maybe get labor moving, but I'm really afraid that it might help labor get started, but that we'll be an hour up the Lewis River. I can totally handle the hiking out, but the drive sounds torturous! We'll see. I'm not sure they will feel up to it after cleaning Lauries, and I don't really know we'll have time after that either.

Alright, that's it for me. Hopefully next time I blog it will be to tell you Lelahs birth story. But no worries, my plan is to not wait just for that. :) I'm sure something is bound to happen worth blogging about before then.

Monday, June 30, 2008

One busy weekend!

Well, I made it through the ridiculously busy weekend that I made for myself. :) I'm going to go in chronological order.

Thursday evening, Joni, Jason and Brandon got into town and we stayed up at Lauries until about midnight visiting with them. Friday I had just Jameson, and after he left we went back up to Lauries for a BBQ for Joni and Nathan (because Nathan is home on leave). Nathan didn't show because he had a better offer, but it was a really nice BBQ and I enjoyed myself up until the end... but we left so that wasn't so bad. :) Saturday was Vanessas babyshower, and it was wonderful! I'm really impressed with how it turned out, except for the madness that came along with me ordering the cake from stupid Kelso Safeway. But that got worked out and the guests didn't even know that there was no cake even made a half hour before the shower. Ugh! Anyway, we played two games, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves... even Laurie who really hates shower games. :) Vanessa got a lot of really nice gifts and seemed to really enjoy herself. Jen and I were worried that we wouldn't have enough food, but there turned out to be plenty... we even had leftovers. :)

After the shower Josh, Logan and I took a much needed two hour nap that was WONDERFUL! Then Joni came over and Brandon and Jason met up with her here and we all went, along with Tricia and Joes family, Ray, Vanessa, Olivia, Jen, Jeremy and Jameson to Diblee Point and played in the water. It was a lot of fun, and I think the kids really enjoyed themselves. At about 9 o'clock we left and Joni, Jason, Brandon, Josh, Logan and I went to Tricia and Joes and had a BBQ and played Catch Phrase. It was fun. We left there around midnight and came home and totally crashed.

Sunday was Logans birthday party... it turned out really nice, but holy cow, he got a lot of presents! I think he would have been happy if he could have stopped after the first one and played with that. Every present, he'd say, "Open it! Open it!" :) He didn't really understand he had to get through all of them. Josh and I had been worried that he would be mean to the guests because he's started this new thing where he doesn't like any adults to talk to him, but we prepared him before they came and he did wonderfully. He only really had one big meltdown, and I think that was just from him being overwhelmed. The party ended rather quickly, so afterwards we went up to the Lewis River with Joni, Jason and Brandon and walked to Big Creek Falls and then to the lower Lewis River falls. It was nice... the falls were both so full of water that I don't think I will recognize them if we go back later this summer. They looked almost angry. Logan wanted to "get in" both of them and wasn't really happy with the "no, we can't" that he kept getting. I think Josh and I have taught him to really love the water. :) I was a bit dissapointed with the very short "hike"... I was hoping for something more. Which is funny, because I'm sure I'd be complaining of how excruciating it was if it would have been too much longer. I just was hoping for something more. Ah well, it was still really beautiful.

So today we're back to same old same old, but we have house guests. We have another very busy weekend ahead of us... Jonis wedding. :) I'm looking forward to it, because it'll keep my mind off of the baby not coming. I've made the decision that it really would be most convenient if she didn't make her appearance until after the wedding. But even with that in my mind, the Melissa that wants to meet her baby girl still really wants to get the show on the road. I keep preparing myself that at my appointment on Wednesday Laura might find that I haven't progressed at all since last week. I just don't feel like I've done any progressing this week... which isn't that big of a deal considering I'm not even due yet.

I don't think I even mentioned what happened at the last appointment. Well, I had progressed, but Laura told us that dilation doesn't really matter that much with second pregnancies, and that what matters is where the baby is and how soft the cervix is. My cervix was softer than it had been the week before, but it was still only half of it... the top half was still pretty hard, while the bottom half seems to be really softening wonderfully. I was dilated from 2cm to 3cm and could be stretched a little further than that. (But again, Laura said that wasn't that important) The baby still seemed to be engaged, but Laura said that she could still push her head up... until she stripped my membranes... then she stayed put. So, like I said I don't feel like I've done any progressing this week, so I'm preparing myself for hearing it from her on Wednesday. It will still be an exciting appointment because I'm having the belly cast done. I'm really looking forward to it... but I'm afraid that if I haven't progressed I might just cancel the belly cast for this week so that I can wait another week of growing before she does it. We'll see.

With all the excitement of the wedding, I'm not sure if I'll even be on here again before it happens, but I'll try. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Logan is 3 years old!

Well, yesterday was Logans 3rd birthday. I can't believe it... I really feel like I was just pregnant with him. The last two years we've taken him to the zoo, but this year after figuring out how much it would cost to drive down to Portland, the admission to the zoo, the cost of riding the train and eating in the zoo, we decided not to go. We sound like total jerks, but Logan wasn't really that interested, and both Josh and I don't really enjoy the zoo that much. On top of all that, there was a special where if you rode your bike to the zoo they would let you in for free... and it was a weekend. I think we would have been pretty miserable.
So, what we did instead... We took Logan to Diblee Point. That's the beach on the Rainier side of the bridge. He thinks it's "the beach" and had a great time. We took his big Tonka truck and he never stopped playing during the two hours we were there. Josh and I had a nice picnic lunch (that Logan was supposed to take part in, but was way too busy for food) and enjoyed watching Logan. I am an idiot and totally spaced off bringing the camera, so the only picture we have is this...

Logan, after playing hard at the beach. :)

After "the beach" we took a nice nap together as a family. Josh and I were planning on taking him out for pizza because that's something we don't get to do very often, and since we were saving so much by staying in town, we figured it would be okay to do. Anyway, I thought I would see if we could go over to Joshs aunt and uncles house so that we could visit with them and Logie could play with Levi (who he totally ADORES). Logan heard me talking to Tricia and decided that he didn't want pizza, he wanted to play with Levi instead. He told me, "I no eat pizza mama, I full... I play outside with Levi." So, we headed over there and ended up eating pizza at their house. :)

Logan with his "hat" on, the plate that he had been resting his fudgesicle on.

All in all, it was a very low-key 3rd birthday for Logan, but I think he had a great time. I'm such a space cadet though because I spaced two very important things... we didn't have our pictures taken and I forgot to get him a birthday cake. :( Ah well, when Lelah is born, we'll just go get our pictures done then.

Speaking of Lelah, nothing has happened yet. I'm still losing mucus plug pretty regularly, but I think that doesn't really mean that much. I've been taking Evening Primrose Oil every night, so maybe that's some of the cause, but I took it with Logan for over a month, and well, we know how that worked out. :) I have an appointment on Wednesday that she'll check me again, so I'll have more news then.

Yesterday, before all of our birthday festivities, we finished Lelahs room. It looks really nice, and I'm very pleased. There are still two walls without anything hanging on them, (which anyone who's seen my walls knows that I can't really stand for that) but I think once she's born and we have some pictures of her and Logan, we'll be able to fill them nicely. :) Along with finishing Lelahs room, we got a whole ton of other things marked off my "To Do Before Baby Comes" list. We still have 3 1/2 things to do. We have to finish cleaning out the upstairs kitchen. It's been our storage area for all of Desi's stuff since she left, so we have all of that packed up, but now we have to nicely arrange the stuff of ours that we had in there. Stuff= junk that we can't seem to part with just yet. :( That shouldn't take too long though, I know we'll be finished with that by the end of today. Also by the end of today, I hope to accomplish the other tasks... get rid of the sewing table that is currently sitting in our dining room (this will be put in the upstairs kitchen), organize Logans bed room (this is where I'll be having the baby... it's the most convenient place for the birthing pool), and make the curtain for Lelahs room. I know that we can finish all of them today, but I'm a little nervous about the curtain, so we'll see about that. Once all of this is finished we're ready. I mean, all we'll have to worry about is the every day stuff that we have to worry about any time someone comes over... make sure that Logans play room is clean, the dishes are in the dishwasher, I'm not overloaded with loads of laundry, clean toilet, clean floors, etc. Everything that was causing me grief will be finished once my list is done... and I'm so glad! I don't really think that Lelah was actually waiting for this list to be accomplished, but I know that when I go into labor, it's one less thing that will be on my mind. (I would have been so horrified if Laura would have seen what that upstairs kitchen looked like!!!)

Alright, so that's it. I think I'll wait to include pictures of Lelahs room until I've finished the curtain. I suppose it won't actually be completely finished until after I have that up. :) Hopefully tonight I can take that picture! Wish us luck... and have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Okay, so I'm so excited I can barely stand it. I just got back from my 36 week appointment with my midwife, Laura. I have been preparing myself since my last appointment that when she checked my cervix, I couldn't get my hopes up because no matter what, I could still have another 6 1/2 weeks left if I go as long as I did with Logan. But that has all been thrown to the wind because of what she had to say. While she told me Logan that I would deliver before my due date (and I still went over by 2 1/2 weeks) she didn't say what she said today! Alright... first I just want to say why I'm believing her full-heartedly. My 20 week ultrasound put me at 2 weeks ahead of schedule... it said that I was actually 22 weeks. But Laura and I had decided that we would stick with the original due date because it would be a lot less suffering for me if I went two weeks late and landed right on my due date than two weeks after... so we kept my July 16th due date instead of the July 6th one. But when she started measuring my fundal height, it was always 2 weeks ahead also. At 30 weeks I measured 32 cm, at 31 weeks, I measured 33 cm, etc. That was up until an appt. or two ago. I measured 34 cm at 33 weeks and then 34 cm at 34 weeks. But at 34 weeks she was pretty sure that the reason that I wasn't measuring ahead at all was because the baby had "dropped." Last but not least, today, for the first half of the day, I have been losing mucous... not bloody yet, but definitely the beginnings of my mucous plug. Anyway, today when she measured, I was at 37 cm... which is a week ahead... I'm starting week 36 today. So I had this thought of, "Oh my gosh, that means she's not engaged!" But then she asked if I wanted her to do a check, and how could I say no, so she did. As soon as she was in, she said that my cervix DID NOT feel like a 36 week cervix, it felt most definitely like a 38 week cervix. She told me then that there was no way that I would make it to my due date of July 16th... she thinks that the July 6th one is much more accurate and that I could have the baby anytime between now and then and she wouldn't be surprised one bit. I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dilated, the baby was at 0 station and Laura felt her head! My baby has been touched by someone other than me!!! That's soooooo exciting to me!!!! I'm so totally thrilled I can barely stand it. She told Josh and I to have lots of sex and she gave me a box of red raspberry leaf tea to help get my uterus nice and strong. (I didn't know that it would work that quickly though... I thought I needed to be drinking it all third trimester or something.)

I looked at my journal that I kept for Logan and it said that at 38 weeks, I was dilated 1cm and was 25% effaced... the baby was at +1 station. So, Logan was lower, but I was less thinned out and less dilated. So, this is good news... I have probably less than 4 1/2 weeks to go! Yayyyyy! Today I'm off to buy some Evening Primrose Oil tabs to help soften my cervix even more... after I took those for a week, my cervix went from a 1 to a 2-3 according to my journal. We're going to have this baby! Yay!

I wrote all of that earlier today. Nothing really went on today except that I drank 9 tea bags worth of the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. It's not so bad as long as you mix it with a whole ton of sugar and kool aid or something. In fact, I actually enjoyed it a little. :)

Chelsea had Chase today. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz. and was 21 inches long. He had his hand up by his face so the poor little thing has a bruised little hand. I cried when my mom told me about how excited Anthony was to meet him... it makes me SOOOOOO excited for Logan to meet Lelah. Speaking of Lelah...

The shower was wonderful. It was so much fun, and there was a whole ton of people there. We really were showered with gifts. :) We got to announce what we have decided on for a name... Lelah Grace Kathryn. I get excited every time I think of her name... I'm so happy with it. Lelah just sounds like such a sunshiny name... I can't wait to meet her! Especially now. I almost wish I didn't know that I could go into labor anytime because I want to get things moving... and it's funny because we still have so much to do. And besides, I would be horrified if Laura came to the house with it looking like it does right now. I haven't mopped for probably two weeks, and it really does need it. The bathroom upstairs really needs to be swept and mopped before anyone sees it... ew. Monday Delores is coming to pick up all of Desis stuff, so we won't have to worry about the kitchen for too much longer. Thank God! Also on Monday, my mom gets home from Anchorage. I'm so glad, I miss her so much and am done sharing her and want her to be home now. I don't like her being so far away... I like her much better when I can visit her in person anytime I want. I'm so selfish! Anyhow, Joni, Jason and hopefully Brandon fly in on Thursday, and then the excitement begins. Friday there is a BBQ at Lauries house for Joni and Nathan so they can see everyone, Saturday is Vanessas shower, and then Sunday is Logans birthday party. Fastforward to the next Friday, it's the 4th of July, then the very next day Joni and Jason are going to get married at Cannon Beach. The wedding is planned for 11 am and then there will be a reception to follow at Lauries house at 6ish. It will be nice. Laurie has been working her patootie off since she heard news that they wanted to get married, so it's bound to turn out nicely. :) With all this going on, it really would be easier for everyone if Miss Lelah hung around in my tummy until all the mess is over with. I can be a lot more helpful having a baby in me than a baby outside of me... especially a brand new baby that wants to nurse all the time. I should keep reminding myself of that. :)

At the appt. last night, I asked Laura how long she thought I needed to not watch Jameson and Max. She said at the very minimum 3 weeks. I had read that having too much responsibility right after having a baby is one of the leading causes for post partum depression... I thought it might be an inflated theory, but Laura totally agreed. She said on top of that, it also can hinder breastfeeding by either not letting your milk come in at all, making it so you don't have enough to feed your baby, or even by making it low quality so you have to supplement with formula. And if anything could send me over the depression deep end, it would be that I couldn't nurse my baby. Ugh... it makes my eyes well up to even think of it. While this is causing huge stresses in both Kaylas and Jens lives, I think I'm making the right decision by saying that I can't watch them for three weeks. I would never forgive myself if I were to take them after a week like I had originally planned and something happened... Be it my milk, postpartum depression or just poor bonding with Lelah, I would never forgive myself. Aside from the huge worry about money, I'm kind of looking forward to having three straight weeks of nothing but my family. Josh has already arranged to take three full weeks off from work, so I won't have that much to do really... mostly just bond with Lelah and keep the bond I have with Logie. I figured we won't really be able to stray too far from home because of gas, but I'm sure that my mom and Laurie will visit just as much as they did with Logan, so it's not like we'll get lonely. :)

My visit with Laura didn't only consist of her checking my cervix and talking to me about the three week maternity thing. There were other things, that happened to be just wonderful. 1) My blood pressure was fine the second time she took it... it was high the first time, but fine the next, so that's great. 2) My Group B test came back negative, so no antibiotics in labor for me... woot! 3) I only gained 2 pounds, which I'm so surprised about because I've been eating like a freaking cow, and according to everything I read, Lelah is gaining 1/2 ounce to 1 full ounce every single day! 4) Laura doesn't think that Lelah will be any bigger than Logan was... which is wonderful news to me because I've been feeling like she is sooooo much bigger than Logan already. And while I understand that guesstimates can be totally off, I'm comfortable with just believing that she's going to be smaller than Logan or the same size as him. Once I'm in labor it's not like she won't be able to come out if she's a couple ounces over Logans 8lbs 2oz. Laura told us a whole bunch of great stories like normal, and answered all my questions... it was really great. I'm already looking forward to our next visit with her... but then again, I look forward to them from the time I step out her door. :) I'm so strange!

Alright, that's it for me... I'm going to go insert some Evening Primrose thingys and hope that they do some softening tonight. :) I'm hoping to get it all soft down there and then when mom gets off that plane I'm safe to go into labor. :) Josh wants to not tell Joni if we have Lelah before she gets here and just surprise her at the airport with a surprise welcome. :) I don't know if she would really appreciate being held in the dark for that long... and I don't really know how we could pull it off anyhow. We'll see. With our luck we probably won't even have the baby until she goes home. :( Okay, hopefully I'll be blogging better. Until next time, I hope you have a wonderful week!

Friday, June 6, 2008

A good 24th birthday

Well, Wednesday was my birthday, and it was really good. It's the first year in like 4 years that I got a birthday cake, and I know it's stupid, but I was really happy to have one. :) It was my favorite kind... with the whip cream frosting and the fresh glazed strawberry center. Mmmm! I'm happy to say that I'll be having the same kind of cake at the shower on Sunday... YAY! We had an appointment with Laura on my birthday, which normal people would think is a crappy birthday present all in itself, but I was thrilled to go! I love going there... she is so fun to talk to and I just really love the feeling I have when I walk into her office. We brought her her birthday present, cause her birthday was on May 27th and when she saw it, she said to me, "What is this, it's YOUR birthday today!" She peeked around the corner and said, "And look what I have for you!" It was the newest edition of Spiritual Midwifery that she's been asking me if I've read and been telling me that I could borrow hers. She said that when she got her copy out she decided I should just have my own, so she went and got me one. I just thought that was so thoughtfully wonderful! :) I'm almost half way through with it now, and I'm enjoying it so much! :) The appointment went well. I only gained 2 pounds, which I'm so thrilled about, my blood pressure is almost back to normal (which is so wonderful because it had gotten a little high there for awhile), my uterus is measuring right on, instead of 1 or 2 cm's higher, but Laura is sure that is because the babys head is now engaged. She said that I can keep up with the hiking and that the contractions I was having after Saddle Mountain was probably just due to dehydration and too much exercise. She said keep up the good work though because it's probably what caused my blood pressure to go back down. Our next appointment is in two weeks (no more waiting three weeks or even a month... yay!) and then after that I'll go in every week. Woo hoo!!! I love going there! She said the baby looked good, and her heartbeat was good too, so everything was great! She thought that maybe the dizziness I've been having was due to having low blood sugar, so I need to eat every 2 hours to keep in good.
Instead of going out to dinner, my mom cooked us a steak dinner with baked potatoes... which was my request. I figured that for the past two months I've really not been enjoying going out to dinner very much, so I decided to ask for the dinner that I've been wanting my mom to make me for the last couple weeks... steak. It was good. I couldn't eat much, but it was so yummy... just what I wanted. :)

The shower is on Sunday, and I'm so excited for it! Mom bought me a new pair of sandals, and Jen is taking me to have a pedicure on Saturday, so I'll have beautiful toenails for the shower... yay! I haven't had a pedicure since January, and I'm so looking forward to it!!!

Last night Josh and I cut out the material for the babies carseat cover. I did all of the sewing on it except the holes also. Talk about tedious! Holy cow, I'm so glad to say that I'm finally finished with that project. It was really difficult, but it looks just like I was hoping it would... and we didn't have to pay $50 for it... I think the total $$ that went into it was like $8. Pretty good deal, I think. :) Of course, now I understand why they charge so much for them... they are HARD work! It probably would have been easier if I would have been able to use the sewing machine, but seems to how I don't know how to work it very well, that wasn't really an option... everything was by hand but two little 4 inch pieces. So here is a picture of that.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Ecola State Park Hike

Sunday, June 1st we went to Ecola State Park and hiked 2.7 excruciating miles. It's funny because when we started the idea of a hike, we were planning on a relatively flat hike that wasn't long. So, I guess we stayed within the "not long" category, but as for the flat part... ha! I first must say that I need to take most of the blame for this... it was my idea to do a "beach" hike, not Joshs. In fact, if it would have been up to him, we would have been going the exact opposite way, to Mt. Rainier to do our hike. When we got to the park, the ranger guy was a jerk and wouldn't let us choose our own hike, (and since we didn't come prepared with book in hand like we normally do on all other hikes) we told him we would like a map of the trails and he handed us a little brochure and said, "This is the best one right now." I asked if we could get the brochures for the other hikes in the area and he told me that they "were low"... Ugh... it was really irritating! Anyway, so we went on this hike that was "the best" and it ended up having only like a 1/2 mile of beach scenery, and it was such a dissapointment! :(

The babys room is painted!!!

We forgot to take real "before" pictures, so this is the best we have.

Well, one large thing has been marked off of my "things to do before baby" list... we have the room painted! It's much brighter than Josh and I were expecting, but it's really cute, and all in all, it looks VERY girly. :) So, here are the (kinda) before pictures and the after pictures. We still have some more to do, but this is the finished paint job.

These are the three "after" pictures... "After" painting but "before" the new hardware and all the baby stuff is added. :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Memorial Day Weekend

So it's been a week since I last posted... there goes my "daily" journal hopes. :) Oh well.

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Laurie and Chris paid for us to drive up to Leisure Time and spend the night up there on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun. We played "Hate and Discontent" with Laurie and Ray on Saturday night, and that was a hoot. Laurie actually got irritated. :)
What Logie and Grandpa did while we were playing the game... I couldn't get a picture without waking him, but Chris really was sleeping too. :)

We took Logan in the family pool, and that was fun... he was pretty nervous the whole time, not like himself, but I think that all the kids jumping and splashing and yelling was the cause of it all. The adult pool and the kiddy pool were both closed, which really surprised me because it was such a big weekend, but whatever. It's not like we could have gone in the adult pool with Logan anyways. Logan loved swimming though... and now out of the blue he'll tell me, "I swim mama?" I don't know how one swimming pool could do it, but he now has it in his head he can swim anytime. We kind of just bummed around camp on Sunday... Jen, Jeremy and Jameson came up to visit, and that was nice. They didn't stay for long, but it wasn't a really great day to be there anyhow. The weather was kinda crappy, and it was too cold to even think of getting in the pool... because camp was SOOOOO far from the pool, we would have froze on the way back. :( Maybe next time. On Sunday Laurie talked to me about our plans for the 4th of July... I think we're all going to go up to Leisure Time for the weekend. I'm glad... there will be fireworks, and I'll get to camp again. Yay! I must say though, getting out of that bed the four or five times I did was kinda a pain, but really not too much worse than at home. (I was just so worried about waking everyone up when I would flush the toilet) Joni, Jason and Brandon will be here, so that will be a ton of fun... and Logan I know will love it even more because of Brandon. I have this feeling that Brandon will be his new favorite person. :) Anyway, we left Sunday evening before dinner and made it home by 8 o'clock. I think we pretty much went straight to bed.

Monday Josh had to go into work for a couple hours before we went on our hike. Logan and I got up at our normal time... around 7:30ish and got ready to go. We were supposed to meet Wes, Katie and Elijah at Starbucks at 9. Anyway, Josh didn't even leave work until Wes and Katie were there, so needless to say, we were late. :( We missed a turn on the way to Saddle Mountain, so I think we probably were on the road at least 30 minutes longer than we really needed to be, but that was okay, Josh and I had a nice time talking and Logan seemed to enjoy the scenery. :) The actual hike was really beautiful, but we couldn't really see more than about 15 feet in front of us due to all the fog.

This is us... in front of what we think is probably a beautiful view.

Saddle Mountain is known for the views... the ocean, the Astoriacolumn, Mount Rainier, etc... but we didn't see ANY of that. :) Josh I think would like to do it again on a clear day, but I'm not so sure I'm up for it. I guess the views would be beautiful, but it totally wore me out. We climbed 1630 feet in two miles. I was in so much pain by 2/3 of the way up that I tried to give up but Wes is way too nice and told me that if I quit than they all would. So, I felt very obligated to finish the stinking hike. I did end up finally just sitting down and saying that I had enough, that they could go the last 1/4 mile or so without me. That I really didn't mind sitting and I really did need the long break. It turned out that Katie and Wes didn't want to climb through all the little rock stuff so they turned around there and went back to their car and left. I was kinda sad when they weren't where they said they would meet us, but I think I enjoyed the hike down more because they weren't around. Me... 32 Weeks and 5 days Pregnant... about done with our hike.
I felt like such a wussy baby that I needed to take so many breaks, but on the way down I was having some pretty powerful Braxton-Hicks contractions. About 1/3 of the way down they started having a tinge of pain with them... nothing to really scare anyone, but it made me realize that I had maybe done enough. Once we got back to the car I was able to time them and they came steadily every 2 minutes for three hours. Some of them felt like real contractions... the ones that start in the back and work their way around to your abdomen... but again, there was not enough pain to really worry me at all. I informed Josh that I thought we should definitely do another hike when it's about time for me to go into labor because if anything could do it, that was it. :)

Logan walked almost the whole way... but he just couldn't handle the whole thing. He's about to fall asleep here. He kept telling Josh, "You good guy da!" I think he was so thankful to not have to walk anymore. :)